{% extends '_base.html' %} {% load render_table from django_tables2 %} {% load form_helpers %} {% block title %}Site Import{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Site Import

{% csrf_token %} {% render_form form %}

CSV Format

Field Description Example
Name Site's proper name ASH-4 South
Slug URL-friendly name ash4-south
Region Name of region (optional) North America
Tenant Name of tenant (optional) Pied Piper
Facility Name of the hosting facility (optional) Equinix DC6
ASN Autonomous system number (optional) 65000
Contact Name Name of administrative contact (optional) Hank Hill
Contact Phone Phone number (optional) +1-214-555-1234
Contact E-mail E-mail address (optional) hhill@example.com


ASH-4 South,ash4-south,North America,Pied Piper,Equinix DC6,65000,Hank Hill,+1-214-555-1234,hhill@example.com
{% endblock %}