{% extends '_base.html' %} {% load render_table from django_tables2 %} {% load form_helpers %} {% block title %}Device Import{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% include 'dcim/inc/_device_import_header.html' %}
{% csrf_token %} {% render_form form %}

CSV Format

Field Description Example
Name Device name (optional) rack101_sw1
Device role Functional role of device ToR Switch
Device manufacturer Hardware manufacturer Juniper
Device model Hardware model EX4300-48T
Platform Software running on device (optional) Juniper Junos
Serial Serial number (optional) CAB00577291
Site Site name Ashburn-VA
Rack Rack name R101
Position (U) Lowest rack unit occupied by the device (optional) 21
Face Rack face; front or rear (optional) Rear


rack101_sw1,ToR Switch,Juniper,EX4300-48T,Juniper Junos,CAB00577291,Ashburn-VA,R101,21,Rear
{% endblock %}