# Sites How you choose to employ sites when modeling your network may vary depending on the nature of your organization, but generally a site will equate to a building or campus. For example, a chain of banks might create a site to represent each of its branches, a site for its corporate headquarters, and two additional sites for its presence in two colocation facilities. ## Fields ### Name The site's unique name. ### Slug A unique URL-friendly identifier. (This value can be used for filtering.) ### Status The site's operational status. !!! tip Additional statuses may be defined by setting `Site.status` under the [`FIELD_CHOICES`](../../configuration/data-validation.md#field_choices) configuration parameter. ### Region The parent [region](./region.md) to which the site belongs, if any. ### Facility Data center or facility designation for identifying the site. ### ASNs Each site can have multiple [AS numbers](../ipam/asn.md) assigned to it. ### Time Zone The site's local time zone. (Time zones are provided by the [pytz](https://pypi.org/project/pytz/) package.) ### Physical Address The site's physical address, used for mapping. ### Shipping Address The address to use for deliveries destined for the site. !!! tip You can also designate [points of contact](../../features/contacts.md) for each site to provide additional contact details. ### Latitude & Longitude GPS coordinates of the site for geolocation.