{% extends 'dcim/device/base.html' %} {% load render_table from django_tables2 %} {% load buttons %} {% load static %} {% load helpers %} {% load plugins %} {% load i18n %} {% block content %}
{% trans "Region" %} | {% if object.site.region %} {% for region in object.site.region.get_ancestors %} {{ region|linkify }} / {% endfor %} {{ object.site.region|linkify }} {% else %} {{ ''|placeholder }} {% endif %} |
{% trans "Site" %} | {{ object.site|linkify }} |
{% trans "Location" %} | {% if object.location %} {% for location in object.location.get_ancestors %} {{ location|linkify }} / {% endfor %} {{ object.location|linkify }} {% else %} {{ ''|placeholder }} {% endif %} |
{% trans "Rack" %} | {% if object.rack %} {{ object.rack|linkify }} | {% else %} {{ ''|placeholder }} {% endif %}
{% trans "Position" %} | {% if object.parent_bay %} {% with object.parent_bay.device as parent %} {{ parent|linkify }} / {{ object.parent_bay }} {% if parent.position %} (U{{ parent.position|floatformat }} / {{ parent.get_face_display }}) {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% elif object.rack and object.position %} U{{ object.position|floatformat }} / {{ object.get_face_display }} {% elif object.rack and object.device_type.u_height %} {% trans "Not racked" %} {% else %} {{ ''|placeholder }} {% endif %} |
{% trans "GPS Coordinates" %} | {% if object.latitude and object.longitude %} {% if config.MAPS_URL %} {{ object.latitude }}, {{ object.longitude }} {% else %} {{ ''|placeholder }} {% endif %} | {% endif %}
{% trans "Tenant" %} | {% if object.tenant.group %} {{ object.tenant.group|linkify }} / {% endif %} {{ object.tenant|linkify|placeholder }} |
{% trans "Device Type" %} | {{ object.device_type|linkify:"get_full_name" }} ({{ object.device_type.u_height|floatformat }}U) |
{% trans "Description" %} | {{ object.description|placeholder }} |
{% trans "Airflow" %} | {{ object.get_airflow_display|placeholder }} |
{% trans "Serial Number" %} | {{ object.serial|placeholder }} |
{% trans "Asset Tag" %} | {{ object.asset_tag|placeholder }} |
{% trans "Config Template" %} | {{ object.config_template|linkify|placeholder }} |
{% trans "Device" %} | {% trans "Position" %} | {% trans "Master" %} | {% trans "Priority" %} |
{{ vc_member|linkify }} | {% badge vc_member.vc_position show_empty=True %} | {% if object.virtual_chassis.master == vc_member %}{% endif %} | {{ vc_member.vc_priority|placeholder }} |
{% trans "Status" %} | {% badge object.get_status_display bg_color=object.get_status_color %} |
{% trans "Role" %} | {{ object.role|linkify }} |
{% trans "Platform" %} | {{ object.platform|linkify|placeholder }} |
{% trans "Primary IPv4" %} | {% if object.primary_ip4 %} {{ object.primary_ip4.address.ip }} {% if object.primary_ip4.nat_inside %} ({% trans "NAT for" %} {{ object.primary_ip4.nat_inside.address.ip }}) {% elif object.primary_ip4.nat_outside.exists %} ({% trans "NAT" %}: {% for nat in object.primary_ip4.nat_outside.all %}{{ nat.address.ip }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}) {% endif %} {% copy_content "primary_ip4" %} {% else %} {{ ''|placeholder }} {% endif %} |
{% trans "Primary IPv6" %} | {% if object.primary_ip6 %} {{ object.primary_ip6.address.ip }} {% if object.primary_ip6.nat_inside %} ({% trans "NAT for" %} {{ object.primary_ip6.nat_inside.address.ip }}) {% elif object.primary_ip6.nat_outside.exists %} ({% trans "NAT" %}: {% for nat in object.primary_ip6.nat_outside.all %}{{ nat.address.ip }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}) {% endif %} {% copy_content "primary_ip6" %} {% else %} {{ ''|placeholder }} {% endif %} |
Out-of-band IP | {% if object.oob_ip %} {{ object.oob_ip.address.ip }} {% copy_content "oob_ip" %} {% else %} {{ ''|placeholder }} {% endif %} |
{% trans "Cluster" %} | {% if object.cluster.group %} {{ object.cluster.group|linkify }} / {% endif %} {{ object.cluster|linkify }} |
{% trans "Input" %} | {% trans "Outlets" %} | {% trans "Allocated" %} | {% trans "Available" %} | {% trans "Utilization" %} | ||
{{ powerport }} | {{ utilization.outlet_count }} | {{ utilization.allocated }}{% trans "VA" %} | {% if powerfeed.available_power %}{{ powerfeed.available_power }}{% trans "VA" %} | {% utilization_graph utilization.allocated|percentage:powerfeed.available_power %} | {% else %}— | — | {% endif %}
{% trans "Leg" context "Leg of a power feed" %} {{ leg.name }} | {{ leg.outlet_count }} | {{ leg.allocated }} | {% if powerfeed.available_power %} {% with phase_available=powerfeed.available_power|divide:3 %}{{ phase_available }}{% trans "VA" %} | {% utilization_graph leg.allocated|percentage:phase_available %} | {% endwith %} {% else %}— | — | {% endif %}
{% trans "Height" %} | {{ object.device_type.u_height }}U |
{% trans "Weight" %} | {% if object.total_weight %} {{ object.total_weight|floatformat }} {% trans "Kilograms" %} {% else %} {{ ''|placeholder }} {% endif %} |