{% extends '_base.html' %} {% load helpers %} {% block title %}{{ circuit.provider }} - {{ circuit.cid }}{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if perms.circuits.change_circuit %} Edit this circuit {% endif %} {% if perms.circuits.delete_circuit %} Delete this circuit {% endif %}

{{ circuit.provider }} - {{ circuit.cid }}

Provider {{ circuit.provider }}
Circuit ID {{ circuit.cid }}
Type {{ circuit.type }}
Tenant {% if circuit.tenant %} {{ circuit.tenant }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
Install Date {% if circuit.install_date %} {{ circuit.install_date }} {% else %} N/A {% endif %}
Speed {% if circuit.upstream_speed %} {{ circuit.port_speed_human }}   {{ circuit.upstream_speed_human }} {% else %} {{ circuit.port_speed_human }} {% endif %}
Commit Rate {% if circuit.commit_rate %} {{ circuit.commit_rate_human }} {% else %} N/A {% endif %}
{% with circuit.get_custom_fields as custom_fields %} {% include 'inc/custom_fields_panel.html' %} {% endwith %} {% include 'inc/created_updated.html' with obj=circuit %}
Site {{ circuit.site }}
Termination {% if circuit.interface %} {{ circuit.interface.device }} {{ circuit.interface }} {% else %} Not defined {% endif %}
IP Addressing {% if circuit.interface %} {% for ip in circuit.interface.ip_addresses.all %} {% if not forloop.first %}
{% endif %} {{ ip }} ({{ ip.vrf|default:"Global" }}) {% empty %} None {% endfor %} {% else %} N/A {% endif %}
Cross-Connect {% if circuit.xconnect_id %} {{ circuit.xconnect_id }} {% else %} N/A {% endif %}
Patch Panel/Port {% if circuit.pp_info %} {{ circuit.pp_info }} {% else %} N/A {% endif %}
{% if circuit.comments %} {{ circuit.comments|gfm }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
{% endblock %}