import logging from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.db.models.fields.reverse_related import ManyToManyRel from django.db.models.signals import m2m_changed, post_save, pre_delete from django.dispatch import receiver, Signal from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django_prometheus.models import model_deletes, model_inserts, model_updates from core.signals import job_end, job_start from extras.constants import EVENT_JOB_END, EVENT_JOB_START from import process_event_rules from extras.models import EventRule from extras.validators import run_validators from netbox.config import get_config from netbox.context import current_request, events_queue from netbox.models.features import ChangeLoggingMixin from netbox.signals import post_clean from utilities.exceptions import AbortRequest from .choices import ObjectChangeActionChoices from .events import enqueue_object, get_snapshots, serialize_for_event from .models import CustomField, ObjectChange, TaggedItem # # Change logging/webhooks # # Define a custom signal that can be sent to clear any queued events clear_events = Signal() def is_same_object(instance, webhook_data, request_id): """ Compare the given instance to the most recent queued webhook object, returning True if they match. This check is used to avoid creating duplicate webhook entries. """ return ( ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance) == webhook_data['content_type'] and == webhook_data['object_id'] and request_id == webhook_data['request_id'] ) @receiver((post_save, m2m_changed)) def handle_changed_object(sender, instance, **kwargs): """ Fires when an object is created or updated. """ m2m_changed = False if not hasattr(instance, 'to_objectchange'): return # Get the current request, or bail if not set request = current_request.get() if request is None: return # Determine the type of change being made if kwargs.get('created'): action = ObjectChangeActionChoices.ACTION_CREATE elif 'created' in kwargs: action = ObjectChangeActionChoices.ACTION_UPDATE elif kwargs.get('action') in ['post_add', 'post_remove'] and kwargs['pk_set']: # m2m_changed with objects added or removed m2m_changed = True action = ObjectChangeActionChoices.ACTION_UPDATE else: return # Create/update an ObjectChange record for this change objectchange = instance.to_objectchange(action) # If this is a many-to-many field change, check for a previous ObjectChange instance recorded # for this object by this request and update it if m2m_changed and ( prev_change := ObjectChange.objects.filter( changed_object_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance),, ).first() ): prev_change.postchange_data = objectchange.postchange_data elif objectchange and objectchange.has_changes: objectchange.user = request.user objectchange.request_id = # If this is an M2M change, update the previously queued webhook (from post_save) queue = events_queue.get() if m2m_changed and queue and is_same_object(instance, queue[-1], instance.refresh_from_db() # Ensure that we're working with fresh M2M assignments queue[-1]['data'] = serialize_for_event(instance) queue[-1]['snapshots']['postchange'] = get_snapshots(instance, action)['postchange'] else: enqueue_object(queue, instance, request.user,, action) events_queue.set(queue) # Increment metric counters if action == ObjectChangeActionChoices.ACTION_CREATE: model_inserts.labels(instance._meta.model_name).inc() elif action == ObjectChangeActionChoices.ACTION_UPDATE: model_updates.labels(instance._meta.model_name).inc() @receiver(pre_delete) def handle_deleted_object(sender, instance, **kwargs): """ Fires when an object is deleted. """ # Run any deletion protection rules for the object. Note that this must occur prior # to queueing any events for the object being deleted, in case a validation error is # raised, causing the deletion to fail. model_name = f'{sender._meta.app_label}.