from import BaseCommand from import no_style from django.db import connection from circuits.models import CircuitTermination from dcim.models import CablePath, ConsolePort, ConsoleServerPort, Interface, PowerFeed, PowerOutlet, PowerPort from dcim.signals import create_cablepath ENDPOINT_MODELS = ( CircuitTermination, ConsolePort, ConsoleServerPort, Interface, PowerFeed, PowerOutlet, PowerPort ) class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Generate any missing cable paths among all cable termination objects in NetBox" def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "--force", action='store_true', dest='force', help="Force recalculation of all existing cable paths" ) parser.add_argument( "--no-input", action='store_true', dest='no_input', help="Do not prompt user for any input/confirmation" ) def draw_progress_bar(self, percentage): """ Draw a simple progress bar 20 increments wide illustrating the specified percentage. """ bar_size = int(percentage / 5) self.stdout.write(f"\r [{'#' * bar_size}{' ' * (20-bar_size)}] {int(percentage)}%", ending='') def handle(self, *model_names, **options): # If --force was passed, first delete all existing CablePaths if options['force']: cable_paths = CablePath.objects.all() paths_count = cable_paths.count() # Prompt the user to confirm recalculation of all paths if paths_count and not options['no_input']: self.stdout.write("WARNING: Forcing recalculation of all cable paths.")) self.stdout.write( f"This will delete and recalculate all {paths_count} existing cable paths. Are you sure?" ) confirmation = input("Type yes to confirm: ") if confirmation != 'yes': self.stdout.write("Aborting")) return # Delete all existing CablePath instances self.stdout.write(f"Deleting {paths_count} existing cable paths...") deleted_count, _ = CablePath.objects.all().delete() self.stdout.write((' Deleted {deleted_count} paths'))) # Reinitialize the model's PK sequence self.stdout.write(f'Resetting database sequence for CablePath model') sequence_sql = connection.ops.sequence_reset_sql(no_style(), [CablePath]) with connection.cursor() as cursor: for sql in sequence_sql: cursor.execute(sql) # Retrace paths for model in ENDPOINT_MODELS: origins = model.objects.filter(cable__isnull=False) if not options['force']: origins = origins.filter(_path__isnull=True) origins_count = origins.count() if not origins_count: self.stdout.write(f'Found no missing {model._meta.verbose_name} paths; skipping') continue self.stdout.write(f'Retracing {origins_count} cabled {model._meta.verbose_name_plural}...') i = 0 for i, obj in enumerate(origins, start=1): create_cablepath(obj) if not i % 100: self.draw_progress_bar(i * 100 / origins_count) self.draw_progress_bar(100) self.stdout.write('\n Retraced {i} {model._meta.verbose_name_plural}')) self.stdout.write('Finished.'))