import svgwrite from svgwrite.container import Group, Hyperlink from svgwrite.shapes import Line, Polyline, Rect from svgwrite.text import Text from django.conf import settings from dcim.constants import CABLE_TRACE_SVG_DEFAULT_WIDTH from utilities.utils import foreground_color __all__ = ( 'CableTraceSVG', ) OFFSET = 0.5 PADDING = 10 LINE_HEIGHT = 20 FANOUT_HEIGHT = 35 FANOUT_LEG_HEIGHT = 15 class Node(Hyperlink): """ Create a node to be represented in the SVG document as a rectangular box with a hyperlink. Arguments: position: (x, y) coordinates of the box's top left corner width: Box width url: Hyperlink URL color: Box fill color (RRGGBB format) labels: An iterable of text strings. Each label will render on a new line within the box. radius: Box corner radius, for rounded corners (default: 10) """ def __init__(self, position, width, url, color, labels, radius=10, **extra): super(Node, self).__init__(href=url, target='_parent', **extra) x, y = position # Add the box dimensions = (width - 2, PADDING + LINE_HEIGHT * len(labels) + PADDING) box = Rect((x + OFFSET, y), dimensions, rx=radius, class_='parent-object', style=f'fill: #{color}') self.add(box) cursor = y + PADDING # Add text label(s) for i, label in enumerate(labels): cursor += LINE_HEIGHT text_coords = (x + width / 2, cursor - LINE_HEIGHT / 2) text_color = f'#{foreground_color(color, dark="303030")}' text = Text(label, insert=text_coords, fill=text_color, class_='bold' if not i else []) self.add(text) @property def box(self): return self.elements[0] if self.elements else None @property def top_center(self): return['x'] +['width'] / 2,['y'] @property def bottom_center(self): return['x'] +['width'] / 2,['y'] +['height'] class Connector(Group): """ Return an SVG group containing a line element and text labels representing a Cable. Arguments: color: Cable (line) color url: Hyperlink URL labels: Iterable of text labels """ def __init__(self, start, url, color, labels=[], **extra): super().__init__(class_='connector', **extra) self.start = start self.height = PADDING * 2 + LINE_HEIGHT * len(labels) + PADDING * 2 self.end = (start[0], start[1] + self.height) self.color = color or '000000' # Draw a "shadow" line to give the cable a border cable_shadow = Line(start=self.start, end=self.end, class_='cable-shadow') self.add(cable_shadow) # Draw the cable cable = Line(start=self.start, end=self.end, style=f'stroke: #{self.color}') self.add(cable) # Add link link = Hyperlink(href=url, target='_parent') # Add text label(s) cursor = start[1] cursor += PADDING * 2 for i, label in enumerate(labels): cursor += LINE_HEIGHT text_coords = (start[0] + PADDING * 2, cursor - LINE_HEIGHT / 2) text = Text(label, insert=text_coords, class_='bold' if not i else []) link.add(text) self.add(link) class CableTraceSVG: """ Generate a graphical representation of a CablePath in SVG format. :param origin: The originating termination :param width: Width of the generated image (in pixels) :param base_url: Base URL for links within the SVG document. If none, links will be relative. """ def __init__(self, origin, width=CABLE_TRACE_SVG_DEFAULT_WIDTH, base_url=None): self.origin = origin self.width = width self.base_url = base_url.rstrip('/') if base_url is not None else '' # Establish a cursor to track position on the y axis # Center edges on pixels to render sharp borders self.cursor = OFFSET # Prep elements lists self.parent_objects = [] self.terminations = [] self.connectors = [] @property def center(self): return self.width / 2 @classmethod def _get_labels(cls, instance): """ Return a list of text labels for the given instance based on model type. """ labels = [str(instance)] if instance._meta.model_name == 'device': labels.append(f'{instance.device_type.manufacturer} {instance.device_type}') location_label = f'{}' if instance.location: location_label += f' / {instance.location}' if instance.rack: location_label += f' / {instance.rack}' labels.append(location_label) elif instance._meta.model_name == 'circuit': labels[0] = f'Circuit {instance}' labels.append(instance.provider) elif instance._meta.model_name == 'circuittermination': if instance.xconnect_id: labels.append(f'{instance.xconnect_id}') elif instance._meta.model_name == 'providernetwork': labels.append(instance.provider) return labels @classmethod def _get_color(cls, instance): """ Return the appropriate fill color for an object within a cable path. """ if hasattr(instance, 'parent_object'): # Termination return getattr(instance, 'color', 'f0f0f0') or 'f0f0f0' if hasattr(instance, 'device_role'): # Device return instance.device_role.color else: # Other parent object return 'e0e0e0' def draw_parent_objects(self, obj_list): """ Draw a set of parent objects. """ width = self.width / len(obj_list) for i, obj in enumerate(obj_list): node = Node( position=(i * width, self.cursor), width=width, url=f'{self.base_url}{obj.get_absolute_url()}', color=self._get_color(obj), labels=self._get_labels(obj) ) self.parent_objects.append(node) if i + 1 == len(obj_list): self.cursor +=['height'] def draw_terminations(self, terminations): """ Draw a row of terminating objects (e.g. interfaces), all of which are attached to the same end of a cable. """ nodes = [] nodes_height = 0 width = self.width / len(terminations) for i, term in enumerate(terminations): node = Node( position=(i * width, self.cursor), width=width, url=f'{self.base_url}{term.get_absolute_url()}', color=self._get_color(term), labels=self._get_labels(term), radius=5 ) nodes_height = max(nodes_height,['height']) nodes.append(node) self.cursor += nodes_height self.terminations.extend(nodes) return nodes def draw_fanin(self, node, connector): points = ( node.bottom_center, (node.bottom_center[0], node.bottom_center[1] + FANOUT_LEG_HEIGHT), connector.start, ) self.connectors.extend(( Polyline(points=points, class_='cable-shadow'), Polyline(points=points, style=f'stroke: #{connector.color}'), )) def draw_fanout(self, node, connector): points = ( connector.end, (node.top_center[0], node.top_center[1] - FANOUT_LEG_HEIGHT), node.top_center, ) self.connectors.extend(( Polyline(points=points, class_='cable-shadow'), Polyline(points=points, style=f'stroke: #{connector.color}'), )) def draw_cable(self, cable): labels = [ f'Cable {cable}', cable.get_status_display() ] if cable.type: labels.append(cable.get_type_display()) if cable.length and cable.length_unit: labels.append(f'{cable.length} {cable.get_length_unit_display()}') connector = Connector( start=( + OFFSET, self.cursor), color=cable.color or '000000', url=f'{self.base_url}{cable.get_absolute_url()}', labels=labels ) self.cursor += connector.height return connector def draw_wirelesslink(self, wirelesslink): """ Draw a line with labels representing a WirelessLink. """ group = Group(class_='connector') labels = [ f'Wireless link {wirelesslink}', wirelesslink.get_status_display() ] if wirelesslink.ssid: labels.append(wirelesslink.ssid) # Draw the wireless link start = (OFFSET +, self.cursor) height = PADDING * 2 + LINE_HEIGHT * len(labels) + PADDING * 2 end = (start[0], start[1] + height) line = Line(start=start, end=end, class_='wireless-link') group.add(line) self.cursor += PADDING * 2 # Add link link = Hyperlink(href=f'{self.base_url}{wirelesslink.get_absolute_url()}', target='_parent') # Add text label(s) for i, label in enumerate(labels): self.cursor += LINE_HEIGHT text_coords = ( + PADDING * 2, self.cursor - LINE_HEIGHT / 2) text = Text(label, insert=text_coords, class_='bold' if not i else []) link.add(text) group.add(link) self.cursor += PADDING * 2 return group def draw_attachment(self): """ Return an SVG group containing a line element and "Attachment" label. """ group = Group(class_='connector') # Draw attachment (line) start = (OFFSET +, OFFSET + self.cursor) height = PADDING * 2 + LINE_HEIGHT + PADDING * 2 end = (start[0], start[1] + height) line = Line(start=start, end=end, class_='attachment') group.add(line) self.cursor += PADDING * 4 return group def render(self): """ Return an SVG document representing a cable trace. """ from dcim.models import Cable from wireless.models import WirelessLink traced_path = self.origin.trace() # Iterate through each (terms, cable, terms) segment in the path for i, segment in enumerate(traced_path): near_ends, links, far_ends = segment # Near end parent if i == 0: # If this is the first segment, draw the originating termination's parent object self.draw_parent_objects(set(end.parent_object for end in near_ends)) # Near end termination(s) terminations = self.draw_terminations(near_ends) # Connector (a Cable or WirelessLink) if links: link = links[0] # Remove Cable from list # Cable if type(link) is Cable: # Account for fan-ins height if len(near_ends) > 1: self.cursor += FANOUT_HEIGHT cable = self.draw_cable(link) self.connectors.append(cable) # Draw fan-ins if len(near_ends) > 1: for term in terminations: self.draw_fanin(term, cable) # WirelessLink elif type(link) is WirelessLink: wirelesslink = self.draw_wirelesslink(link) self.connectors.append(wirelesslink) # Far end termination(s) if len(far_ends) > 1: self.cursor += FANOUT_HEIGHT terminations = self.draw_terminations(far_ends) for term in terminations: self.draw_fanout(term, cable) elif far_ends: self.draw_terminations(far_ends) else: # Link is not connected to anything break # Far end parent parent_objects = set(end.parent_object for end in far_ends) self.draw_parent_objects(parent_objects) # Render a far-end object not connected via a link (e.g. a ProviderNetwork or Site associated with # a CircuitTermination) elif far_ends: # Attachment attachment = self.draw_attachment() self.connectors.append(attachment) # Object self.draw_parent_objects(far_ends) # Determine drawing size self.drawing = svgwrite.Drawing( size=(self.width, self.cursor + 2) ) # Attach CSS stylesheet with open(f'{settings.STATIC_ROOT}/cable_trace.css') as css_file: self.drawing.defs.add( # Add elements to the drawing in order of depth (Z axis) for element in self.connectors + self.parent_objects + self.terminations: self.drawing.add(element) return self.drawing