from rest_framework.response import Response from .nested_serializers import NestedConfigTemplateSerializer __all__ = ( 'ConfigContextQuerySetMixin', ) class ConfigContextQuerySetMixin: """ Used by views that work with config context models (device and virtual machine). Provides a get_queryset() method which deals with adding the config context data annotation or not. """ def get_queryset(self): """ Build the proper queryset based on the request context If the `brief` query param equates to True or the `exclude` query param includes `config_context` as a value, return the base queryset. Else, return the queryset annotated with config context data """ queryset = super().get_queryset() request = self.get_serializer_context()['request'] if self.brief or 'config_context' in request.query_params.get('exclude', []): return queryset return queryset.annotate_config_context_data() class ConfigTemplateRenderMixin: def render_configtemplate(self, request, configtemplate, context): output = configtemplate.render(context=context) # If the client has requested "text/plain", return the raw content. if request.accepted_renderer.format == 'txt': return Response(output) template_serializer = NestedConfigTemplateSerializer(configtemplate, context={'request': request}) return Response({ 'configtemplate':, 'content': output })