Required Python packages are maintained in two files. `base_requirements.txt` contains a list of all the packages required by NetBox. Some of them may be pinned to a specific version of the package due to a known issue. For example:
The other file is `requirements.txt`, which lists each of the required packages pinned to its current stable version. When NetBox is installed, the Python environment is configured to match this file. This helps ensure that a new release of a dependency doesn't break NetBox.
Every minor version release should refresh `requirements.txt` so that it lists the most recent stable release of each package. To do this:
1. Create a new virtual environment.
2. Install the latest version of all required packages via pip:
pip install -U -r base_requirements.txt
3. Run all tests and check that the UI and API function as expected.
4. Update the package versions in `requirements.txt` as appropriate.
Create a file at `/docs/release-notes/` to establish the release notes for the new release. Add the file to the table of contents within `mkdocs.yml`.
Create a new installation of NetBox by following [the current documentation]( This should be a manual process, so that issues with the documentation can be identified and corrected.
Submit a pull request title **"Release vX.Y.Z"** to merge the `develop` branch into `master`. Include a brief change log listing the features, improvements, and/or bugs addressed in the release.
Announce the release on the [mailing list](!forum/netbox-discuss). Include a link to the release and the (HTML-formatted) release notes.