import svgwrite from django.conf import settings from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.http import urlencode from utilities.utils import foreground_color from .choices import DeviceFaceChoices class RackElevationSVG: """ Use this class to render a rack elevation as an SVG image. :param rack: A NetBox Rack instance :param include_images: If true, the SVG document will embed front/rear device face images, where available """ def __init__(self, rack, include_images=True): self.rack = rack self.include_images = include_images @staticmethod def _add_gradient(drawing, id_, color): gradient = drawing.linearGradient( start=('0', '0%'), end=('0', '5%'), spreadMethod='repeat', id_=id_, gradientTransform='rotate(45, 0, 0)', gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse' ) gradient.add_stop_color(offset='0%', color='#f7f7f7') gradient.add_stop_color(offset='50%', color='#f7f7f7') gradient.add_stop_color(offset='50%', color=color) gradient.add_stop_color(offset='100%', color=color) drawing.defs.add(gradient) @staticmethod def _setup_drawing(width, height): drawing = svgwrite.Drawing(size=(width, height)) # add the stylesheet with open('{}/css/rack_elevation.css'.format(settings.STATICFILES_DIRS[0])) as css_file: drawing.defs.add( # add gradients RackElevationSVG._add_gradient(drawing, 'reserved', '#c7c7ff') RackElevationSVG._add_gradient(drawing, 'occupied', '#d7d7d7') RackElevationSVG._add_gradient(drawing, 'blocked', '#ffc0c0') return drawing def _draw_device_front(self, drawing, device, start, end, text): name = str(device) if device.devicebay_count: name += ' ({}/{})'.format(device.get_children().count(), device.devicebay_count) color = device.device_role.color link = drawing.add( drawing.a( href=reverse('dcim:device', kwargs={'pk':}), target='_top', fill='black' ) ) link.set_desc('{} โ€” {} ({}U) {} {}'.format( device.device_role, device.device_type.display_name, device.device_type.u_height, device.asset_tag or '', device.serial or '' )) link.add(drawing.rect(start, end, style='fill: #{}'.format(color), class_='slot')) hex_color = '#{}'.format(foreground_color(color)) link.add(drawing.text(str(name), insert=text, fill=hex_color)) # Embed front device type image if one exists if self.include_images and device.device_type.front_image: url = device.device_type.front_image.url image = drawing.image(href=url, insert=start, size=end, class_='device-image') image.stretch() link.add(image) def _draw_device_rear(self, drawing, device, start, end, text): rect = drawing.rect(start, end, class_="slot blocked") rect.set_desc('{} โ€” {} ({}U) {} {}'.format( device.device_role, device.device_type.display_name, device.device_type.u_height, device.asset_tag or '', device.serial or '' )) drawing.add(rect) drawing.add(drawing.text(str(device), insert=text)) # Embed rear device type image if one exists if self.include_images and device.device_type.front_image: url = device.device_type.rear_image.url image = drawing.image(href=url, insert=start, size=end, class_='device-image') image.stretch() drawing.add(image) @staticmethod def _draw_empty(drawing, rack, start, end, text, id_, face_id, class_, reservation): link = drawing.add( drawing.a( href='{}?{}'.format( reverse('dcim:device_add'), urlencode({'rack':, 'site':, 'face': face_id, 'position': id_}) ), target='_top' ) ) if reservation: link.set_desc('{} โ€” {} ยท {}'.format( reservation.description, reservation.user, reservation.created )) link.add(drawing.rect(start, end, class_=class_)) link.add(drawing.text("add device", insert=text, class_='add-device')) def merge_elevations(self, face): elevation = self.rack.get_rack_units(face=face, expand_devices=False) if face == DeviceFaceChoices.FACE_REAR: other_face = DeviceFaceChoices.FACE_FRONT else: other_face = DeviceFaceChoices.FACE_REAR other = self.rack.get_rack_units(face=other_face) unit_cursor = 0 for u in elevation: o = other[unit_cursor] if not u['device'] and o['device']: u['device'] = o['device'] u['height'] = 1 unit_cursor += u.get('height', 1) return elevation def render(self, face, unit_width, unit_height, legend_width): """ Return an SVG document representing a rack elevation. """ drawing = self._setup_drawing(unit_width + legend_width, unit_height * self.rack.u_height) reserved_units = self.rack.get_reserved_units() unit_cursor = 0 for ru in range(0, self.rack.u_height): start_y = ru * unit_height position_coordinates = (legend_width / 2, start_y + unit_height / 2 + 2) unit = ru + 1 if self.rack.desc_units else self.rack.u_height - ru drawing.add( drawing.text(str(unit), position_coordinates, class_="unit") ) for unit in self.merge_elevations(face): # Loop through all units in the elevation device = unit['device'] height = unit.get('height', 1) # Setup drawing coordinates start_y = unit_cursor * unit_height end_y = unit_height * height start_cordinates = (legend_width, start_y) end_cordinates = (legend_width + unit_width, end_y) text_cordinates = (legend_width + (unit_width / 2), start_y + end_y / 2) # Draw the device if device and device.face == face: self._draw_device_front(drawing, device, start_cordinates, end_cordinates, text_cordinates) elif device and device.device_type.is_full_depth: self._draw_device_rear(drawing, device, start_cordinates, end_cordinates, text_cordinates) else: # Draw shallow devices, reservations, or empty units class_ = 'slot' reservation = reserved_units.get(unit["id"]) if device: class_ += ' occupied' if reservation: class_ += ' reserved' self._draw_empty( drawing, self.rack, start_cordinates, end_cordinates, text_cordinates, unit["id"], face, class_, reservation ) unit_cursor += height # Wrap the drawing with a border drawing.add(drawing.rect((legend_width, 1), (unit_width - 1, self.rack.u_height * unit_height - 2), class_='rack')) return drawing