import urllib.parse import uuid from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.urls import reverse from dcim.models import Site from extras.choices import ObjectChangeActionChoices from extras.models import ConfigContext, ObjectChange, Tag from utilities.testing import ViewTestCases, TestCase class TagTestCase(ViewTestCases.OrganizationalObjectViewTestCase): model = Tag @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): Tag.objects.bulk_create(( Tag(name='Tag 1', slug='tag-1'), Tag(name='Tag 2', slug='tag-2'), Tag(name='Tag 3', slug='tag-3'), )) cls.form_data = { 'name': 'Tag X', 'slug': 'tag-x', 'color': 'c0c0c0', 'comments': 'Some comments', } cls.csv_data = ( "name,slug,color,description", "Tag 4,tag-4,ff0000,Fourth tag", "Tag 5,tag-5,00ff00,Fifth tag", "Tag 6,tag-6,0000ff,Sixth tag", ) cls.bulk_edit_data = { 'color': '00ff00', } # TODO: Change base class to PrimaryObjectViewTestCase # Blocked by absence of standard create/edit, bulk create views class ConfigContextTestCase( ViewTestCases.GetObjectViewTestCase, ViewTestCases.GetObjectChangelogViewTestCase, ViewTestCases.DeleteObjectViewTestCase, ViewTestCases.ListObjectsViewTestCase, ViewTestCases.BulkEditObjectsViewTestCase, ViewTestCases.BulkDeleteObjectsViewTestCase ): model = ConfigContext @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): site = Site.objects.create(name='Site 1', slug='site-1') # Create three ConfigContexts for i in range(1, 4): configcontext = ConfigContext( name='Config Context {}'.format(i), data={'foo': i} ) configcontext.sites.add(site) cls.form_data = { 'name': 'Config Context X', 'weight': 200, 'description': 'A new config context', 'is_active': True, 'regions': [], 'sites': [], 'roles': [], 'platforms': [], 'tenant_groups': [], 'tenants': [], 'tags': [], 'data': '{"foo": 123}', } cls.bulk_edit_data = { 'weight': 300, 'is_active': False, 'description': 'New description', } # TODO: Convert to StandardTestCases.Views class ObjectChangeTestCase(TestCase): user_permissions = ( 'extras.view_objectchange', ) @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): site = Site(name='Site 1', slug='site-1') # Create three ObjectChanges user = User.objects.create_user(username='testuser2') for i in range(1, 4): oc = site.to_objectchange(action=ObjectChangeActionChoices.ACTION_UPDATE) oc.user = user oc.request_id = uuid.uuid4() def test_objectchange_list(self): url = reverse('extras:objectchange_list') params = { "user": User.objects.first().pk, } response = self.client.get('{}?{}'.format(url, urllib.parse.urlencode(params))) self.assertHttpStatus(response, 200) def test_objectchange(self): objectchange = ObjectChange.objects.first() response = self.client.get(objectchange.get_absolute_url()) self.assertHttpStatus(response, 200)