{% extends '_base.html' %} {% load helpers %} {% block header %}
{% if perms.ipam.change_vrf %} Edit this VRF {% endif %} {% if perms.ipam.delete_vrf %} Delete this VRF {% endif %}

{% block title %}VRF {{ vrf }}{% endblock %}

{% include 'inc/created_updated.html' with obj=vrf %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
Route Distinguisher {{ vrf.rd }}
Tenant {% if vrf.tenant %} {{ vrf.tenant }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
Unique IP Space {% if vrf.enforce_unique %} {% else %} {% endif %}
Description {{ vrf.description|placeholder }}
{% include 'inc/custom_fields_panel.html' with obj=vrf %} {% include 'extras/inc/tags_panel.html' with tags=vrf.tags.all url='ipam:vrf_list' %}
{% include 'responsive_table.html' with table=prefix_table %}
{% endblock %}