{% extends 'generic/object.html' %} {% load helpers %} {% load static %} {% block content %}
Config Context
Name {{ object.name }}
Weight {{ object.weight }}
Description {{ object.description|placeholder }}
Active {% checkmark object.is_active %}
Data Source {% if object.data_source %} {{ object.data_source }} {% else %} {{ ''|placeholder }} {% endif %}
Data File {% if object.data_file %} {{ object.data_file }} {% elif object.data_path %}
{{ object.data_path }} {% else %} {{ ''|placeholder }} {% endif %}
Data Synced {{ object.data_synced|placeholder }}
{% for title, objects in assigned_objects %} {% endfor %}
{{ title }}
    {% for object in objects %}
  • {{ object|linkify }}
  • {% empty %}
  • None
  • {% endfor %}
{% include 'extras/inc/configcontext_format.html' %}
{% if object.data_file and object.data_file.last_updated > object.data_synced %} {% endif %} {% include 'extras/inc/configcontext_data.html' with data=object.data format=format %}
{% endblock %}