{% extends 'base/layout.html' %} {% load buttons %} {% load custom_links %} {% load helpers %} {% load perms %} {% load plugins %} {% comment %} Blocks: breadcrumbs: Breadcrumb list items (HTML
  • elements) object_identifier: Unique identifier for the object extra_controls: Additional action buttons to display extra_tabs: Additional tabs to include content: Page content Context: object: The object instance being viewed {% endcomment %} {% block header %}
    {# Breadcrumbs #} {# Object identifier #}
    {% block object_identifier %} {{ object|meta:"app_label" }}.{{ object|meta:"model_name" }}:{{ object.pk }} {% if object.slug %}({{ object.slug }}){% endif %} {% endblock object_identifier %}
    {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block title %}{{ object }}{% endblock %} {% block subtitle %}
    Created {{ object.created|annotated_date }} · Updated {{ object.last_updated|timesince }} ago
    {% endblock %} {% block controls %} {# Clone/Edit/Delete Buttons #}
    {% plugin_buttons object %} {# Extra buttons #} {% block extra_controls %}{% endblock %} {% if object.clone_fields and request.user|can_add:object %} {% clone_button object %} {% endif %} {% if request.user|can_change:object %} {% edit_button object %} {% endif %} {% if request.user|can_delete:object %} {% delete_button object %} {% endif %}
    {% custom_links object %}
    {% endblock controls %} {% block tabs %} {% endblock tabs %} {% block content-wrapper %}
    {% block content %}{% endblock %}
    {% endblock content-wrapper %} {% block modals %} {% include 'inc/htmx_modal.html' %} {% endblock modals %}