from collections import OrderedDict import yaml from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericRelation from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.core.validators import MaxValueValidator, MinValueValidator from django.db import models from django.db.models import F, ProtectedError from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from dcim.choices import * from dcim.constants import * from extras.models import ConfigContextModel from extras.querysets import ConfigContextModelQuerySet from extras.utils import extras_features from netbox.config import ConfigItem from netbox.models import OrganizationalModel, PrimaryModel from utilities.choices import ColorChoices from utilities.fields import ColorField, NaturalOrderingField from .device_components import * __all__ = ( 'Device', 'DeviceRole', 'DeviceType', 'Manufacturer', 'Platform', 'VirtualChassis', ) # # Device Types # @extras_features('custom_fields', 'custom_links', 'export_templates', 'tags', 'webhooks') class Manufacturer(OrganizationalModel): """ A Manufacturer represents a company which produces hardware devices; for example, Juniper or Dell. """ name = models.CharField( max_length=100, unique=True ) slug = models.SlugField( max_length=100, unique=True ) description = models.CharField( max_length=200, blank=True ) # Generic relations contacts = GenericRelation( to='tenancy.ContactAssignment' ) class Meta: ordering = ['name'] def __str__(self): return def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('dcim:manufacturer', args=[]) @extras_features('custom_fields', 'custom_links', 'export_templates', 'tags', 'webhooks') class DeviceType(PrimaryModel): """ A DeviceType represents a particular make (Manufacturer) and model of device. It specifies rack height and depth, as well as high-level functional role(s). Each DeviceType can have an arbitrary number of component templates assigned to it, which define console, power, and interface objects. For example, a Juniper EX4300-48T DeviceType would have: * 1 ConsolePortTemplate * 2 PowerPortTemplates * 48 InterfaceTemplates When a new Device of this type is created, the appropriate console, power, and interface objects (as defined by the DeviceType) are automatically created as well. """ manufacturer = models.ForeignKey( to='dcim.Manufacturer', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='device_types' ) model = models.CharField( max_length=100 ) slug = models.SlugField( max_length=100 ) part_number = models.CharField( max_length=50, blank=True, help_text='Discrete part number (optional)' ) u_height = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( default=1, verbose_name='Height (U)' ) is_full_depth = models.BooleanField( default=True, verbose_name='Is full depth', help_text='Device consumes both front and rear rack faces' ) subdevice_role = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=SubdeviceRoleChoices, blank=True, verbose_name='Parent/child status', help_text='Parent devices house child devices in device bays. Leave blank ' 'if this device type is neither a parent nor a child.' ) airflow = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=DeviceAirflowChoices, blank=True ) front_image = models.ImageField( upload_to='devicetype-images', blank=True ) rear_image = models.ImageField( upload_to='devicetype-images', blank=True ) comments = models.TextField( blank=True ) clone_fields = [ 'manufacturer', 'u_height', 'is_full_depth', 'subdevice_role', 'airflow', ] class Meta: ordering = ['manufacturer', 'model'] unique_together = [ ['manufacturer', 'model'], ['manufacturer', 'slug'], ] def __str__(self): return self.model def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Save a copy of u_height for validation in clean() self._original_u_height = self.u_height # Save references to the original front/rear images self._original_front_image = self.front_image self._original_rear_image = self.rear_image def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('dcim:devicetype', args=[]) def to_yaml(self): data = OrderedDict(( ('manufacturer',, ('model', self.model), ('slug', self.slug), ('part_number', self.part_number), ('u_height', self.u_height), ('is_full_depth', self.is_full_depth), ('subdevice_role', self.subdevice_role), ('airflow', self.airflow), ('comments', self.comments), )) # Component templates if self.consoleporttemplates.exists(): data['console-ports'] = [ { 'name':, 'type': c.type, 'label': c.label, 'description': c.description, } for c in self.consoleporttemplates.all() ] if self.consoleserverporttemplates.exists(): data['console-server-ports'] = [ { 'name':, 'type': c.type, 'label': c.label, 'description': c.description, } for c in self.consoleserverporttemplates.all() ] if self.powerporttemplates.exists(): data['power-ports'] = [ { 'name':, 'type': c.type, 'maximum_draw': c.maximum_draw, 'allocated_draw': c.allocated_draw, 