import svgwrite from svgwrite.container import Group, Hyperlink from svgwrite.shapes import Line, Rect from svgwrite.text import Text from django.conf import settings from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.http import urlencode from utilities.utils import foreground_color from .choices import DeviceFaceChoices from .constants import RACK_ELEVATION_BORDER_WIDTH __all__ = ( 'CableTraceSVG', 'RackElevationSVG', ) class RackElevationSVG: """ Use this class to render a rack elevation as an SVG image. :param rack: A NetBox Rack instance :param user: User instance. If specified, only devices viewable by this user will be fully displayed. :param include_images: If true, the SVG document will embed front/rear device face images, where available :param base_url: Base URL for links within the SVG document. If none, links will be relative. """ def __init__(self, rack, user=None, include_images=True, base_url=None): self.rack = rack self.include_images = include_images if base_url is not None: self.base_url = base_url.rstrip('/') else: self.base_url = '' # Determine the subset of devices within this rack that are viewable by the user, if any permitted_devices = self.rack.devices if user is not None: permitted_devices = permitted_devices.restrict(user, 'view') self.permitted_device_ids = permitted_devices.values_list('pk', flat=True) @staticmethod def _get_device_description(device): return '{} ({}) — {} {} ({}U) {} {}'.format(, device.device_role,, device.device_type.model, device.device_type.u_height, device.asset_tag or '', device.serial or '' ) @staticmethod def _add_gradient(drawing, id_, color): gradient = drawing.linearGradient( start=(0, 0), end=(0, 25), spreadMethod='repeat', id_=id_, gradientTransform='rotate(45, 0, 0)', gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse' ) gradient.add_stop_color(offset='0%', color='#f7f7f7') gradient.add_stop_color(offset='50%', color='#f7f7f7') gradient.add_stop_color(offset='50%', color=color) gradient.add_stop_color(offset='100%', color=color) drawing.defs.add(gradient) @staticmethod def _setup_drawing(width, height): drawing = svgwrite.Drawing(size=(width, height)) # add the stylesheet with open('{}/rack_elevation.css'.format(settings.STATIC_ROOT)) as css_file: drawing.defs.add( # add gradients RackElevationSVG._add_gradient(drawing, 'reserved', '#c7c7ff') RackElevationSVG._add_gradient(drawing, 'occupied', '#d7d7d7') RackElevationSVG._add_gradient(drawing, 'blocked', '#ffc0c0') return drawing def _draw_device_front(self, drawing, device, start, end, text): name = str(device) if device.devicebay_count: name += ' ({}/{})'.format(device.get_children().count(), device.devicebay_count) color = device.device_role.color link = drawing.add( drawing.a( href='{}{}'.format(self.base_url, reverse('dcim:device', kwargs={'pk':})), target='_top', fill='black' ) ) link.set_desc(self._get_device_description(device)) link.add(drawing.rect(start, end, style='fill: #{}'.format(color), class_='slot')) hex_color = '#{}'.format(foreground_color(color)) link.add(drawing.text(str(name), insert=text, fill=hex_color)) # Embed front device type image if one exists if self.include_images and device.device_type.front_image: image = drawing.image( href=device.device_type.front_image.url, insert=start, size=end, class_='device-image' )'slice') link.add(image) link.add(drawing.text(str(name), insert=text, stroke='black', stroke_width='0.2em', stroke_linejoin='round', class_='device-image-label')) link.add(drawing.text(str(name), insert=text, fill='white', class_='device-image-label')) def _draw_device_rear(self, drawing, device, start, end, text): rect = drawing.rect(start, end, class_="slot blocked") rect.set_desc(self._get_device_description(device)) drawing.add(rect) drawing.add(drawing.text(str(device), insert=text)) # Embed rear device type image if one exists if self.include_images and device.device_type.rear_image: image = drawing.image( href=device.device_type.rear_image.url, insert=start, size=end, class_='device-image' )'slice') drawing.add(image) drawing.add(drawing.text(str(device), insert=text, stroke='black', stroke_width='0.2em', stroke_linejoin='round', class_='device-image-label')) drawing.add(drawing.text(str(device), insert=text, fill='white', class_='device-image-label')) @staticmethod def _draw_empty(drawing, rack, start, end, text, id_, face_id, class_, reservation): link_url = '{}?