{% extends '_base.html' %} {% load render_table from django_tables2 %} {% load form_helpers %} {% block title %}Circuit Import{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Circuit Import

{% csrf_token %} {% render_form form %}

CSV Format

Field Description Example
Circuit ID Alphanumeric circuit identifier IC-603122
Provider Name of circuit provider TeliaSonera
Type Circuit type Transit
Tenant Name of tenant (optional) Strickland Propane
Site Site name ASH-4
Install Date Date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional) 2016-02-23
Port Speed Physical speed in Kbps 10000
Commit rate Commited rate in Kbps (optional) 2000
Cross-connect ID ID of cross-connect (optional) 937649
Patch Panel Patch panel/port ID (optional) PP8371 ports 13/14


IC-603122,TeliaSonera,Transit,Strickland Propane,ASH-4,2016-02-23,10000,2000,937649,PP8371 ports 13/14
{% endblock %}