'label': c.label, 'description': c.description, } for c in self.powerporttemplates.all() ] if self.poweroutlettemplates.exists(): data['power-outlets'] = [ { 'name':, 'type': c.type, 'power_port': if c.power_port else None, 'feed_leg': c.feed_leg, 'label': c.label, 'description': c.description, } for c in self.poweroutlettemplates.all() ] if self.interfacetemplates.exists(): data['interfaces'] = [ { 'name':, 'type': c.type, 'mgmt_only': c.mgmt_only, 'label': c.label, 'description': c.description, } for c in self.interfacetemplates.all() ] if self.frontporttemplates.exists(): data['front-ports'] = [ { 'name':, 'type': c.type, 'rear_port':, 'rear_port_position': c.rear_port_position, 'label': c.label, 'description': c.description, } for c in self.frontporttemplates.all() ] if self.rearporttemplates.exists(): data['rear-ports'] = [ { 'name':, 'type': c.type, 'positions': c.positions, 'label': c.label, 'description': c.description, } for c in self.rearporttemplates.all() ] if self.devicebaytemplates.exists(): data['device-bays'] = [ { 'name':, 'label': c.label, 'description': c.description, } for c in self.devicebaytemplates.all() ] return yaml.dump(dict(data), sort_keys=False) def clean(self): super().clean() # If editing an existing DeviceType to have a larger u_height, first validate that *all* instances of it have # room to expand within their racks. This validation will impose a very high performance penalty when there are # many instances to check, but increasing the u_height of a DeviceType should be a very rare occurrence. if and self.u_height > self._original_u_height: for d in Device.objects.filter(device_type=self, position__isnull=False): face_required = None if self.is_full_depth else d.face u_available = d.rack.get_available_units( u_height=self.u_height, rack_face=face_required, exclude=[] ) if d.position not in u_available: raise ValidationError({ 'u_height': "Device {} in rack {} does not have sufficient space to accommodate a height of " "{}U".format(d, d.rack, self.u_height) }) # If modifying the height of an existing DeviceType to 0U, check for any instances assigned to a rack position. elif and self._original_u_height > 0 and self.u_height == 0: racked_instance_count = Device.objects.filter( device_type=self, position__isnull=False ).count() if racked_instance_count: url = f"{reverse('dcim:device_list')}?manufactuer_id={self.manufacturer_id}&device_type_id={}" raise ValidationError({ 'u_height': mark_safe( f'Unable to set 0U height: Found {racked_instance_count} instances already ' f'mounted within racks.' ) }) if ( self.subdevice_role != SubdeviceRoleChoices.ROLE_PARENT ) and self.devicebaytemplates.count(): raise ValidationError({ 'subdevice_role': "Must delete all device bay templates associated with this device before " "declassifying it as a parent device." }) if self.u_height and self.subdevice_role == SubdeviceRoleChoices.ROLE_CHILD: raise ValidationError({ 'u_height': "Child device types must be 0U." }) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): ret = super().save(*args, **kwargs) # Delete any previously uploaded image files that are no longer in use if self.front_image != self._original_front_image: self._original_front_image.delete(save=False) if self.rear_image != self._original_rear_image: self._original_rear_image.delete(save=False) return ret def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): super().delete(*args, **kwargs) # Delete any uploaded image files if self.front_image: self.front_image.delete(save=False) if self.rear_image: self.rear_image.delete(save=False) @property def is_parent_device(self): return self.subdevice_role == SubdeviceRoleChoices.ROLE_PARENT @property def is_child_device(self): return self.subdevice_role == SubdeviceRoleChoices.ROLE_CHILD # # Devices # @extras_features('custom_fields', 'custom_links', 'export_templates', 'tags', 'webhooks') class DeviceRole(OrganizationalModel): """ Devices are organized by functional role; for example, "Core Switch" or "File Server". Each DeviceRole is assigned a color to be used when displaying rack elevations. The vm_role field determines whether the role is applicable to virtual machines as well. """ name = models.CharField( max_length=100, unique=True ) slug = models.SlugField( max_length=100, unique=True ) color = ColorField( default=ColorChoices.COLOR_GREY ) vm_role = models.BooleanField( default=True, verbose_name='VM Role', help_text='Virtual machines may be assigned to this role' ) description = models.CharField( max_length=200, blank=True, ) class Meta: ordering = ['name'] def __str__(self): return def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('dcim:devicerole', args=[]) @extras_features('custom_fields', 'custom_links', 'export_templates', 'tags', 'webhooks') class Platform(OrganizationalModel): """ Platform refers to the software or firmware running on a