{% extends 'generic/object.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% load buttons %} {% load helpers %} {% load render_table from django_tables2 %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {% endblock breadcrumbs %} {% block title %}{% trans "Job" %} {{ job.id }}{% endblock %} {% block subtitle %}
{% trans "Created" %} {{ job.created_at|annotated_date }}
{% endblock subtitle %} {% block object_identifier %}{% endblock %} {% block controls %}
{% url 'core:background_task_delete' job_id=job.id as delete_url %} {% include "buttons/delete.html" with url=delete_url %} {% if job.is_started %} {% trans "Stop" %} {% endif %} {% if job.is_failed %} {% trans "Requeue" %} {% endif %} {% if not job.is_queued and not job.is_failed %} {% trans "Enqueue" %} {% endif %}
{% endblock controls %} {% block tabs %} {% endblock tabs %} {% block content %}
{% trans "Job" %}
{# TODO: Render as formatted JSON #} {% if dependency_id %} {% endif %} {% if exc_info %} {% endif %}
{% trans "Queue" %} {{ job.origin|placeholder }}
{% trans "Timeout" %} {{ job.timeout|placeholder }}
{% trans "Result TTL" %} {{ job.result_ttl|placeholder }}
{% trans "Created" %} {{ job.created_at|annotated_date }}
{% trans "Queued" %} {{ job.enqueued_at|annotated_date }}
{% trans "Status" %} {{ job.get_status|placeholder }}
{% trans "Callable" %} {{ object.get_type_display|placeholder }}
{% trans "Meta" %} {{ job.meta|placeholder }}
{% trans "Arguments" %} {{ jobs.args|placeholder }}
{% trans "Keyword Arguments" %}{{ job.kwargs }}
{% trans "Depends on" %} {{ dependency_id }}
{% trans "Exception" %}
{% if job.exc_info %}{{ job.exc_info|linebreaks }}{% endif %}
{% endblock content %}