{% extends '_base.html' %} {% load render_table from django_tables2 %} {% load form_helpers %} {% block title %}Prefix Import{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Prefix Import

{% csrf_token %} {% render_form form %}

CSV Format

Field Description Example
Prefix IPv4 or IPv6 network
VRF VRF route distinguisher (optional) 65000:123
Tenant Name of tenant (optional) ABC01
Site Name of assigned site (optional) HQ
VLAN Group Name of group for VLAN selection (optional) Customers
VLAN ID Numeric VLAN ID (optional) 801
Status Current status Active
Role Functional role (optional) Customer
Is a pool True if all IPs are considered usable False
Description Short description (optional) 7th floor WiFi

Example,65000:123,ABC01,HQ,Customers,801,Active,Customer,False,7th floor WiFi
{% endblock %}