Device. For example, "Cisco IOS-XR" or "Juniper Junos". NetBox uses Platforms to determine how to interact with devices when pulling inventory data or other information by specifying a NAPALM driver. """ name = models.CharField( max_length=100, unique=True ) slug = models.SlugField( max_length=100, unique=True ) manufacturer = models.ForeignKey( to='dcim.Manufacturer', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='platforms', blank=True, null=True, help_text='Optionally limit this platform to devices of a certain manufacturer' ) napalm_driver = models.CharField( max_length=50, blank=True, verbose_name='NAPALM driver', help_text='The name of the NAPALM driver to use when interacting with devices' ) napalm_args = models.JSONField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='NAPALM arguments', help_text='Additional arguments to pass when initiating the NAPALM driver (JSON format)' ) description = models.CharField( max_length=200, blank=True ) class Meta: ordering = ['name'] def __str__(self): return def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('dcim:platform', args=[]) @extras_features('custom_fields', 'custom_links', 'export_templates', 'tags', 'webhooks') class Device(PrimaryModel, ConfigContextModel): """ A Device represents a piece of physical hardware mounted within a Rack. Each Device is assigned a DeviceType, DeviceRole, and (optionally) a Platform. Device names are not required, however if one is set it must be unique. Each Device must be assigned to a site, and optionally to a rack within that site. Associating a device with a particular rack face or unit is optional (for example, vertically mounted PDUs do not consume rack units). When a new Device is created, console/power/interface/device bay components are created along with it as dictated by the component templates assigned to its DeviceType. Components can also be added, modified, or deleted after the creation of a Device. """ device_type = models.ForeignKey( to='dcim.DeviceType', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='instances' ) device_role = models.ForeignKey( to='dcim.DeviceRole', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='devices' ) tenant = models.ForeignKey( to='tenancy.Tenant', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='devices', blank=True, null=True ) platform = models.ForeignKey( to='dcim.Platform', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name='devices', blank=True, null=True ) name = models.CharField( max_length=64, blank=True, null=True ) _name = NaturalOrderingField( target_field='name', max_length=100, blank=True, null=True ) serial = models.CharField( max_length=50, blank=True, verbose_name='Serial number' ) asset_tag = models.CharField( max_length=50, blank=True, null=True, unique=True, verbose_name='Asset tag', help_text='A unique tag used to identify this device' ) site = models.ForeignKey( to='dcim.Site', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='devices' ) location = models.ForeignKey( to='dcim.Location', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='devices', blank=True, null=True ) rack = models.ForeignKey( to='dcim.Rack', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='devices', blank=True, null=True ) position = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(1)], verbose_name='Position (U)', help_text='The lowest-numbered unit occupied by the device' ) face = models.CharField( max_length=50, blank=True, choices=DeviceFaceChoices, verbose_name='Rack face' ) status = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=DeviceStatusChoices, default=DeviceStatusChoices.STATUS_ACTIVE ) airflow = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=DeviceAirflowChoices, blank=True ) primary_ip4 = models.OneToOneField( to='ipam.IPAddress', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name='+', blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='Primary IPv4' ) primary_ip6 = models.OneToOneField( to='ipam.IPAddress', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name='+', blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='Primary IPv6' ) cluster = models.ForeignKey( to='virtualization.Cluster', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name='devices', blank=True, null=True ) virtual_chassis = models.ForeignKey( to='VirtualChassis', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name='members', blank=True, null=True ) vc_position = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, validators=[MaxValueValidator(255)] ) vc_priority = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, validators=[MaxValueValidator(255)] ) comments = models.TextField( blank=True ) # Generic relations contacts = GenericRelation( to='tenancy.ContactAssignment' ) images = GenericRelation( to='extras.ImageAttachment' ) objects = ConfigContextModelQuerySet.as_manager() clone_fields = [ 'device_type', 'device_role', 'tenant', 'platform', 'site', 'location', 'rack', 'status', 'airflow', 'cluster', ] class Meta: ordering = ('_name', 'pk') # Name may be null unique_together = ( ('site', 'tenant', 'name'), # See validate_unique below ('rack', 'position', 'face'), ('virtual_chassis', 'vc_position'), ) def __str__(self): if and self.asset_tag: return f'{} ({self.asset_tag})' elif return elif self.virtual_chassis: return f'{}:{self.vc_position} ({})' elif self.device_type: return f'{self.device_type.manufacturer} {self.device_type.model} ({})' return super().