{}'.format( reverse('dcim:device_add'), urlencode({ 'site':, 'location': if rack.location else '', 'rack':, 'face': face_id, 'position': id_ }) ) link = drawing.add( drawing.a(href=link_url, target='_top') ) if reservation: link.set_desc('{} — {} · {}'.format( reservation.description, reservation.user, reservation.created )) link.add(drawing.rect(start, end, class_=class_)) link.add(drawing.text("add device", insert=text, class_='add-device')) def merge_elevations(self, face): elevation = self.rack.get_rack_units(face=face, expand_devices=False) if face == DeviceFaceChoices.FACE_REAR: other_face = DeviceFaceChoices.FACE_FRONT else: other_face = DeviceFaceChoices.FACE_REAR other = self.rack.get_rack_units(face=other_face) unit_cursor = 0 for u in elevation: o = other[unit_cursor] if not u['device'] and o['device'] and o['device'].device_type.is_full_depth: u['device'] = o['device'] u['height'] = 1 unit_cursor += u.get('height', 1) return elevation def render(self, face, unit_width, unit_height, legend_width): """ Return an SVG document representing a rack elevation. """ drawing = self._setup_drawing( unit_width + legend_width + RACK_ELEVATION_BORDER_WIDTH * 2, unit_height * self.rack.u_height + RACK_ELEVATION_BORDER_WIDTH * 2 ) reserved_units = self.rack.get_reserved_units() unit_cursor = 0 for ru in range(0, self.rack.u_height): start_y = ru * unit_height position_coordinates = (legend_width / 2, start_y + unit_height / 2 + RACK_ELEVATION_BORDER_WIDTH) unit = ru + 1 if self.rack.desc_units else self.rack.u_height - ru drawing.add( drawing.text(str(unit), position_coordinates, class_="unit") ) for unit in self.merge_elevations(face): # Loop through all units in the elevation device = unit['device'] height = unit.get('height', 1) # Setup drawing coordinates x_offset = legend_width + RACK_ELEVATION_BORDER_WIDTH y_offset = unit_cursor * unit_height + RACK_ELEVATION_BORDER_WIDTH end_y = unit_height * height start_cordinates = (x_offset, y_offset) end_cordinates = (unit_width, end_y) text_cordinates = (x_offset + (unit_width / 2), y_offset + end_y / 2) # Draw the device if device and device.face == face and in self.permitted_device_ids: self._draw_device_front(drawing, device, start_cordinates, end_cordinates, text_cordinates) elif device and device.device_type.is_full_depth and in self.permitted_device_ids: self._draw_device_rear(drawing, device, start_cordinates, end_cordinates, text_cordinates) elif device: # Devices which the user does not have permission to view are rendered only as unavailable space drawing.add(drawing.rect(start_cordinates, end_cordinates, class_='blocked')) else: # Draw shallow devices, reservations, or empty units class_ = 'slot' reservation = reserved_units.get(unit["id"]) if device: class_ += ' occupied' if reservation: class_ += ' reserved' self._draw_empty( drawing, self.rack, start_cordinates, end_cordinates, text_cordinates, unit["id"], face, class_, reservation ) unit_cursor += height # Wrap the drawing with a border border_width = RACK_ELEVATION_BORDER_WIDTH border_offset = RACK_ELEVATION_BORDER_WIDTH / 2 frame = drawing.rect( insert=(legend_width + border_offset, border_offset), size=(unit_width + border_width, self.rack.u_height * unit_height + border_width), class_='rack' ) drawing.add(frame) return drawing OFFSET = 0.5 PADDING = 10 LINE_HEIGHT = 20 class CableTraceSVG: """ Generate a graphical representation of a CablePath in SVG format. :param origin: The originating termination :param width: Width of the generated image (in pixels) :param base_url: Base URL for links within the SVG document. If none, links will be relative. """ def __init__(self, origin, width=400, base_url=None): self.origin = origin self.width = width self.base_url = base_url.rstrip('/') if base_url is not None else '' # Establish a cursor to track position on the y axis # Center edges on pixels to render sharp borders self.cursor = OFFSET @property def center(self): return self.width / 2 @classmethod def _get_labels(cls, instance): """ Return a list of text labels for the given instance based on model type. """ labels = [str(instance)] if instance._meta.model_name == 'device': labels.append(f'{instance.device_type.manufacturer} {instance.device_type}') location_label = f'{}' if instance.location: location_label += f' / {instance.location}' if instance.rack: location_label += f' / {instance.rack}' labels.append(location_label) elif instance._meta.model_name == 'circuit': labels[0] = f'Circuit {instance}' labels.append(instance.provider) elif instance._meta.model_name == 'circuittermination': if instance.xconnect_id: labels.append(f'{instance.xconnect_id}') elif instance._meta.model_name == 'providernetwork': labels.append(instance.provider) return labels @classmethod def _get_color(cls, instance): """ Return the appropriate fill color for an object within a cable path. """ if hasattr(instance, 'parent_object'): # Termination return 'f0f0f0' if hasattr(instance, 'device_role'): # Device return instance.device_role.color else: # Other parent object return 'e0e0e0' def _draw_box(self, width, color, url, labels, y_indent=0, padding_multiplier=1, radius=10): """ Return an SVG Link element containing a Rect and one or more text labels representing a parent object or cable termination point. :param width: Box width :param color: Box fill color :param url: Hyperlink URL :param labels: Iterable of text labels :param y_indent: Vertical indent (for overlapping other boxes) (default: 0) :param padding_multiplier: Add extra vertical padding (default: 1) :param radius: Box corner radius (default: 10) """ self.cursor -= y_indent # Create a hyperlink link = Hyperlink(href=f'{self.base_url}{url}', target='_blank') # Add the box position = ( OFFSET + (self.width - width) / 2, self.cursor ) height = PADDING * padding_multiplier \ + LINE_HEIGHT * len(labels) \ + PADDING * padding_multiplier box = Rect(position, (width - 2, height), rx=radius, class_='parent-object', style=f'fill: #{color}') link.add(box) self.cursor += PADDING * padding_multiplier # Add text label(s) for i, label in enumerate(labels): self.cursor += LINE_HEIGHT text_coords = (, self.cursor - LINE_HEIGHT / 2) text_color = f'#{foreground_color(color, dark="303030")}' text = Text(label, insert=text_coords, fill=text_color, class_='bold' if not i else []) link.add(text) self.cursor += PADDING * padding_multiplier return link def _draw_cable(self, color, url, labels): """ Return an SVG group containing a line element and text labels representing a Cable. :param color: Cable (line) color :param url: Hyperlink URL :param labels: Iterable of text labels """ group = Group(class_='connector') # Draw a "shadow" line to give the cable a border start = (OFFSET +, self.cursor) height = PADDING * 2 + LINE_HEIGHT * len(labels) + PADDING * 2 end = (start[0], start[1] + height) cable_shadow = Line(start=start, end=end, class_='cable-shadow') group.add(cable_shadow) # Draw the cable cable = Line(start=start, end=end, style=f'stroke: #{color}') group.add(cable) self.cursor += PADDING * 2 # Add link link = Hyperlink(href=f'{self.base_url}{url}', target='_blank') # Add text label(s) for i, label in enumerate(labels): self.cursor += LINE_HEIGHT text_coords = ( + PADDING * 2, self.cursor - LINE_HEIGHT / 2) text = Text(label, insert=text_coords, class_='bold' if not i else []) link.add(text) group.add(link) self.cursor += PADDING * 2 return group def _draw_wirelesslink(self, url, labels): """ Draw a line with labels representing a WirelessLink. :param url: Hyperlink URL :param labels: Iterable of text labels """ group = Group(class_='connector') # Draw the wireless link start = (OFFSET +, self.cursor) height = PADDING * 2 + LINE_HEIGHT * len(labels) + PADDING * 2 end = (start[0], start[1] + height) line = Line(start=start, end=end, class_='wireless-link') group.add(line) self.cursor += PADDING * 2 # Add link link = Hyperlink(href=f'{self.base_url}{url}', target='_blank') # Add text label(s) for i, label in enumerate(labels): self.cursor += LINE_HEIGHT text_coords = ( + PADDING * 2, self.cursor - LINE_HEIGHT / 2) text = Text(label, insert=text_coords, class_='bold' if not i else []) link.add(text) group.add(link) self.cursor += PADDING * 2 return group def _draw_attachment(self): """ Return an SVG group containing a line element and "Attachment" label. """ group = Group(class_='connector') # Draw attachment (line) start = (OFFSET +, OFFSET + self.cursor) height = PADDING * 2 + LINE_HEIGHT + PADDING * 2 end = (start[0], start[1] + height) line = Line(start=start, end=end, class_='attachment') group.add(line) self.cursor += PADDING * 4 return group def render(self): """ Return an SVG document representing a cable trace. """ from dcim.models import Cable from wireless.models import WirelessLink traced_path = self.origin.trace() # Prep elements list parent_objects = [] terminations = [] connectors = [] # Iterate through each (term, cable, term) segment in the path for i, segment in enumerate(traced_path): near_end, connector, far_end = segment # Near end parent if i == 0: # If this is the first segment, draw the originating termination's parent object parent_object = self._draw_box( width=self.width, color=self._get_color(near_end.parent_object), url=near_end.parent_object.get_absolute_url(), labels=self._get_labels(near_end.parent_object), padding_multiplier=2 ) parent_objects.append(parent_object) # Near end termination if near_end is not None: termination = self._draw_box( width=self.width * .8, color=self._get_color(near_end), url=near_end.get_absolute_url(), labels=self._get_labels(near_end), y_indent=PADDING, radius=5 ) terminations.append(termination) # Connector (a Cable or WirelessLink) if connector is not None: # Cable if type(connector) is Cable: connector_labels = [ f'Cable {connector}', connector.get_status_display() ] if connector.type: connector_labels.append(connector.get_type_display()) if connector.length and connector.length_unit: connector_labels.append(f'{connector.length} {connector.get_length_unit_display()}') cable = self._draw_cable( color=connector.color or '000000', url=connector.get_absolute_url(), labels=connector_labels ) connectors.append(cable) # WirelessLink elif type(connector) is WirelessLink: connector_labels = [ f'Wireless link {connector}', connector.get_status_display() ] if connector.ssid: connector_labels.append(connector.ssid) wirelesslink = self._draw_wirelesslink( url=connector.get_absolute_url(), labels=connector_labels ) connectors.append(wirelesslink) # Far end termination termination = self._draw_box( width=self.width * .8, color=self._get_color(far_end), url=far_end.get_absolute_url(), labels=self._get_labels(far_end), radius=5 ) terminations.append(termination) # Far end parent parent_object = self._draw_box( width=self.width, color=self._get_color(far_end.parent_object), url=far_end.parent_object.get_absolute_url(), labels=self._get_labels(far_end.parent_object), y_indent=PADDING, padding_multiplier=2 ) parent_objects.append(parent_object) elif far_end: # Attachment attachment = self._draw_attachment() connectors.append(attachment) # ProviderNetwork parent_object = self._draw_box( width=self.width, color=self._get_color(far_end), url=far_end.get_absolute_url(), labels=self._get_labels(far_end), padding_multiplier=2 ) parent_objects.append(parent_object) # Determine drawing size self.drawing = svgwrite.Drawing( size=(self.width, self.cursor + 2) ) # Attach CSS stylesheet with open(f'{settings.STATIC_ROOT}/cable_trace.css') as css_file: self.drawing.defs.add( # Add elements to the drawing in order of depth (Z axis) for element in connectors + parent_objects + terminations: self.drawing.add(element) return self.drawing