Arseny Maslennikov
templates: add an opaque icon for mobile home screens
The netbox_touch-icon-180.png icon was produced by rendering
netbox_icon.svg into a 160x160 square, centered in a 180x180 PNG filled
by the background colour of #212529.
In other words, it is a screenshot of the following HTML element:
<div style="width: 180px;height: 180px;background-color: #212529;">
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 320" style="padding: 10px;">
<g fill="#9cc8f8" stroke="#9cc8f8">
<circle cx="37" cy="284" r="23"></circle>
<circle cx="101" cy="37" r="23"></circle>
<circle cx="101" cy="220" r="23"></circle>
<circle cx="284" cy="220" r="23"></circle>
<rect x="93" y="37" width="16" height="180"></rect>
<rect x="101" y="212" width="180" height="16"></rect>
<rect x="93" y="212" width="16" height="90" transform="rotate(45 101 220)"></rect>
<g fill="#1685fc" stroke="#1685fc">
<circle cx="284" cy="37" r="23"></circle>
<circle cx="37" cy="101" r="23"></circle>
<circle cx="220" cy="101" r="23"></circle>
<circle cx="220" cy="284" r="23"></circle>
<rect x="37" y="93" width="180" height="16"></rect>
<rect x="212" y="101" width="16" height="180"></rect>
<rect x="212" y="93" width="16" height="90" transform="rotate(225 220 101)"></rect>
2021-12-19 01:32:15 +03:00 |