# Conditions

Conditions are NetBox's mechanism for evaluating whether a set data meets a prescribed set of conditions. It allows the author to convey simple logic by declaring an arbitrary number of attribute-value-operation tuples nested within a hierarchy of logical AND and OR statements.

## Conditions

A condition is expressed as a JSON object with the following keys:

| Key name | Required | Default | Description |
| attr     | Yes      | -       | Name of the key within the data being evaluated |
| value    | Yes      | -       | The reference value to which the given data will be compared |
| op       | No       | `eq`    | The logical operation to be performed |
| negate   | No       | False   | Negate (invert) the result of the condition's evaluation |

### Available Operations

* `eq`: Equals
* `gt`: Greater than
* `gte`: Greater than or equal to
* `lt`: Less than
* `lte`: Less than or equal to
* `in`: Is present within a list of values
* `contains`: Contains the specified value

### Accessing Nested Keys

To access nested keys, use dots to denote the path to the desired attribute. For example, assume the following data:

  "a": {
    "b": {
      "c": 123

The following condition will evaluate as true:

  "attr": "a.b.c",
  "value": 123

### Examples

`name` equals "foo":

  "attr": "name",
  "value": "foo"

`name` does not equal "foo"

  "attr": "name",
  "value": "foo",
  "negate": true

`asn` is greater than 65000:

  "attr": "asn",
  "value": 65000,
  "op": "gt"

`status` is not "planned" or "staging":

  "attr": "status.value",
  "value": ["planned", "staging"],
  "op": "in",
  "negate": true

!!! note "Evaluating static choice fields"
    Pay close attention when evaluating static choice fields, such as the `status` field above. These fields typically render as a dictionary specifying both the field's raw value (`value`) and its human-friendly label (`label`). be sure to specify on which of these you want to match.

## Condition Sets

Multiple conditions can be combined into nested sets using AND or OR logic. This is done by declaring a JSON object with a single key (`and` or `or`) containing a list of condition objects and/or child condition sets.

### Examples

`status` is "active" and `primary_ip` is defined _or_ the "exempt" tag is applied.

  "or": [
      "and": [
          "attr": "status.value",
          "value": "active"
          "attr": "primary_ip",
          "value": "",
          "negate": true
      "attr": "tags",
      "value": "exempt",
      "op": "contains"