{% extends 'generic/object.html' %} {% load static %} {% load helpers %} {% load plugins %} {% load render_table from django_tables2 %} {% load i18n %} {% block extra_controls %} {% if perms.core.sync_datasource %} {% if object.ready_for_sync %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% trans "Data Source" %}
{% trans "Name" %} {{ object.name }}
{% trans "Type" %} {{ object.get_type_display }}
{% trans "Enabled" %} {% checkmark object.enabled %}
{% trans "Status" %} {% badge object.get_status_display bg_color=object.get_status_color %}
{% trans "Last synced" %} {{ object.last_synced|placeholder }}
{% trans "Description" %} {{ object.description|placeholder }}
{% trans "URL" %} {% if not object.type.is_local %} {{ object.source_url }} {% else %} {{ object.source_url }} {% endif %}
{% trans "Ignore rules" %} {% if object.ignore_rules %}
{{ object.ignore_rules }}
{% else %} {{ ''|placeholder }} {% endif %}
{% include 'inc/panels/tags.html' %} {% include 'inc/panels/comments.html' %} {% plugin_left_page object %}
{% trans "Backend" %}
{% with backend=object.backend_class %} {% for name, field in backend.parameters.items %} {% if name in backend.sensitive_parameters and not perms.core.change_datasource %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
{{ field.label }}********{{ object.parameters|get_key:name|placeholder }}
{% trans "No parameters defined" %}
{% endwith %}
{% include 'inc/panels/related_objects.html' %} {% include 'inc/panels/custom_fields.html' %} {% plugin_right_page object %}
{% trans "Files" %}
{% htmx_table 'core:datafile_list' source_id=object.pk %}
{% plugin_full_width_page object %}
{% endblock %}