from django import forms from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from dcim.forms.common import InterfaceCommonForm from dcim.forms.model_forms import INTERFACE_MODE_HELP_TEXT from dcim.models import Device, DeviceRole, Platform, Rack, Region, Site, SiteGroup from ipam.models import IPAddress, VLAN, VLANGroup, VRF from netbox.forms import NetBoxModelForm from tenancy.forms import TenancyForm from utilities.forms import ( BootstrapMixin, CommentField, ConfirmationForm, DynamicModelChoiceField, DynamicModelMultipleChoiceField, JSONField, SlugField, ) from virtualization.models import * __all__ = ( 'ClusterAddDevicesForm', 'ClusterForm', 'ClusterGroupForm', 'ClusterRemoveDevicesForm', 'ClusterTypeForm', 'VirtualMachineForm', 'VMInterfaceForm', ) class ClusterTypeForm(NetBoxModelForm): slug = SlugField() fieldsets = ( ('Cluster Type', ( 'name', 'slug', 'description', 'tags', )), ) class Meta: model = ClusterType fields = ( 'name', 'slug', 'description', 'tags', ) class ClusterGroupForm(NetBoxModelForm): slug = SlugField() fieldsets = ( ('Cluster Group', ( 'name', 'slug', 'description', 'tags', )), ) class Meta: model = ClusterGroup fields = ( 'name', 'slug', 'description', 'tags', ) class ClusterForm(TenancyForm, NetBoxModelForm): type = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=ClusterType.objects.all() ) group = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=ClusterGroup.objects.all(), required=False ) region = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Region.objects.all(), required=False, initial_params={ 'sites': '$site' } ) site_group = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=SiteGroup.objects.all(), required=False, initial_params={ 'sites': '$site' } ) site = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Site.objects.all(), required=False, query_params={ 'region_id': '$region', 'group_id': '$site_group', } ) comments = CommentField() fieldsets = ( ('Cluster', ('name', 'type', 'group', 'status', 'description', 'tags')), ('Site', ('region', 'site_group', 'site')), ('Tenancy', ('tenant_group', 'tenant')), ) class Meta: model = Cluster fields = ( 'name', 'type', 'group', 'status', 'tenant', 'region', 'site_group', 'site', 'description', 'comments', 'tags', ) class ClusterAddDevicesForm(BootstrapMixin, forms.Form): region = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Region.objects.all(), required=False, null_option='None' ) site_group = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=SiteGroup.objects.all(), required=False, null_option='None' ) site = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Site.objects.all(), required=False, query_params={ 'region_id': '$region', 'group_id': '$site_group', } ) rack = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Rack.objects.all(), required=False, null_option='None', query_params={ 'site_id': '$site' } ) devices = DynamicModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=Device.objects.all(), query_params={ 'site_id': '$site', 'rack_id': '$rack', 'cluster_id': 'null', } ) class Meta: fields = [ 'region', 'site', 'rack', 'devices', ] def __init__(self, cluster, *args, **kwargs): self.cluster = cluster super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['devices'].choices = [] def clean(self): super().clean() # If the Cluster is assigned to a Site, all Devices must be assigned to that Site. if is not None: for device in self.cleaned_data.get('devices', []): if != raise ValidationError({ 'devices': "{} belongs to a different site ({}) than the cluster ({})".format( device,, ) }) class ClusterRemoveDevicesForm(ConfirmationForm): pk = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=Device.objects.all(), widget=forms.MultipleHiddenInput() ) class VirtualMachineForm(TenancyForm, NetBoxModelForm): site = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Site.objects.all(), required=False ) cluster_group = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=ClusterGroup.objects.all(), required=False, null_option='None', initial_params={ 'clusters': '$cluster' } ) cluster = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Cluster.objects.all(), required=False, query_params={ 'site_id': '$site', 'group_id': '$cluster_group', } ) device = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Device.objects.all(), required=False, query_params={ 'cluster_id': '$cluster', 'site_id': '$site', }, help_text=_("Optionally pin this VM to a specific host device within the cluster") ) role = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=DeviceRole.objects.all(), required=False, query_params={ "vm_role": "True" } ) platform = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Platform.objects.all(), required=False ) local_context_data = JSONField( required=False, label='' ) comments = CommentField() fieldsets = ( ('Virtual Machine', ('name', 'role', 'status', 'description', 'tags')), ('Site/Cluster', ('site', 'cluster_group', 'cluster', 'device')), ('Tenancy', ('tenant_group', 'tenant')), ('Management', ('platform', 'primary_ip4', 'primary_ip6')), ('Resources', ('vcpus', 'memory', 'disk')), ('Config Context', ('local_context_data',)), ) class Meta: model = VirtualMachine fields = [ 'name', 'status', 'site', 'cluster_group', 'cluster', 'device', 'role', 'tenant_group', 'tenant', 'platform', 'primary_ip4', 'primary_ip6', 'vcpus', 'memory', 'disk', 'description', 'comments', 'tags', 'local_context_data', ] help_texts = { 'local_context_data': _("Local config context data overwrites all sources contexts in the final rendered " "config context"), } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if # Compile list of choices for primary IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for family in [4, 6]: ip_choices = [(None, '---------')] # Gather PKs of all interfaces belonging to this VM interface_ids = self.instance.interfaces.values_list('pk', flat=True) # Collect interface IPs interface_ips = IPAddress.objects.filter( address__family=family, assigned_object_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(VMInterface), assigned_object_id__in=interface_ids ) if interface_ips: ip_list = [(, f'{ip.address} ({ip.assigned_object})') for ip in interface_ips] ip_choices.append(('Interface IPs', ip_list)) # Collect NAT IPs nat_ips = IPAddress.objects.prefetch_related('nat_inside').filter( address__family=family, nat_inside__assigned_object_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(VMInterface), nat_inside__assigned_object_id__in=interface_ids ) if nat_ips: ip_list = [(, f'{ip.address} (NAT)') for ip in nat_ips] ip_choices.append(('NAT IPs', ip_list)) self.fields['primary_ip{}'.format(family)].choices = ip_choices else: # An object that doesn't exist yet can't have any IPs assigned to it self.fields['primary_ip4'].choices = [] self.fields['primary_ip4'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True self.fields['primary_ip6'].choices = [] self.fields['primary_ip6'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True class VMInterfaceForm(InterfaceCommonForm, NetBoxModelForm): virtual_machine = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=VirtualMachine.objects.all() ) parent = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=VMInterface.objects.all(), required=False, label=_('Parent interface'), query_params={ 'virtual_machine_id': '$virtual_machine', } ) bridge = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=VMInterface.objects.all(), required=False, label=_('Bridged interface'), query_params={ 'virtual_machine_id': '$virtual_machine', } ) vlan_group = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=VLANGroup.objects.all(), required=False, label=_('VLAN group') ) untagged_vlan = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=VLAN.objects.all(), required=False, label=_('Untagged VLAN'), query_params={ 'group_id': '$vlan_group', 'available_on_virtualmachine': '$virtual_machine', } ) tagged_vlans = DynamicModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=VLAN.objects.all(), required=False, label=_('Tagged VLANs'), query_params={ 'group_id': '$vlan_group', 'available_on_virtualmachine': '$virtual_machine', } ) vrf = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=VRF.objects.all(), required=False, label=_('VRF') ) fieldsets = ( ('Interface', ('virtual_machine', 'name', 'description', 'tags')), ('Addressing', ('vrf', 'mac_address')), ('Operation', ('mtu', 'enabled')), ('Related Interfaces', ('parent', 'bridge')), ('802.1Q Switching', ('mode', 'vlan_group', 'untagged_vlan', 'tagged_vlans')), ) class Meta: model = VMInterface fields = [ 'virtual_machine', 'name', 'parent', 'bridge', 'enabled', 'mac_address', 'mtu', 'description', 'mode', 'vlan_group', 'untagged_vlan', 'tagged_vlans', 'vrf', 'tags', ] labels = { 'mode': '802.1Q Mode', } widgets = { 'mode': forms.Select( attrs={ 'hx-get': '.', 'hx-include': '#form_fields input', 'hx-target': '#form_fields', } ), } help_texts = { 'mode': INTERFACE_MODE_HELP_TEXT, } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Disable reassignment of VirtualMachine when editing an existing instance if self.fields['virtual_machine'].disabled = True