# Dynamic Configuration Settings These configuration parameters are primarily controlled via NetBox's admin interface (under Admin > Extras > Configuration Revisions). These setting may also be overridden in `configuration.py`; this will prevent them from being modified via the UI. --- ## ALLOWED_URL_SCHEMES Default: `('file', 'ftp', 'ftps', 'http', 'https', 'irc', 'mailto', 'sftp', 'ssh', 'tel', 'telnet', 'tftp', 'vnc', 'xmpp')` A list of permitted URL schemes referenced when rendering links within NetBox. Note that only the schemes specified in this list will be accepted: If adding your own, be sure to replicate all of the default values as well (excluding those schemes which are not desirable). --- ## BANNER_TOP ## BANNER_BOTTOM Setting these variables will display custom content in a banner at the top and/or bottom of the page, respectively. HTML is allowed. To replicate the content of the top banner in the bottom banner, set: ```python BANNER_TOP = 'Your banner text' BANNER_BOTTOM = BANNER_TOP ``` --- ## BANNER_LOGIN This defines custom content to be displayed on the login page above the login form. HTML is allowed. --- ## CHANGELOG_RETENTION Default: 90 The number of days to retain logged changes (object creations, updates, and deletions). Set this to `0` to retain changes in the database indefinitely. !!! warning If enabling indefinite changelog retention, it is recommended to periodically delete old entries. Otherwise, the database may eventually exceed capacity. --- ## JOBRESULT_RETENTION Default: 90 The number of days to retain job results (scripts and reports). Set this to `0` to retain job results in the database indefinitely. !!! warning If enabling indefinite job results retention, it is recommended to periodically delete old entries. Otherwise, the database may eventually exceed capacity. --- ## CUSTOM_VALIDATORS This is a mapping of models to [custom validators](../customization/custom-validation.md) that have been defined locally to enforce custom validation logic. An example is provided below: ```python CUSTOM_VALIDATORS = { "dcim.site": [ { "name": { "min_length": 5, "max_length": 30 } }, "my_plugin.validators.Validator1" ], "dim.device": [ "my_plugin.validators.Validator1" ] } ``` --- ## DEFAULT_USER_PREFERENCES This is a dictionary defining the default preferences to be set for newly-created user accounts. For example, to set the default page size for all users to 100, define the following: ```python DEFAULT_USER_PREFERENCES = { "pagination": { "per_page": 100 } } ``` For a complete list of available preferences, log into NetBox and navigate to `/user/preferences/`. A period in a preference name indicates a level of nesting in the JSON data. The example above maps to `pagination.per_page`. --- ## ENFORCE_GLOBAL_UNIQUE Default: False By default, NetBox will permit users to create duplicate prefixes and IP addresses in the global table (that is, those which are not assigned to any VRF). This behavior can be disabled by setting `ENFORCE_GLOBAL_UNIQUE` to True. --- ## GRAPHQL_ENABLED Default: True Setting this to False will disable the GraphQL API. --- ## MAINTENANCE_MODE Default: False Setting this to True will display a "maintenance mode" banner at the top of every page. Additionally, NetBox will no longer update a user's "last active" time upon login. This is to allow new logins when the database is in a read-only state. Recording of login times will resume when maintenance mode is disabled. --- ## MAPS_URL Default: `https://maps.google.com/?q=` (Google Maps) This specifies the URL to use when presenting a map of a physical location by street address or GPS coordinates. The URL must accept either a free-form street address or a comma-separated pair of numeric coordinates appended to it. --- ## MAX_PAGE_SIZE Default: 1000 A web user or API consumer can request an arbitrary number of objects by appending the "limit" parameter to the URL (e.g. `?limit=1000`). This parameter defines the maximum acceptable limit. Setting this to `0` or `None` will allow a client to retrieve _all_ matching objects at once with no limit by specifying `?limit=0`. --- ## NAPALM_USERNAME ## NAPALM_PASSWORD NetBox will use these credentials when authenticating to remote devices via the supported [NAPALM integration](../additional-features/napalm.md), if installed. Both parameters are optional. !!! note If SSH public key authentication has been set up on the remote device(s) for the system account under which NetBox runs, these parameters are not needed. --- ## NAPALM_ARGS A dictionary of optional arguments to pass to NAPALM when instantiating a network driver. See the NAPALM documentation for a [complete list of optional arguments](https://napalm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/support/#optional-arguments). An example: ```python NAPALM_ARGS = { 'api_key': '472071a93b60a1bd1fafb401d9f8ef41', 'port': 2222, } ``` Some platforms (e.g. Cisco IOS) require an argument named `secret` to be passed in addition to the normal password. If desired, you can use the configured `NAPALM_PASSWORD` as the value for this argument: ```python NAPALM_USERNAME = 'username' NAPALM_PASSWORD = 'MySecretPassword' NAPALM_ARGS = { 'secret': NAPALM_PASSWORD, # Include any additional args here } ``` --- ## NAPALM_TIMEOUT Default: 30 seconds The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for NAPALM to connect to a device. --- ## PAGINATE_COUNT Default: 50 The default maximum number of objects to display per page within each list of objects. --- ## PREFER_IPV4 Default: False When determining the primary IP address for a device, IPv6 is preferred over IPv4 by default. Set this to True to prefer IPv4 instead. --- ## RACK_ELEVATION_DEFAULT_UNIT_HEIGHT Default: 22 Default height (in pixels) of a unit within a rack elevation. For best results, this should be approximately one tenth of `RACK_ELEVATION_DEFAULT_UNIT_WIDTH`. --- ## RACK_ELEVATION_DEFAULT_UNIT_WIDTH Default: 220 Default width (in pixels) of a unit within a rack elevation.