{% extends '_base.html' %} {% load render_table from django_tables2 %} {% block title %}{{ ipaddress }}{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if perms.ipam.change_ipaddress %} Edit this IP {% endif %} {% if perms.ipam.delete_ipaddress %} Delete this IP {% endif %}

{{ ipaddress }}

IP Address
Family {{ ipaddress.get_family_display }}
VRF {% if ipaddress.vrf %} {{ ipaddress.vrf }} ({{ ipaddress.vrf.rd }}) {% else %} Global {% endif %}
Tenant {% if ipaddress.tenant %} {{ ipaddress.tenant }} {% elif ipaddress.vrf.tenant %} {{ ipaddress.vrf.tenant }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
Status {{ ipaddress.get_status_display }}
Description {% if ipaddress.description %} {{ ipaddress.description }} {% else %} N/A {% endif %}
Assignment {% if ipaddress.interface %} {{ ipaddress.interface.device }} ({{ ipaddress.interface }}) {% if perms.dcim.change_device and perms.ipam.change_ipaddress %} Remove {% endif %} {% else %} None {% if perms.dcim.change_device and perms.ipam.change_ipaddress %} Assign {% endif %} {% endif %}
NAT (inside) {% if ipaddress.nat_inside %} {{ ipaddress.nat_inside }} {% if ipaddress.nat_inside.interface %} ({{ ipaddress.nat_inside.interface.device }}) {% endif %} {% else %} None {% endif %}
NAT (outside) {% if ipaddress.nat_outside %} {{ ipaddress.nat_outside }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
{% with ipaddress.get_custom_fields as custom_fields %} {% include 'inc/custom_fields_panel.html' %} {% endwith %} {% include 'inc/created_updated.html' with obj=ipaddress %}
{% with heading='Parent Prefixes' %} {% render_table parent_prefixes_table 'panel_table.html' %} {% endwith %} {% if duplicate_ips_table.rows %} {% with heading='Duplicate IP Addresses' panel_class='danger' %} {% render_table duplicate_ips_table 'panel_table.html' %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% with heading='Related IP Addresses' %} {% render_table related_ips_table 'panel_table.html' %} {% endwith %}
{% endblock %}