__str__() def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('dcim:device', args=[]) def validate_unique(self, exclude=None): # Check for a duplicate name on a device assigned to the same Site and no Tenant. This is necessary # because Django does not consider two NULL fields to be equal, and thus will not trigger a violation # of the uniqueness constraint without manual intervention. if and hasattr(self, 'site') and self.tenant is None: if Device.objects.exclude(,, tenant__isnull=True ): raise ValidationError({ 'name': 'A device with this name already exists.' }) super().validate_unique(exclude) def clean(self): super().clean() # Validate site/location/rack combination if self.rack and != raise ValidationError({ 'rack': f"Rack {self.rack} does not belong to site {}.", }) if self.location and != raise ValidationError({ 'location': f"Location {self.location} does not belong to site {}.", }) if self.rack and self.location and self.rack.location != self.location: raise ValidationError({ 'rack': f"Rack {self.rack} does not belong to location {self.location}.", }) elif self.rack: self.location = self.rack.location if self.rack is None: if self.face: raise ValidationError({ 'face': "Cannot select a rack face without assigning a rack.", }) if self.position: raise ValidationError({ 'position': "Cannot select a rack position without assigning a rack.", }) # Validate position/face combination if self.position and not self.face: raise ValidationError({ 'face': "Must specify rack face when defining rack position.", }) # Prevent 0U devices from being assigned to a specific position if self.position and self.device_type.u_height == 0: raise ValidationError({ 'position': f"A U0 device type ({self.device_type}) cannot be assigned to a rack position." }) if self.rack: try: # Child devices cannot be assigned to a rack face/unit if self.device_type.is_child_device and self.face: raise ValidationError({ 'face': "Child device types cannot be assigned to a rack face. This is an attribute of the " "parent device." }) if self.device_type.is_child_device and self.position: raise ValidationError({ 'position': "Child device types cannot be assigned to a rack position. This is an attribute of " "the parent device." }) # Validate rack space rack_face = self.face if not self.device_type.is_full_depth else None exclude_list = [] if else [] available_units = self.rack.get_available_units( u_height=self.device_type.u_height, rack_face=rack_face, exclude=exclude_list ) if self.position and self.position not in available_units: raise ValidationError({ 'position': f"U{self.position} is already occupied or does not have sufficient space to " f"accommodate this device type: {self.device_type} ({self.device_type.u_height}U)" }) except DeviceType.DoesNotExist: pass # Validate primary IP addresses vc_interfaces = self.vc_interfaces(if_master=False) if self.primary_ip4: if != 4: raise ValidationError({ 'primary_ip4': f"{self.primary_ip4} is not an IPv4 address." }) if self.primary_ip4.assigned_object in vc_interfaces: pass elif self.primary_ip4.nat_inside is not None and self.primary_ip4.nat_inside.assigned_object in vc_interfaces: pass else: raise ValidationError({ 'primary_ip4': f"The specified IP address ({self.primary_ip4}) is not assigned to this device." }) if self.primary_ip6: if != 6: raise ValidationError({ 'primary_ip6': f"{self.primary_ip6} is not an IPv6 address." }) if self.primary_ip6.assigned_object in vc_interfaces: pass elif self.primary_ip6.nat_inside is not None and self.primary_ip6.nat_inside.assigned_object in vc_interfaces: pass else: raise ValidationError({ 'primary_ip6': f"The specified IP address ({self.primary_ip6}) is not assigned to this device." }) # Validate manufacturer/platform if hasattr(self, 'device_type') and self.platform: if self.platform.manufacturer and self.platform.manufacturer != self.device_type.manufacturer: raise ValidationError({ 'platform': "The assigned platform is limited to {} device types, but this device's type belongs " "to {}.".format(self.platform.manufacturer, self.device_type.manufacturer) }) # A Device can only be assigned to a Cluster in the same Site (or no Site) if self.cluster and is not None and != raise ValidationError({ 'cluster': "The assigned cluster belongs to a different site ({})".format( }) # Validate