from django.db.models import Manager, QuerySet from django.db.models.expressions import RawSQL from .constants import NONCONNECTABLE_IFACE_TYPES # Regular expressions for parsing Interface names TYPE_RE = r"SUBSTRING({} FROM '^([^0-9\.:]+)')" SLOT_RE = r"COALESCE(CAST(SUBSTRING({} FROM '^(?:[^0-9]+)?(\d{{1,9}})/') AS integer), NULL)" SUBSLOT_RE = r"COALESCE(CAST(SUBSTRING({} FROM '^(?:[^0-9\.:]+)?\d{{1,9}}/(\d{{1,9}})') AS integer), NULL)" POSITION_RE = r"COALESCE(CAST(SUBSTRING({} FROM '^(?:[^0-9]+)?(?:\d{{1,9}}/){{2}}(\d{{1,9}})') AS integer), NULL)" SUBPOSITION_RE = r"COALESCE(CAST(SUBSTRING({} FROM '^(?:[^0-9]+)?(?:\d{{1,9}}/){{3}}(\d{{1,9}})') AS integer), NULL)" ID_RE = r"CAST(SUBSTRING({} FROM '^(?:[^0-9\.:]+)?(\d{{1,9}})([^/]|$)') AS integer)" CHANNEL_RE = r"COALESCE(CAST(SUBSTRING({} FROM '^.*:(\d{{1,9}})(\.\d{{1,9}})?$') AS integer), 0)" VC_RE = r"COALESCE(CAST(SUBSTRING({} FROM '^.*\.(\d{{1,9}})$') AS integer), 0)" class DeviceComponentManager(Manager): def get_queryset(self): queryset = super().get_queryset() table_name = self.model._meta.db_table sql = r"CONCAT(REGEXP_REPLACE({}.name, '\d+$', ''), LPAD(SUBSTRING({}.name FROM '\d+$'), 8, '0'))" # Pad any trailing digits to effect natural sorting return queryset.extra( select={ 'name_padded': sql.format(table_name, table_name), } ).order_by('name_padded', 'pk') class InterfaceQuerySet(QuerySet): def connectable(self): """ Return only physical interfaces which are capable of being connected to other interfaces (i.e. not virtual or wireless). """ return self.exclude(form_factor__in=NONCONNECTABLE_IFACE_TYPES) class InterfaceManager(Manager): def get_queryset(self): """ Naturally order interfaces by their type and numeric position. To order interfaces naturally, the `name` field is split into eight distinct components: leading text (type), slot, subslot, position, subposition, ID, channel, and virtual circuit: {type}{slot or ID}/{subslot}/{position}/{subposition}:{channel}.{vc} Components absent from the interface name are coalesced to zero or null. For example, an interface named GigabitEthernet1/2/3 would be parsed as follows: type = 'GigabitEthernet' slot = 1 subslot = 2 position = 3 subposition = None id = None channel = 0 vc = 0 The original `name` field is considered in its entirety to serve as a fallback in the event interfaces do not match any of the prescribed fields. The `id` field is included to enforce deterministic ordering of interfaces in similar vein of other device components. """ sql_col = '{}.name'.format(self.model._meta.db_table) ordering = [ '_slot', '_subslot', '_position', '_subposition', '_type', '_id', '_channel', '_vc', 'name', 'id' ] fields = { '_type': RawSQL(TYPE_RE.format(sql_col), []), '_id': RawSQL(ID_RE.format(sql_col), []), '_slot': RawSQL(SLOT_RE.format(sql_col), []), '_subslot': RawSQL(SUBSLOT_RE.format(sql_col), []), '_position': RawSQL(POSITION_RE.format(sql_col), []), '_subposition': RawSQL(SUBPOSITION_RE.format(sql_col), []), '_channel': RawSQL(CHANNEL_RE.format(sql_col), []), '_vc': RawSQL(VC_RE.format(sql_col), []), } return InterfaceQuerySet(self.model, using=self._db).annotate(**fields).order_by(*ordering)