import datetime import json from collections import OrderedDict from django.core.serializers import serialize from django.db.models import Count, OuterRef, Subquery from django.http import QueryDict from jinja2 import Environment from dcim.choices import CableLengthUnitChoices from extras.utils import is_taggable def csv_format(data): """ Encapsulate any data which contains a comma within double quotes. """ csv = [] for value in data: # Represent None or False with empty string if value is None or value is False: csv.append('') continue # Convert dates to ISO format if isinstance(value, (, datetime.datetime)): value = value.isoformat() # Force conversion to string first so we can check for any commas if not isinstance(value, str): value = '{}'.format(value) # Double-quote the value if it contains a comma if ',' in value or '\n' in value: csv.append('"{}"'.format(value)) else: csv.append('{}'.format(value)) return ','.join(csv) def foreground_color(bg_color): """ Return the ideal foreground color (black or white) for a given background color in hexadecimal RGB format. """ bg_color = bg_color.strip('#') r, g, b = [int(bg_color[c:c + 2], 16) for c in (0, 2, 4)] if r * 0.299 + g * 0.587 + b * 0.114 > 186: return '000000' else: return 'ffffff' def dynamic_import(name): """ Dynamically import a class from an absolute path string """ components = name.split('.') mod = __import__(components[0]) for comp in components[1:]: mod = getattr(mod, comp) return mod def get_subquery(model, field): """ Return a Subquery suitable for annotating a child object count. """ subquery = Subquery( model.objects.filter( **{field: OuterRef('pk')} ).order_by().values( field ).annotate( c=Count('*') ).values('c') ) return subquery def serialize_object(obj, extra=None): """ Return a generic JSON representation of an object using Django's built-in serializer. (This is used for things like change logging, not the REST API.) Optionally include a dictionary to supplement the object data. """ json_str = serialize('json', [obj]) data = json.loads(json_str)[0]['fields'] # Include any custom fields if hasattr(obj, 'get_custom_fields'): data['custom_fields'] = { field: str(value) for field, value in } # Include any tags if is_taggable(obj): data['tags'] = [ for tag in obj.tags.all()] # Append any extra data if extra is not None: data.update(extra) return data def dict_to_filter_params(d, prefix=''): """ Translate a dictionary of attributes to a nested set of parameters suitable for QuerySet filtering. For example: { "name": "Foo", "rack": { "facility_id": "R101" } } Becomes: { "name": "Foo", "rack__facility_id": "R101" } And can be employed as filter parameters: Device.objects.filter(**dict_to_filter(attrs_dict)) """ params = {} for key, val in d.items(): k = prefix + key if isinstance(val, dict): params.update(dict_to_filter_params(val, k + '__')) else: params[k] = val return params def deepmerge(original, new): """ Deep merge two dictionaries (new into original) and return a new dict """ merged = OrderedDict(original) for key, val in new.items(): if key in original and isinstance(original[key], dict) and isinstance(val, dict): merged[key] = deepmerge(original[key], val) else: merged[key] = val return merged def to_meters(length, unit): """ Convert the given length to meters. """ length = int(length) if length < 0: raise ValueError("Length must be a positive integer") valid_units = CableLengthUnitChoices.values() if unit not in valid_units: raise ValueError( "Unknown unit {}. Must be one of the following: {}".format(unit, ', '.join(valid_units)) ) if unit == CableLengthUnitChoices.UNIT_METER: return length if unit == CableLengthUnitChoices.UNIT_CENTIMETER: return length / 100 if unit == CableLengthUnitChoices.UNIT_FOOT: return length * 0.3048 if unit == CableLengthUnitChoices.UNIT_INCH: return length * 0.3048 * 12 raise ValueError("Unknown unit {}. Must be 'm', 'cm', 'ft', or 'in'.".format(unit)) def render_jinja2(template_code, context): """ Render a Jinja2 template with the provided context. Return the rendered content. """ return Environment().from_string(source=template_code).render(**context) def prepare_cloned_fields(instance): """ Compile an object's `clone_fields` list into a string of URL query parameters. Tags are automatically cloned where applicable. """ params = {} for field_name in getattr(instance, 'clone_fields', []): field = instance._meta.get_field(field_name) field_value = field.value_from_object(instance) # Swap out False with URL-friendly value if field_value is False: field_value = '' # Omit empty values if field_value not in (None, ''): params[field_name] = field_value # Copy tags if is_taggable(instance): params['tags'] = ','.join([ for t in instance.tags.all()]) # Concatenate parameters into a URL query string param_string = '&'.join( ['{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in params.items()] ) return param_string def querydict_to_dict(querydict): """ Convert a django.http.QueryDict object to a regular Python dictionary, preserving lists of multiple values. (QueryDict.dict() will return only the last value in a list for each key.) """ assert isinstance(querydict, QueryDict) return { key: querydict.get(key) if len(value) == 1 else querydict.getlist(key) for key, value in querydict.lists() }