{sender._meta.model_name}' validators = get_config().PROTECTION_RULES.get(model_name, []) try: run_validators(instance, validators) except ValidationError as e: raise AbortRequest( _("Deletion is prevented by a protection rule: {message}").format(message=e) ) # Get the current request, or bail if not set request = current_request.get() if request is None: return # Record an ObjectChange if applicable if hasattr(instance, 'to_objectchange'): if hasattr(instance, 'snapshot') and not getattr(instance, '_prechange_snapshot', None): instance.snapshot() objectchange = instance.to_objectchange(ObjectChangeActionChoices.ACTION_DELETE) objectchange.user = request.user objectchange.request_id = # Django does not automatically send an m2m_changed signal for the reverse direction of a # many-to-many relationship (see, so we need to # trigger one manually. We do this by checking for any reverse M2M relationships on the # instance being deleted, and explicitly call .remove() on the remote M2M field to delete # the association. This triggers an m2m_changed signal with the `post_remove` action type # for the forward direction of the relationship, ensuring that the change is recorded. for relation in instance._meta.related_objects: if type(relation) is not ManyToManyRel: continue related_model = relation.related_model related_field_name = if not issubclass(related_model, ChangeLoggingMixin): # We only care about triggering the m2m_changed signal for models which support # change logging continue for obj in related_model.objects.filter(**{related_field_name:}): obj.snapshot() # Ensure the change record includes the "before" state getattr(obj, related_field_name).remove(instance) # Enqueue webhooks queue = events_queue.get() enqueue_object(queue, instance, request.user,, ObjectChangeActionChoices.ACTION_DELETE) events_queue.set(queue) # Increment metric counters model_deletes.labels(instance._meta.model_name).inc() @receiver(clear_events) def clear_events_queue(sender, **kwargs): """ Delete any queued events (e.g. because of an aborted bulk transaction) """ logger = logging.getLogger('events')"Clearing {len(events_queue.get())} queued events ({sender})") events_queue.set([]) # # Custom fields # def handle_cf_added_obj_types(instance, action, pk_set, **kwargs): """ Handle the population of default/null values when a CustomField is added to one or more ContentTypes. """ if action == 'post_add': instance.populate_initial_data(ContentType.objects.filter(pk__in=pk_set)) def handle_cf_removed_obj_types(instance, action, pk_set, **kwargs): """ Handle the cleanup of old custom field data when a CustomField is removed from one or more ContentTypes. """ if action == 'post_remove': instance.remove_stale_data(ContentType.objects.filter(pk__in=pk_set)) def handle_cf_renamed(instance, created, **kwargs): """ Handle the renaming of custom field data on objects when a CustomField is renamed. """ if not created and != instance._name: instance.rename_object_data(old_name=instance._name, def handle_cf_deleted(instance, **kwargs): """ Handle the cleanup of old custom field data when a CustomField is deleted. """ instance.remove_stale_data(instance.content_types.all()) post_save.connect(handle_cf_renamed, sender=CustomField) pre_delete.connect(handle_cf_deleted, sender=CustomField) m2m_changed.connect(handle_cf_added_obj_types, sender=CustomField.content_types.through) m2m_changed.connect(handle_cf_removed_obj_types, sender=CustomField.content_types.through) # # Custom validation # @receiver(post_clean) def run_save_validators(sender, instance, **kwargs): """ Run any custom validation rules for the model prior to calling save(). """ model_name = f'{sender._meta.app_label}.{sender._meta.model_name}' validators = get_config().CUSTOM_VALIDATORS.get(model_name, []) run_validators(instance, validators) # # Tags # @receiver(m2m_changed, sender=TaggedItem) def validate_assigned_tags(sender, instance, action, model, pk_set, **kwargs): """ Validate that any Tags being assigned to the instance are not restricted to non-applicable object types. """ if action != 'pre_add': return ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance) # Retrieve any applied Tags that are restricted to certain object_types for tag in model.objects.filter(pk__in=pk_set, object_types__isnull=False).prefetch_related('object_types'): if ct not in tag.object_types.all(): raise AbortRequest(f"Tag {tag} cannot be assigned to {ct.model} objects.") # # Event rules # @receiver(job_start) def process_job_start_event_rules(sender, **kwargs): """ Process event rules for jobs starting. """ event_rules = EventRule.objects.filter(type_job_start=True, enabled=True, content_types=sender.object_type) username = sender.user.username if sender.user else None process_event_rules(event_rules, sender.object_type.model, EVENT_JOB_START,, username) @receiver(job_end) def process_job_end_event_rules(sender, **kwargs): """ Process event rules for jobs terminating. """ event_rules = EventRule.objects.filter(type_job_end=True, enabled=True, content_types=sender.object_type) username = sender.user.username if sender.user else None process_event_rules(event_rules, sender.object_type.model, EVENT_JOB_END,, username)