import datetime import json from django.core.serializers import serialize from dcim.constants import LENGTH_UNIT_CENTIMETER, LENGTH_UNIT_FOOT, LENGTH_UNIT_INCH, LENGTH_UNIT_METER def csv_format(data): """ Encapsulate any data which contains a comma within double quotes. """ csv = [] for value in data: # Represent None or False with empty string if value is None or value is False: csv.append('') continue # Convert dates to ISO format if isinstance(value, (, datetime.datetime)): value = value.isoformat() # Force conversion to string first so we can check for any commas if not isinstance(value, str): value = '{}'.format(value) # Double-quote the value if it contains a comma if ',' in value or '\n' in value: csv.append('"{}"'.format(value)) else: csv.append('{}'.format(value)) return ','.join(csv) def foreground_color(bg_color): """ Return the ideal foreground color (black or white) for a given background color in hexadecimal RGB format. """ bg_color = bg_color.strip('#') r, g, b = [int(bg_color[c:c + 2], 16) for c in (0, 2, 4)] if r * 0.299 + g * 0.587 + b * 0.114 > 186: return '000000' else: return 'ffffff' def dynamic_import(name): """ Dynamically import a class from an absolute path string """ components = name.split('.') mod = __import__(components[0]) for comp in components[1:]: mod = getattr(mod, comp) return mod def serialize_object(obj, extra=None): """ Return a generic JSON representation of an object using Django's built-in serializer. (This is used for things like change logging, not the REST API.) Optionally include a dictionary to supplement the object data. """ json_str = serialize('json', [obj]) data = json.loads(json_str)[0]['fields'] # Include any custom fields if hasattr(obj, 'get_custom_fields'): data['custom_fields'] = { str(value) for field, value in obj.get_custom_fields().items() } # Include any tags if hasattr(obj, 'tags'): data['tags'] = [ for tag in obj.tags.all()] # Append any extra data if extra is not None: data.update(extra) return data def to_meters(length, unit): """ Convert the given length to meters. """ length = int(length) if length < 0: raise ValueError("Length must be a positive integer") if unit == LENGTH_UNIT_METER: return length if unit == LENGTH_UNIT_CENTIMETER: return length / 100 if unit == LENGTH_UNIT_FOOT: return length * 0.3048 if unit == LENGTH_UNIT_INCH: return length * 0.3048 * 12 raise ValueError("Unknown unit {}. Must be 'm', 'cm', 'ft', or 'in'.".format(unit))