{% extends 'ipam/prefix/base.html' %} {% load helpers %} {% load plugins %} {% block content %}
Family IPv{{ object.family }}
VRF {% if object.vrf %} {{ object.vrf }} ({{ object.vrf.rd }}) {% else %} Global {% endif %}
Tenant {% if object.tenant %} {% if object.tenant.group %} {{ object.tenant.group }} / {% endif %} {{ object.tenant }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
Aggregate {% if aggregate %} {{ aggregate.prefix }} ({{ aggregate.rir }}) {% else %} None {% endif %}
Site {% if object.site %} {% if object.site.region %} {{ object.site.region }} / {% endif %} {{ object.site }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
VLAN {% if object.vlan %} {% if object.vlan.group %} {{ object.vlan.group }} / {% endif %} {{ object.vlan }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
Status {{ object.get_status_display }}
Role {% if object.role %} {{ object.role }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
Description {{ object.description|placeholder }}
Is a pool {% checkmark object.is_pool %}
{% plugin_left_page object %}
{% with child_ip_count=object.get_child_ips.count %} {% endwith %}
Utilization {% if object.mark_utilized %} {% utilization_graph 100 warning_threshold=0 danger_threshold=0 %} (Marked fully utilized) {% else %} {% utilization_graph object.get_utilization %} {% endif %}
Child IPs {{ child_ip_count }}
Available IPs {{ object.get_available_ips|length }}
First available IP {% with first_available_ip=object.get_first_available_ip %} {% if first_available_ip %} {% if perms.ipam.add_ipaddress %} {{ first_available_ip }} {% else %} {{ first_available_ip }} {% endif %} {% else %} None {% endif %} {% endwith %}
{% include 'inc/panels/custom_fields.html' %} {% include 'inc/panels/tags.html' %} {% plugin_right_page object %}
{% if duplicate_prefix_table.rows %} {% include 'inc/panel_table.html' with table=duplicate_prefix_table heading='Duplicate Prefixes' %} {% endif %} {% include 'inc/panel_table.html' with table=parent_prefix_table heading='Parent Prefixes' %} {% plugin_full_width_page object %}
{% endblock %}