#!/bin/bash # This script will prepare NetBox to run after the code has been upgraded to # its most recent release. # # Once the script completes, remember to restart the WSGI service (e.g. # gunicorn or uWSGI). cd "$(dirname "$0")" PYTHON="python3" PIP="pip3" # Uninstall any Python packages which are no longer needed COMMAND="${PIP} uninstall -r old_requirements.txt -y" echo "Removing old Python packages ($COMMAND)..." eval $COMMAND # Install any new Python packages COMMAND="${PIP} install -r requirements.txt --upgrade" echo "Updating required Python packages ($COMMAND)..." eval $COMMAND # Apply any database migrations COMMAND="${PYTHON} netbox/manage.py migrate" echo "Applying database migrations ($COMMAND)..." eval $COMMAND # Delete any stale content types COMMAND="${PYTHON} netbox/manage.py remove_stale_contenttypes --no-input" echo "Removing stale content types ($COMMAND)..." eval $COMMAND # Collect static files COMMAND="${PYTHON} netbox/manage.py collectstatic --no-input" echo "Collecting static files ($COMMAND)..." eval $COMMAND