virtual chassis assignment if self.virtual_chassis and self.vc_position is None: raise ValidationError({ 'vc_position': "A device assigned to a virtual chassis must have its position defined." }) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): is_new = not bool( # Inherit airflow attribute from DeviceType if not set if is_new and not self.airflow: self.airflow = self.device_type.airflow super().save(*args, **kwargs) # If this is a new Device, instantiate all of the related components per the DeviceType definition if is_new: ConsolePort.objects.bulk_create( [x.instantiate(self) for x in self.device_type.consoleporttemplates.all()] ) ConsoleServerPort.objects.bulk_create( [x.instantiate(self) for x in self.device_type.consoleserverporttemplates.all()] ) PowerPort.objects.bulk_create( [x.instantiate(self) for x in self.device_type.powerporttemplates.all()] ) PowerOutlet.objects.bulk_create( [x.instantiate(self) for x in self.device_type.poweroutlettemplates.all()] ) Interface.objects.bulk_create( [x.instantiate(self) for x in self.device_type.interfacetemplates.all()] ) RearPort.objects.bulk_create( [x.instantiate(self) for x in self.device_type.rearporttemplates.all()] ) FrontPort.objects.bulk_create( [x.instantiate(self) for x in self.device_type.frontporttemplates.all()] ) DeviceBay.objects.bulk_create( [x.instantiate(self) for x in self.device_type.devicebaytemplates.all()] ) # Update Site and Rack assignment for any child Devices devices = Device.objects.filter(parent_bay__device=self) for device in devices: = device.rack = self.rack @property def identifier(self): """ Return the device name if set; otherwise return the Device's primary key as {pk} """ if is not None: return return '{{{}}}'.format( @property def primary_ip(self): if ConfigItem('PREFER_IPV4')() and self.primary_ip4: return self.primary_ip4 elif self.primary_ip6: return self.primary_ip6 elif self.primary_ip4: return self.primary_ip4 else: return None @property def interfaces_count(self): return self.vc_interfaces().count() def get_vc_master(self): """ If this Device is a VirtualChassis member, return the VC master. Otherwise, return None. """ return self.virtual_chassis.master if self.virtual_chassis else None def vc_interfaces(self, if_master=True): """ Return a QuerySet matching all Interfaces assigned to this Device or, if this Device is a VC master, to another Device belonging to the same VirtualChassis. :param if_master: If True, return VC member interfaces only if this Device is the VC master. """ filter = Q(device=self) if self.virtual_chassis and (self.virtual_chassis.master == self or not if_master): filter |= Q(device__virtual_chassis=self.virtual_chassis, mgmt_only=False) return Interface.objects.filter(filter) def get_cables(self, pk_list=False): """ Return a QuerySet or PK list matching all Cables connected to a component of this Device. """ from .cables import Cable cable_pks = [] for component_model in [ ConsolePort, ConsoleServerPort, PowerPort, PowerOutlet, Interface, FrontPort, RearPort ]: cable_pks += component_model.objects.filter( device=self, cable__isnull=False ).values_list('cable', flat=True) if pk_list: return cable_pks return Cable.objects.filter(pk__in=cable_pks) def get_children(self): """ Return the set of child Devices installed in DeviceBays within this Device. """ return Device.objects.filter( def get_status_class(self): return DeviceStatusChoices.CSS_CLASSES.get(self.status) # # Virtual chassis # @extras_features('custom_fields', 'custom_links', 'export_templates', 'tags', 'webhooks') class VirtualChassis(PrimaryModel): """ A collection of Devices which operate with a shared control plane (e.g. a switch stack). """ master = models.OneToOneField( to='Device', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='vc_master_for', blank=True, null=True ) name = models.CharField( max_length=64 ) domain = models.CharField( max_length=30, blank=True ) class Meta: ordering = ['name'] verbose_name_plural = 'virtual chassis' def __str__(self): return def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('dcim:virtualchassis', kwargs={'pk':}) def clean(self): super().clean() # Verify that the selected master device has been assigned to this VirtualChassis. (Skip when creating a new # VirtualChassis.) if and self.master and self.master not in self.members.all(): raise ValidationError({ 'master': f"The selected master ({self.master}) is not assigned to this virtual chassis." }) def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): # Check for LAG interfaces split across member chassis interfaces = Interface.objects.filter( device__in=self.members.all(), lag__isnull=False ).exclude( lag__device=F('device') ) if interfaces: raise ProtectedError( f"Unable to delete virtual chassis {self}. There are member interfaces which form a cross-chassis LAG", interfaces ) return super().delete(*args, **kwargs)