import django_tables2 as tables from django_tables2.utils import Accessor from django.conf import settings from dcim.models import ( ConsolePort, ConsoleServerPort, Device, DeviceBay, DeviceRole, FrontPort, Interface, InventoryItem, Platform, PowerOutlet, PowerPort, RearPort, VirtualChassis, ) from tenancy.tables import TenantColumn from utilities.tables import ( BaseTable, BooleanColumn, ButtonsColumn, ChoiceFieldColumn, ColorColumn, ColoredLabelColumn, LinkedCountColumn, MarkdownColumn, TagColumn, TemplateColumn, ToggleColumn, ) from .template_code import * __all__ = ( 'BaseInterfaceTable', 'ConsolePortTable', 'ConsoleServerPortTable', 'DeviceBayTable', 'DeviceConsolePortTable', 'DeviceConsoleServerPortTable', 'DeviceDeviceBayTable', 'DeviceFrontPortTable', 'DeviceImportTable', 'DeviceInterfaceTable', 'DeviceInventoryItemTable', 'DevicePowerPortTable', 'DevicePowerOutletTable', 'DeviceRearPortTable', 'DeviceRoleTable', 'DeviceTable', 'FrontPortTable', 'InterfaceTable', 'InventoryItemTable', 'PlatformTable', 'PowerOutletTable', 'PowerPortTable', 'RearPortTable', 'VirtualChassisTable', ) def get_cabletermination_row_class(record): if record.mark_connected: return 'success' elif record.cable: return record.cable.get_status_class() return '' def get_interface_state_attribute(record): """ Get interface enabled state as string to attach to DOM element. """ if record.enabled: return "enabled" else: return "disabled" # # Device roles # class DeviceRoleTable(BaseTable): pk = ToggleColumn() name = tables.Column( linkify=True ) device_count = LinkedCountColumn( viewname='dcim:device_list', url_params={'role_id': 'pk'}, verbose_name='Devices' ) vm_count = LinkedCountColumn( viewname='virtualization:virtualmachine_list', url_params={'role_id': 'pk'}, verbose_name='VMs' ) color = ColorColumn() vm_role = BooleanColumn() actions = ButtonsColumn(DeviceRole) class Meta(BaseTable.Meta): model = DeviceRole fields = ('pk', 'name', 'device_count', 'vm_count', 'color', 'vm_role', 'description', 'slug', 'actions') default_columns = ('pk', 'name', 'device_count', 'vm_count', 'color', 'vm_role', 'description', 'actions') # # Platforms # class PlatformTable(BaseTable): pk = ToggleColumn() name = tables.Column( linkify=True ) device_count = LinkedCountColumn( viewname='dcim:device_list', url_params={'platform_id': 'pk'}, verbose_name='Devices' ) vm_count = LinkedCountColumn( viewname='virtualization:virtualmachine_list', url_params={'platform_id': 'pk'}, verbose_name='VMs' ) actions = ButtonsColumn(Platform) class Meta(BaseTable.Meta): model = Platform fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'manufacturer', 'device_count', 'vm_count', 'slug', 'napalm_driver', 'napalm_args', 'description', 'actions', ) default_columns = ( 'pk', 'name', 'manufacturer', 'device_count', 'vm_count', 'napalm_driver', 'description', 'actions', ) # # Devices # class DeviceTable(BaseTable): pk = ToggleColumn() name = tables.TemplateColumn( order_by=('_name',), template_code=DEVICE_LINK ) status = ChoiceFieldColumn() tenant = TenantColumn() site = tables.Column( linkify=True ) location = tables.Column( linkify=True ) rack = tables.Column( linkify=True ) device_role = ColoredLabelColumn( verbose_name='Role' ) manufacturer = tables.Column( accessor=Accessor('device_type__manufacturer'), linkify=True ) device_type = tables.Column( linkify=True, verbose_name='Type' ) if settings.PREFER_IPV4: primary_ip = tables.Column( linkify=True, order_by=('primary_ip4', 'primary_ip6'), verbose_name='IP Address' ) else: primary_ip = tables.Column( linkify=True, order_by=('primary_ip6', 'primary_ip4'), verbose_name='IP Address' ) primary_ip4 = tables.Column( linkify=True, verbose_name='IPv4 Address' ) primary_ip6 = tables.Column( linkify=True, verbose_name='IPv6 Address' ) cluster = tables.Column( linkify=True ) virtual_chassis = tables.Column( linkify=True ) vc_position = tables.Column( verbose_name='VC Position' ) vc_priority = tables.Column( verbose_name='VC Priority' ) comments = MarkdownColumn() tags = TagColumn( url_name='dcim:device_list' ) class Meta(BaseTable.Meta): model = Device fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'status', 'tenant', 'device_role', 'manufacturer', 'device_type', 'platform', 'serial', 'asset_tag', 'site', 'location', 'rack', 'position', 'face', 'airflow', 'primary_ip', 'primary_ip4', 'primary_ip6', 'cluster', 'virtual_chassis', 'vc_position', 'vc_priority', 'comments', 'tags', ) default_columns = ( 'pk', 'name', 'status', 'tenant', 'site', 'location', 'rack', 'device_role', 'manufacturer', 'device_type', 'primary_ip', ) class DeviceImportTable(BaseTable): name = tables.TemplateColumn( template_code=DEVICE_LINK ) status = ChoiceFieldColumn() tenant = TenantColumn() site = tables.Column( linkify=True ) rack = tables.Column( linkify=True ) device_role = tables.Column( verbose_name='Role' ) device_type = tables.Column( verbose_name='Type' ) class Meta(BaseTable.Meta): model = Device fields = ('name', 'status', 'tenant', 'site', 'rack', 'position', 'device_role', 'device_type') empty_text = False # # Device components # class DeviceComponentTable(BaseTable): pk = ToggleColumn() device = tables.Column( linkify=True ) name = tables.Column( linkify=True, order_by=('_name',) ) class Meta(BaseTable.Meta): order_by = ('device', 'name') class CableTerminationTable(BaseTable): cable = tables.Column( linkify=True ) cable_color = ColorColumn( accessor='cable.color', orderable=False, verbose_name='Cable Color' ) link_peer = TemplateColumn( accessor='_link_peer', template_code=LINKTERMINATION, orderable=False, verbose_name='Link Peer' ) mark_connected = BooleanColumn() class PathEndpointTable(CableTerminationTable): connection = TemplateColumn( accessor='_path.last_node', template_code=LINKTERMINATION, verbose_name='Connection', orderable=False ) class ConsolePortTable(DeviceComponentTable, PathEndpointTable): device = tables.Column( linkify={ 'viewname': 'dcim:device_consoleports', 'args': [Accessor('device_id')], } ) tags = TagColumn( url_name='dcim:consoleport_list' ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = ConsolePort fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'type', 'speed', 'description', 'mark_connected', 'cable', 'cable_color', 'link_peer', 'connection', 'tags', ) default_columns = ('pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'type', 'speed', 'description') class DeviceConsolePortTable(ConsolePortTable): name = tables.TemplateColumn( template_code=' {{ value }}', order_by=Accessor('_name'), attrs={'td': {'class': 'text-nowrap'}} ) actions = ButtonsColumn( model=ConsolePort, buttons=('edit', 'delete'), prepend_template=CONSOLEPORT_BUTTONS ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = ConsolePort fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'type', 'speed', 'description', 'mark_connected', 'cable', 'cable_color', 'link_peer', 'connection', 'tags', 'actions' ) default_columns = ('pk', 'name', 'label', 'type', 'speed', 'description', 'cable', 'connection', 'actions') row_attrs = { 'class': get_cabletermination_row_class } class ConsoleServerPortTable(DeviceComponentTable, PathEndpointTable): device = tables.Column( linkify={ 'viewname': 'dcim:device_consoleserverports', 'args': [Accessor('device_id')], } ) tags = TagColumn( url_name='dcim:consoleserverport_list' ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = ConsoleServerPort fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'type', 'speed', 'description', 'mark_connected', 'cable', 'cable_color', 'link_peer', 'connection', 'tags', ) default_columns = ('pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'type', 'speed', 'description') class DeviceConsoleServerPortTable(ConsoleServerPortTable): name = tables.TemplateColumn( template_code=' ' '{{ value }}', order_by=Accessor('_name'), attrs={'td': {'class': 'text-nowrap'}} ) actions = ButtonsColumn( model=ConsoleServerPort, buttons=('edit', 'delete'), prepend_template=CONSOLESERVERPORT_BUTTONS ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = ConsoleServerPort fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'type', 'speed', 'description', 'mark_connected', 'cable', 'cable_color', 'link_peer', 'connection', 'tags', 'actions', ) default_columns = ('pk', 'name', 'label', 'type', 'speed', 'description', 'cable', 'connection', 'actions') row_attrs = { 'class': get_cabletermination_row_class } class PowerPortTable(DeviceComponentTable, PathEndpointTable): device = tables.Column( linkify={ 'viewname': 'dcim:device_powerports', 'args': [Accessor('device_id')], } ) tags = TagColumn( url_name='dcim:powerport_list' ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = PowerPort fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'type', 'description', 'mark_connected', 'maximum_draw', 'allocated_draw', 'cable', 'cable_color', 'link_peer', 'connection', 'tags', ) default_columns = ('pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'type', 'maximum_draw', 'allocated_draw', 'description') class DevicePowerPortTable(PowerPortTable): name = tables.TemplateColumn( template_code=' ' '{{ value }}', order_by=Accessor('_name'), attrs={'td': {'class': 'text-nowrap'}} ) actions = ButtonsColumn( model=PowerPort, buttons=('edit', 'delete'), prepend_template=POWERPORT_BUTTONS ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = PowerPort fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'type', 'maximum_draw', 'allocated_draw', 'description', 'mark_connected', 'cable', 'cable_color', 'link_peer', 'connection', 'tags', 'actions', ) default_columns = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'type', 'maximum_draw', 'allocated_draw', 'description', 'cable', 'connection', 'actions', ) row_attrs = { 'class': get_cabletermination_row_class } class PowerOutletTable(DeviceComponentTable, PathEndpointTable): device = tables.Column( linkify={ 'viewname': 'dcim:device_poweroutlets', 'args': [Accessor('device_id')], } ) power_port = tables.Column( linkify=True ) tags = TagColumn( url_name='dcim:poweroutlet_list' ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = PowerOutlet fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'type', 'description', 'power_port', 'feed_leg', 'mark_connected', 'cable', 'cable_color', 'link_peer', 'connection', 'tags', ) default_columns = ('pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'type', 'power_port', 'feed_leg', 'description') class DevicePowerOutletTable(PowerOutletTable): name = tables.TemplateColumn( template_code=' {{ value }}', order_by=Accessor('_name'), attrs={'td': {'class': 'text-nowrap'}} ) actions = ButtonsColumn( model=PowerOutlet, buttons=('edit', 'delete'), prepend_template=POWEROUTLET_BUTTONS ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = PowerOutlet fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'type', 'power_port', 'feed_leg', 'description', 'mark_connected', 'cable', 'cable_color', 'link_peer', 'connection', 'tags', 'actions', ) default_columns = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'type', 'power_port', 'feed_leg', 'description', 'cable', 'connection', 'actions', ) row_attrs = { 'class': get_cabletermination_row_class } class BaseInterfaceTable(BaseTable): enabled = BooleanColumn() ip_addresses = tables.TemplateColumn( template_code=INTERFACE_IPADDRESSES, orderable=False, verbose_name='IP Addresses' ) untagged_vlan = tables.Column(linkify=True) tagged_vlans = TemplateColumn( template_code=INTERFACE_TAGGED_VLANS, orderable=False, verbose_name='Tagged VLANs' ) class InterfaceTable(DeviceComponentTable, BaseInterfaceTable, PathEndpointTable): device = tables.Column( linkify={ 'viewname': 