import django_tables2 as tables from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django_tables2.utils import Accessor from dcim.models import Interface from ipam.models import * from netbox.tables import NetBoxTable, columns from tenancy.tables import TenantColumn from virtualization.models import VMInterface __all__ = ( 'InterfaceVLANTable', 'VLANDevicesTable', 'VLANGroupTable', 'VLANMembersTable', 'VLANTable', 'VLANVirtualMachinesTable', ) AVAILABLE_LABEL = mark_safe('Available') VLAN_LINK = """ {% if %} {{ record.vid }} {% elif perms.ipam.add_vlan %} {{ record.available }} VLAN{{ record.available|pluralize }} available {% else %} {{ record.available }} VLAN{{ record.available|pluralize }} available {% endif %} """ VLAN_PREFIXES = """ {% for prefix in record.prefixes.all %} {{ prefix }}{% if not forloop.last %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} """ VLANGROUP_BUTTONS = """ {% with next_vid=record.get_next_available_vid %} {% if next_vid and perms.ipam.add_vlan %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} """ VLAN_MEMBER_TAGGED = """ {% if record.untagged_vlan_id == %} {% else %} {% endif %} """ # # VLAN groups # class VLANGroupTable(NetBoxTable): name = tables.Column(linkify=True) scope_type = columns.ContentTypeColumn() scope = tables.Column( linkify=True, orderable=False ) vlan_count = columns.LinkedCountColumn( viewname='ipam:vlan_list', url_params={'group_id': 'pk'}, verbose_name='VLANs' ) tags = columns.TagColumn( url_name='ipam:vlangroup_list' ) actions = columns.ActionsColumn( extra_buttons=VLANGROUP_BUTTONS ) class Meta(NetBoxTable.Meta): model = VLANGroup fields = ( 'pk', 'id', 'name', 'scope_type', 'scope', 'min_vid', 'max_vid', 'vlan_count', 'slug', 'description', 'tags', 'created', 'last_updated', 'actions', ) default_columns = ('pk', 'name', 'scope_type', 'scope', 'vlan_count', 'description') # # VLANs # class VLANTable(NetBoxTable): vid = tables.TemplateColumn( template_code=VLAN_LINK, verbose_name='VID' ) name = tables.Column( linkify=True ) site = tables.Column( linkify=True ) group = tables.Column( linkify=True ) tenant = TenantColumn() status = columns.ChoiceFieldColumn( default=AVAILABLE_LABEL ) role = tables.Column( linkify=True ) prefixes = columns.TemplateColumn( template_code=VLAN_PREFIXES, orderable=False, verbose_name='Prefixes' ) tags = columns.TagColumn( url_name='ipam:vlan_list' ) class Meta(NetBoxTable.Meta): model = VLAN fields = ( 'pk', 'id', 'vid', 'name', 'site', 'group', 'prefixes', 'tenant', 'status', 'role', 'description', 'tags', 'created', 'last_updated', ) default_columns = ('pk', 'vid', 'name', 'site', 'group', 'prefixes', 'tenant', 'status', 'role', 'description') row_attrs = { 'class': lambda record: 'success' if not isinstance(record, VLAN) else '', } class VLANMembersTable(NetBoxTable): """ Base table for Interface and VMInterface assignments """ name = tables.Column( linkify=True, verbose_name='Interface' ) tagged = tables.TemplateColumn( template_code=VLAN_MEMBER_TAGGED, orderable=False ) class VLANDevicesTable(VLANMembersTable): device = tables.Column( linkify=True ) actions = columns.ActionsColumn( sequence=('edit',) ) class Meta(NetBoxTable.Meta): model = Interface fields = ('device', 'name', 'tagged', 'actions') exclude = ('id', ) class VLANVirtualMachinesTable(VLANMembersTable): virtual_machine = tables.Column( linkify=True ) actions = columns.ActionsColumn( sequence=('edit',) ) class Meta(NetBoxTable.Meta): model = VMInterface fields = ('virtual_machine', 'name', 'tagged', 'actions') exclude = ('id', ) class InterfaceVLANTable(NetBoxTable): """ List VLANs assigned to a specific Interface. """ vid = tables.Column( linkify=True, verbose_name='ID' ) tagged = columns.BooleanColumn() site = tables.Column( linkify=True ) group = tables.Column( accessor=Accessor('group__name'), verbose_name='Group' ) tenant = TenantColumn() status = columns.ChoiceFieldColumn() role = tables.Column( linkify=True ) class Meta(NetBoxTable.Meta): model = VLAN fields = ('vid', 'tagged', 'site', 'group', 'name', 'tenant', 'status', 'role', 'description') exclude = ('id', ) def __init__(self, interface, *args, **kwargs): self.interface = interface super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)