diff --git a/netbox/utilities/utils.py b/netbox/utilities/utils.py
index 946fe33e4..77b17b756 100644
--- a/netbox/utilities/utils.py
+++ b/netbox/utilities/utils.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-import datetime
 import decimal
 from itertools import count, groupby
 from urllib.parse import urlencode
@@ -15,36 +14,6 @@ from netbox.config import get_config
 from .string import title
-def csv_format(data):
-    """
-    Encapsulate any data which contains a comma within double quotes.
-    """
-    csv = []
-    for value in data:
-        # Represent None or False with empty string
-        if value is None or value is False:
-            csv.append('')
-            continue
-        # Convert dates to ISO format
-        if isinstance(value, (datetime.date, datetime.datetime)):
-            value = value.isoformat()
-        # Force conversion to string first so we can check for any commas
-        if not isinstance(value, str):
-            value = '{}'.format(value)
-        # Double-quote the value if it contains a comma or line break
-        if ',' in value or '\n' in value:
-            value = value.replace('"', '""')  # Escape double-quotes
-            csv.append('"{}"'.format(value))
-        else:
-            csv.append('{}'.format(value))
-    return ','.join(csv)
 def dynamic_import(name):
     Dynamically import a class from an absolute path string