from django.db import migrations def update_content_types(apps, schema_editor): ContentType = apps.get_model('contenttypes', 'ContentType') # Delete the new ContentTypes effected by the new models in the users app ContentType.objects.filter(app_label='users', model='user').delete() # Update the app labels of the original ContentTypes for auth.User to ensure # that any foreign key references are preserved ContentType.objects.filter(app_label='auth', model='user').update(app_label='users') netboxuser_ct = ContentType.objects.filter(app_label='users', model='netboxuser').first() if netboxuser_ct: user_ct = ContentType.objects.filter(app_label='users', model='user').first() CustomField = apps.get_model('extras', 'CustomField') CustomField.objects.filter( netboxuser_ct.delete() class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('users', '0002_squashed_0004'), ] operations = [ # The User table was originally created as 'auth_user'. Now we nullify the model's # db_table option, so that it defaults to the app & model name (users_user). This # causes the database table to be renamed. migrations.AlterModelTable( name='user', table=None, ), # Convert the `id` column to a 64-bit integer (BigAutoField is implied by DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD) migrations.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE users_user ALTER COLUMN id TYPE bigint"), # Rename auth_user_* sequences migrations.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE auth_user_groups_id_seq RENAME TO users_user_groups_id_seq"), migrations.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE auth_user_id_seq RENAME TO users_user_id_seq"), migrations.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE auth_user_user_permissions_id_seq RENAME TO users_user_user_permissions_id_seq"), # Rename auth_user_* indexes migrations.RunSQL("ALTER INDEX auth_user_pkey RENAME TO users_user_pkey"), # Hash is deterministic; generated via schema_editor._create_index_name() migrations.RunSQL("ALTER INDEX auth_user_username_6821ab7c_like RENAME TO users_user_username_06e46fe6_like"), migrations.RunSQL("ALTER INDEX auth_user_username_key RENAME TO users_user_username_key"), # Update ContentTypes migrations.RunPython( code=update_content_types, reverse_code=migrations.RunPython.noop ), ]