import importlib import inspect import pkgutil from collections import OrderedDict from django.conf import settings from django.utils import timezone from .constants import * from .models import ReportResult def is_report(obj): """ Returns True if the given object is a Report. """ return obj in Report.__subclasses__() def get_report(module_name, report_name): """ Return a specific report from within a module. """ file_path = '{}/{}.py'.format(settings.REPORTS_ROOT, module_name) spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, file_path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) try: spec.loader.exec_module(module) except FileNotFoundError: return None report = getattr(module, report_name, None) if report is None: return None return report() def get_reports(): """ Compile a list of all reports available across all modules in the reports path. Returns a list of tuples: [ (module_name, (report, report, report, ...)), (module_name, (report, report, report, ...)), ... ] """ module_list = [] # Iterate through all modules within the reports path. These are the user-created files in which reports are # defined. for importer, module_name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([settings.REPORTS_ROOT]): module = importer.find_module(module_name).load_module(module_name) report_list = [cls() for _, cls in inspect.getmembers(module, is_report)] module_list.append((module_name, report_list)) return module_list class Report(object): """ NetBox users can extend this object to write custom reports to be used for validating data within NetBox. Each report must have one or more test methods named `test_*`. The `_results` attribute of a completed report will take the following form: { 'test_bar': { 'failures': 42, 'log': [ (<datetime>, <level>, <object>, <message>), ... ] }, 'test_foo': { 'failures': 0, 'log': [ (<datetime>, <level>, <object>, <message>), ... ] } } """ description = None def __init__(self): self._results = OrderedDict() self.active_test = None self.failed = False # Compile test methods and initialize results skeleton test_methods = [] for method in dir(self): if method.startswith('test_') and callable(getattr(self, method)): test_methods.append(method) self._results[method] = OrderedDict([ ('success', 0), ('info', 0), ('warning', 0), ('failure', 0), ('log', []), ]) if not test_methods: raise Exception("A report must contain at least one test method.") self.test_methods = test_methods @property def module(self): return self.__module__ @property def name(self): return self.__class__.__name__ @property def full_name(self): return '.'.join([self.module,]) def _log(self, obj, message, level=LOG_DEFAULT): """ Log a message from a test method. Do not call this method directly; use one of the log_* wrappers below. """ if level not in LOG_LEVEL_CODES: raise Exception("Unknown logging level: {}".format(level)) self._results[self.active_test]['log'].append((, LOG_LEVEL_CODES.get(level), str(obj) if obj else None, obj.get_absolute_url() if getattr(obj, 'get_absolute_url', None) else None, message, )) def log(self, message): """ Log a message which is not associated with a particular object. """ self._log(None, message, level=LOG_DEFAULT) def log_success(self, obj, message=None): """ Record a successful test against an object. Logging a message is optional. """ if message: self._log(obj, message, level=LOG_SUCCESS) self._results[self.active_test]['success'] += 1 def log_info(self, obj, message): """ Log an informational message. """ self._log(obj, message, level=LOG_INFO) self._results[self.active_test]['info'] += 1 def log_warning(self, obj, message): """ Log a warning. """ self._log(obj, message, level=LOG_WARNING) self._results[self.active_test]['warning'] += 1 def log_failure(self, obj, message): """ Log a failure. Calling this method will automatically mark the report as failed. """ self._log(obj, message, level=LOG_FAILURE) self._results[self.active_test]['failure'] += 1 self.failed = True def run(self): """ Run the report and return its results. Each test method will be executed in order. """ for method_name in self.test_methods: self.active_test = method_name test_method = getattr(self, method_name) test_method() # Delete any previous ReportResult and create a new one to record the result. ReportResult.objects.filter(report=self.full_name).delete() result = ReportResult(report=self.full_name, failed=self.failed, data=self._results) self.result = result # Perform any post-run tasks self.post_run() def post_run(self): """ Extend this method to include any tasks which should execute after the report has been run. """ pass