from django import forms from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from dcim.choices import * from dcim.constants import * __all__ = ( 'InterfaceCommonForm', ) class InterfaceCommonForm(forms.Form): mac_address = forms.CharField( empty_value=None, required=False, label=_('MAC address') ) mtu = forms.IntegerField( required=False, min_value=INTERFACE_MTU_MIN, max_value=INTERFACE_MTU_MAX, label=_('MTU') ) def clean(self): super().clean() parent_field = 'device' if 'device' in self.cleaned_data else 'virtual_machine' tagged_vlans = self.cleaned_data.get('tagged_vlans') # Untagged interfaces cannot be assigned tagged VLANs if self.cleaned_data['mode'] == InterfaceModeChoices.MODE_ACCESS and tagged_vlans: raise forms.ValidationError({ 'mode': "An access interface cannot have tagged VLANs assigned." }) # Remove all tagged VLAN assignments from "tagged all" interfaces elif self.cleaned_data['mode'] == InterfaceModeChoices.MODE_TAGGED_ALL: self.cleaned_data['tagged_vlans'] = [] # Validate tagged VLANs; must be a global VLAN or in the same site elif self.cleaned_data['mode'] == InterfaceModeChoices.MODE_TAGGED and tagged_vlans: valid_sites = [None, self.cleaned_data[parent_field].site] invalid_vlans = [str(v) for v in tagged_vlans if not in valid_sites] if invalid_vlans: raise forms.ValidationError({ 'tagged_vlans': f"The tagged VLANs ({', '.join(invalid_vlans)}) must belong to the same site as " f"the interface's parent device/VM, or they must be global" })