# Configuration Rendering One of the critical aspects of operating a network is ensuring that every network node is configured correctly. By leveraging configuration templates and [context data](./context-data.md), NetBox can render complete configuration files for each device on your network. ```mermaid flowchart TD ConfigContext & ConfigTemplate --> Config{{Rendered configuration}} click ConfigContext "../../models/extras/configcontext/" click ConfigTemplate "../../models/extras/configtemplate/" ``` ## Configuration Templates Configuration templates are written in the [Jinja2 templating language](https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/), and may be automatically populated from remote data sources. Context data is applied to a template during rendering to output a complete configuration file. Below is an example template. ```jinja2 {% extends 'base.j2' %} {% block content %} system { host-name {{ device.name }}; domain-name example.com; time-zone UTC; authentication-order [ password radius ]; ntp { {% for server in ntp_servers %} server {{ server }}; {% endfor %} } } {% for interface in device.interfaces.all() %} {% include 'common/interface.j2' %} {% endfor %} {% endblock %} ``` When rendered for a specific NetBox device, the template's `device` variable will be populated with the device instance, and `ntp_servers` will be pulled from the device's available context data. The resulting output will be a valid configuration segment that can be applied directly to a compatible network device.