'dcim:device_interfaces', 'args': [Accessor('device_id')], } ) mgmt_only = BooleanColumn() wireless_link = tables.Column( linkify=True ) wireless_lans = TemplateColumn( template_code=INTERFACE_WIRELESS_LANS, orderable=False, verbose_name='Wireless LANs' ) tags = TagColumn( url_name='dcim:interface_list' ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = Interface fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'enabled', 'type', 'mgmt_only', 'mtu', 'mode', 'mac_address', 'wwn', 'rf_role', 'rf_channel', 'rf_channel_frequency', 'rf_channel_width', 'description', 'mark_connected', 'cable', 'cable_color', 'wireless_link', 'wireless_lans', 'link_peer', 'connection', 'tags', 'ip_addresses', 'untagged_vlan', 'tagged_vlans', ) default_columns = ('pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'enabled', 'type', 'description') class DeviceInterfaceTable(InterfaceTable): name = tables.TemplateColumn( template_code=' {{ value }}', order_by=Accessor('_name'), attrs={'td': {'class': 'text-nowrap'}} ) parent = tables.Column( linkify=True, verbose_name='Parent' ) lag = tables.Column( linkify=True, verbose_name='LAG' ) actions = ButtonsColumn( model=Interface, buttons=('edit', 'delete'), prepend_template=INTERFACE_BUTTONS ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = Interface fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'enabled', 'type', 'parent', 'lag', 'mgmt_only', 'mtu', 'mode', 'mac_address', 'wwn', 'rf_role', 'rf_channel', 'rf_channel_width', 'description', 'mark_connected', 'cable', 'cable_color', 'wireless_link', 'wireless_lans', 'link_peer', 'connection', 'tags', 'ip_addresses', 'untagged_vlan', 'tagged_vlans', 'actions', ) order_by = ('name',) default_columns = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'enabled', 'type', 'parent', 'lag', 'mtu', 'mode', 'description', 'ip_addresses', 'cable', 'connection', 'actions', ) row_attrs = { 'class': get_cabletermination_row_class, 'data-name': lambda record:, 'data-enabled': get_interface_state_attribute, } class FrontPortTable(DeviceComponentTable, CableTerminationTable): device = tables.Column( linkify={ 'viewname': 'dcim:device_frontports', 'args': [Accessor('device_id')], } ) color = ColorColumn() rear_port_position = tables.Column( verbose_name='Position' ) rear_port = tables.Column( linkify=True ) tags = TagColumn( url_name='dcim:frontport_list' ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = FrontPort fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'type', 'color', 'rear_port', 'rear_port_position', 'description', 'mark_connected', 'cable', 'cable_color', 'link_peer', 'tags', ) default_columns = ( 'pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'type', 'color', 'rear_port', 'rear_port_position', 'description', ) class DeviceFrontPortTable(FrontPortTable): name = tables.TemplateColumn( template_code=' ' '{{ value }}', order_by=Accessor('_name'), attrs={'td': {'class': 'text-nowrap'}} ) actions = ButtonsColumn( model=FrontPort, buttons=('edit', 'delete'), prepend_template=FRONTPORT_BUTTONS ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = FrontPort fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'type', 'rear_port', 'rear_port_position', 'description', 'mark_connected', 'cable', 'cable_color', 'link_peer', 'tags', 'actions', ) default_columns = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'type', 'rear_port', 'rear_port_position', 'description', 'cable', 'link_peer', 'actions', ) row_attrs = { 'class': get_cabletermination_row_class } class RearPortTable(DeviceComponentTable, CableTerminationTable): device = tables.Column( linkify={ 'viewname': 'dcim:device_rearports', 'args': [Accessor('device_id')], } ) color = ColorColumn() tags = TagColumn( url_name='dcim:rearport_list' ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = RearPort fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'type', 