# Internationalization Beginning with NetBox v4.0, NetBox will leverage [Django's automatic translation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/topics/i18n/translation/) to support languages other than English. This page details the areas of the project which require special attention to ensure functioning translation support. Briefly, these include: * The `verbose_name` and `verbose_name_plural` Meta attributes for each model * The `verbose_name` and (if defined) `help_text` for each model field * The `label` for each form field * Headers for `fieldsets` on each form class * The `verbose_name` for each table column * All human-readable strings within templates must be wrapped with `{% trans %}` or `{% blocktrans %}` The rest of this document elaborates on each of the items above. ## General Guidance * Wrap human-readable strings with Django's `gettext()` or `gettext_lazy()` utility functions to enable automatic translation. Generally, `gettext_lazy()` is preferred (and sometimes required) to defer translation until the string is displayed. * By convention, the preferred translation function is typically imported as an underscore (`_`) to minimize boilerplate code. Thus, you will often see translation as e.g. `_("Some text")`. It is still an option to import and use alternative translation functions (e.g. `pgettext()` and `ngettext()`) normally as needed. * Avoid passing markup and other non-natural language where possible. Everything wrapped by a translation function gets exported to a messages file for translation by a human. * Where the intended meaning of the translated string may not be obvious, use `pgettext()` or `pgettext_lazy()` to include assisting context for the translator. For example: ```python # Context, string pgettext("month name", "May") ``` * **Format strings do not support translation.** Avoid "f" strings for messages that must support translation. Instead, use `format()` to accomplish variable replacement: ```python # Translation will not work f"There are {count} objects" # Do this instead "There are {count} objects".format(count=count) ``` ## Models 1. Import `gettext_lazy` as `_`. 2. Ensure both `verbose_name` and `verbose_name_plural` are defined under the model's `Meta` class and wrapped with the `gettext_lazy()` shortcut. 3. Ensure each model field specifies a `verbose_name` wrapped with `gettext_lazy()`. 4. Ensure any `help_text` attributes on model fields are also wrapped with `gettext_lazy()`. ```python from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ class Circuit(PrimaryModel): commit_rate = models.PositiveIntegerField( ... verbose_name=_('commit rate (Kbps)'), help_text=_("Committed rate") ) class Meta: verbose_name = _('circuit') verbose_name_plural = _('circuits') ``` ## Forms 1. Import `gettext_lazy` as `_`. 2. All form fields must specify a `label` wrapped with `gettext_lazy()`. 3. All headers under a form's `fieldsets` property must be wrapped with `gettext_lazy()`. ```python from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ class CircuitBulkEditForm(NetBoxModelBulkEditForm): description = forms.CharField( label=_('Description'), ... ) fieldsets = ( (_('Circuit'), ('provider', 'type', 'status', 'description')), ) ``` ## Tables 1. Import `gettext_lazy` as `_`. 2. All table columns must specify a `verbose_name` wrapped with `gettext_lazy()`. ```python from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ class CircuitTable(TenancyColumnsMixin, ContactsColumnMixin, NetBoxTable): provider = tables.Column( verbose_name=_('Provider'), ... ) ``` ## Templates 1. Ensure translation support is enabled by including `{% load i18n %}` at the top of the template. 2. Use the [`{% trans %}`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/topics/i18n/translation/#translate-template-tag) tag (short for "translate") to wrap short strings. 3. Longer strings may be enclosed between [`{% blocktrans %}`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/topics/i18n/translation/#blocktranslate-template-tag) and `{% endblocktrans %}` tags to improve readability and to enable variable replacement. (Remember to include the `trimmed` argument to trim whitespace between the tags.) 4. Avoid passing HTML within translated strings where possible, as this can complicate the work needed of human translators to develop message maps. ``` {% load i18n %} {# A short string #}