* Fix left padding of login button in top menu
* Relocate "add" buttons for embedded object tables
* Remove unused data template block & getNetboxData() utility function
* Remove bottom margin from last <p> element in rendered Markdown inside a table cell
* Prevent TomSelect from initializing on <select> elements with a size
* Fix styling of dropdown menu button for circuit commit rate
* Change .color-block to display: inline-block
* Delete unused static asset
* Improve contrast between menu group headings & items
* Remove custom color for attr-table row headings
* Fix border color of copy-to-clipboard button
* Fix toast text color in dark mode
* Fix rack elevation label/image toggles
* Increase border radius for small buttons
* Fix object selector
Clean up spacing for nav pills
Markdown fields should default to using monospace font
Wrap action buttons in object page header
Fix page link style for non-HTMX paginators
Clean up styling of Markdown preview widget
Fix spacing around placeholder text for empty panel tables
Remove obsolete templates
Tweak checkbox input spacing
Fix toggling of clear button for quick search
Fix positioning of quick search filter dropdown
Fix positioning of 'highlight device' button
Fix styling for custom field group names
Widen buttons on nav menu items
Restyle the login page
Fix active nav-pill background color in dark mode
Fix spacing around 'map' button for sites
* Remove dark mode styling
* Condense & rename light mode stylesheet
* Upgrade to Bootstrap 5.3.2
* Swap out Bootstrap for Tabler; remove custom styling
* Update base page layout for Tabler
* Update login page
* Bump node to v18
* Update button styles
* Update object list view
* Tweak navbar size
* Clean up dashboard widgets
* Ditch separate stylesheet for print media
* Remove simplebar
* Remove obsolete sidebar styling
* Clean up object view template
* Clean up object edit template
* Standardize primary button sizing
* Clean up object list styling
* Add buttons for add & import to navigation menu
* Fix global search bar
* Fix slim-select form widget styling
* Fix toast styling
* Set base fonts
* Clean up paginator styling
* Clean up navigation menu group headings
* Clean up footer links
* Clean up card styles
* Move SVG styles to a designated directory
* Restructure SCSS files
* Remove obsolete/redundant dependencies
* Fix icon spacing
* Update background color classes
* Tweak banner & footer styling and spacing
* Fix badge background colors in table content
* Bump @types/bootstrap to 5.2.10
* Clean up form layouts
* Fix object selector button style
* Fix icon padding inside small buttons
* Fix icon & badge spacing inside buttons and tabs
* Hide paginator for empty pages
* Fix hover color for list items (Tabler bug #1694)
* Fix width of checkbox column in empty tables
* Clean up bulk edit template
* Fix border color of reslug button
* Package & serve Google fonts locally
* Fix tab styling
* Reduce vetical space at top of dashboard
* Remove obsolete content-wrapper template block
* Fix icon spacing in dropdown menu items
* Fix color label sizing
* Separate bulk delete form & object list into tabs
* Fix styling of filter group headings
* Fix styling for object changelog & journal views
* Standardize ordering & styling of action buttons
* Fix designation of active menu item
* Automatically expand menu section containing the active link
* Clean up nav menu styling
* Remove button colors; hide buttons except on hover/active
* Highlight menu group containing the active item
* Update & standardize alert styling
* Refactor base templates to ensure consistent display of header content
* Tweak styling for links inside badges
* Clean up top menu
* Fix JSON/YAML toggles for config context data
* Fix object template header
* Constrain tabs to container-xl; tweak header margins
* Fix object identifier styling
* Fix positioning of card header buttons
* Remove padding from HTMX tables inside cards
* Ensure consistent use of row headings in attribute tables
* Remove padding surrounding tables inside cards
* Remove obsolete CSS classes
* Misc cleanup of old styling
* Refactor 'controls' template block; ditch old classes
* Fix login button sizing
* Limit object edit form width
* Append asterisk to required form field labels
* Remove obsolete styling
* Remove obsolete styling
* Fix position of progress bar outside label
* Fix alignment of delete button in report/script lists
* Fix <pre> styling
* Clean up page headers
* Replace SVG icons with Material Design icons
* Restore dark mode togle functionality
* Fix top navbar background color under dark mode
* Rebuild static assets
* Make object selector functional
* Replace extraneous form fields with selector widgets
* Avoid overlap with filterset field names
* Show checkmarks next to visibile filters
* Update results automatically when searching
* Include selector for device/VM component parent fields
* Use selector for filtering VLAN group/site
* Limit selector to 100 results
* MarkdownWidget
* Change border and color of active markdown tab
* Fix template name typo
* Add render markdown endpoint
* Static assets for markdown widget
* widget style fix and unique ids based on name
* Replace SmallTextArea with SmallMarkdownWidget
* Clear innerHTML before swapping
* render markdown directly in template
* change render markdown view path
* remove small markdown widget
* Simplify rendering logic
* Use a form to clean input Markdown data
Co-authored-by: Jeremy Stretch <jstretch@ns1.com>