from taggit.managers import _TaggableManager def is_taggable(obj): """ Return True if the instance can have Tags assigned to it; False otherwise. """ if hasattr(obj, 'tags'): if issubclass(obj.tags.__class__, _TaggableManager): return True return False def image_upload(instance, filename): """ Return a path for uploading image attachments. """ path = 'image-attachments/' # Rename the file to the provided name, if any. Attempt to preserve the file extension. extension = filename.rsplit('.')[-1].lower() if and extension in ['bmp', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png']: filename = '.'.join([, extension]) elif filename = return '{}{}_{}_{}'.format(path,, instance.object_id, filename) def is_script(obj): """ Returns True if the object is a Script or Report. """ from .reports import Report from .scripts import Script try: return (issubclass(obj, Report) and obj != Report) or (issubclass(obj, Script) and obj != Script) except TypeError: return False def is_report(obj): """ Returns True if the given object is a Report. """ from .reports import Report try: return issubclass(obj, Report) and obj != Report except TypeError: return False