'color', 'positions', 'description', 'mark_connected', 'cable', 'cable_color', 'link_peer', 'tags', ) default_columns = ('pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'type', 'color', 'description') class DeviceRearPortTable(RearPortTable): name = tables.TemplateColumn( template_code=' ' '{{ value }}', order_by=Accessor('_name'), attrs={'td': {'class': 'text-nowrap'}} ) actions = ButtonsColumn( model=RearPort, buttons=('edit', 'delete'), prepend_template=REARPORT_BUTTONS ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = RearPort fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'type', 'positions', 'description', 'mark_connected', 'cable', 'cable_color', 'link_peer', 'tags', 'actions', ) default_columns = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'type', 'positions', 'description', 'cable', 'link_peer', 'actions', ) row_attrs = { 'class': get_cabletermination_row_class } class DeviceBayTable(DeviceComponentTable): device = tables.Column( linkify={ 'viewname': 'dcim:device_devicebays', 'args': [Accessor('device_id')], } ) status = tables.TemplateColumn( template_code=DEVICEBAY_STATUS ) installed_device = tables.Column( linkify=True ) tags = TagColumn( url_name='dcim:devicebay_list' ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = DeviceBay fields = ('pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'status', 'installed_device', 'description', 'tags') default_columns = ('pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'status', 'installed_device', 'description') class DeviceDeviceBayTable(DeviceBayTable): name = tables.TemplateColumn( template_code=' {{ value }}', order_by=Accessor('_name'), attrs={'td': {'class': 'text-nowrap'}} ) actions = ButtonsColumn( model=DeviceBay, buttons=('edit', 'delete'), prepend_template=DEVICEBAY_BUTTONS ) class Meta(DeviceComponentTable.Meta): model = DeviceBay fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'status', 'installed_device', 'description', 'tags', 'actions', ) default_columns = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'status', 'installed_device', 'description', 'actions', ) class InventoryItemTable(DeviceComponentTable): device = tables.Column( linkify={ 'viewname': 'dcim:device_inventory', 'args': [Accessor('device_id')], } ) manufacturer = tables.Column( linkify=True ) discovered = BooleanColumn() tags = TagColumn( url_name='dcim:inventoryitem_list' ) cable = None # Override DeviceComponentTable class Meta(BaseTable.Meta): model = InventoryItem fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'manufacturer', 'part_id', 'serial', 'asset_tag', 'description', 'discovered', 'tags', ) default_columns = ('pk', 'name', 'device', 'label', 'manufacturer', 'part_id', 'serial', 'asset_tag') class DeviceInventoryItemTable(InventoryItemTable): name = tables.TemplateColumn( template_code='' '{{ value }}', order_by=Accessor('_name'), attrs={'td': {'class': 'text-nowrap'}} ) actions = ButtonsColumn( model=InventoryItem, buttons=('edit', 'delete') ) class Meta(BaseTable.Meta): model = InventoryItem fields = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'manufacturer', 'part_id', 'serial', 'asset_tag', 'description', 'discovered', 'tags', 'actions', ) default_columns = ( 'pk', 'name', 'label', 'manufacturer', 'part_id', 'serial', 'asset_tag', 'description', 'discovered', 'actions', ) # # Virtual chassis # class VirtualChassisTable(BaseTable): pk = ToggleColumn() name = tables.Column( linkify=True ) master = tables.Column( linkify=True ) member_count = LinkedCountColumn( viewname='dcim:device_list', url_params={'virtual_chassis_id': 'pk'}, verbose_name='Members' ) tags = TagColumn( url_name='dcim:virtualchassis_list' ) class Meta(BaseTable.Meta): model = VirtualChassis fields = ('pk', 'name', 'domain', 'master', 'member_count', 'tags') default_columns = ('pk', 'name', 'domain', 'master', 'member_count')