import uuid from functools import cached_property from hashlib import sha256 from urllib.parse import urlencode import feedparser import requests from django import forms from django.conf import settings from django.core.cache import cache from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.urls import NoReverseMatch, resolve, reverse from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from core.models import ContentType from extras.choices import BookmarkOrderingChoices from utilities.choices import ButtonColorChoices from utilities.forms import BootstrapMixin from utilities.permissions import get_permission_for_model from utilities.templatetags.builtins.filters import render_markdown from utilities.utils import content_type_identifier, content_type_name, dict_to_querydict, get_viewname from .utils import register_widget __all__ = ( 'BookmarksWidget', 'DashboardWidget', 'NoteWidget', 'ObjectCountsWidget', 'ObjectListWidget', 'RSSFeedWidget', 'WidgetConfigForm', ) def get_content_type_labels(): return [ (content_type_identifier(ct), content_type_name(ct)) for ct in ContentType.objects.public().order_by('app_label', 'model') ] def get_models_from_content_types(content_types): """ Return a list of models corresponding to the given content types, identified by natural key. """ models = [] for content_type_id in content_types: app_label, model_name = content_type_id.split('.') content_type = ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key(app_label, model_name) models.append(content_type.model_class()) return models class WidgetConfigForm(BootstrapMixin, forms.Form): pass class DashboardWidget: """ Base class for custom dashboard widgets. Attributes: description: A brief, user-friendly description of the widget's function default_title: The string to show for the widget's title when none has been specified. default_config: Default configuration parameters, as a dictionary mapping width: The widget's default width (1 to 12) height: The widget's default height; the number of rows it consumes """ description = None default_title = None default_config = {} width = 4 height = 3 class ConfigForm(WidgetConfigForm): """ The widget's configuration form. """ pass def __init__(self, id=None, title=None, color=None, config=None, width=None, height=None, x=None, y=None): = id or str(uuid.uuid4()) self.config = config or self.default_config self.title = title or self.default_title self.color = color if width: self.width = width if height: self.height = height self.x, self.y = x, y def __str__(self): return self.title or self.__class__.__name__ def set_layout(self, grid_item): self.width = grid_item.get('w', 1) self.height = grid_item.get('h', 1) self.x = grid_item.get('x') self.y = grid_item.get('y') def render(self, request): """ This method is called to render the widget's content. Params: request: The current request """ raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.__class__} must define a render() method.") @property def name(self): return f'{self.__class__.__module__.split(".")[0]}.{self.__class__.__name__}' @property def fg_color(self): """ Return the appropriate foreground (text) color for the widget's color. """ if self.color in ( ButtonColorChoices.CYAN, ButtonColorChoices.GRAY, ButtonColorChoices.GREY, ButtonColorChoices.TEAL, ButtonColorChoices.WHITE, ButtonColorChoices.YELLOW, ): return ButtonColorChoices.BLACK return ButtonColorChoices.WHITE @property def form_data(self): return { 'title': self.title, 'color': self.color, 'config': self.config, } @register_widget class NoteWidget(DashboardWidget): default_title = _('Note') description = _('Display some arbitrary custom content. Markdown is supported.') class ConfigForm(WidgetConfigForm): content = forms.CharField( widget=forms.Textarea() ) def render(self, request): return render_markdown(self.config.get('content')) @register_widget class ObjectCountsWidget(DashboardWidget): default_title = _('Object Counts') description = _('Display a set of NetBox models and the number of objects created for each type.') template_name = 'extras/dashboard/widgets/objectcounts.html' class ConfigForm(WidgetConfigForm): models = forms.MultipleChoiceField( choices=get_content_type_labels ) filters = forms.JSONField( required=False, label='Object filters', help_text=_("Filters to apply when counting the number of objects") ) def clean_filters(self): if data := self.cleaned_data['filters']: try: dict(data) except TypeError: raise forms.ValidationError("Invalid format. Object filters must be passed as a dictionary.") return data def render(self, request): counts = [] for model in get_models_from_content_types(self.config['models']): permission = get_permission_for_model(model, 'view') if request.user.has_perm(permission): url = reverse(get_viewname(model, 'list')) qs = model.objects.restrict(request.user, 'view') # Apply any specified filters if filters := self.config.get('filters'): params = dict_to_querydict(filters) filterset = getattr(resolve(url).func.view_class, 'filterset', None) qs = filterset(params, qs).qs url = f'{url}?{params.urlencode()}' object_count = qs.count counts.append((model, object_count, url)) else: counts.append((model, None, None)) return render_to_string(self.template_name, { 'counts': counts, }) @register_widget class ObjectListWidget(DashboardWidget): default_title = _('Object List') description = _('Display an arbitrary list of objects.') template_name = 'extras/dashboard/widgets/objectlist.html' width = 12 height = 4 class ConfigForm(WidgetConfigForm): model = forms.ChoiceField( choices=get_content_type_labels ) page_size = forms.IntegerField( required=False, min_value=1, max_value=100, help_text=_('The default number of objects to display') ) url_params = forms.JSONField( required=False, label='URL parameters' ) def clean_url_params(self): if data := self.cleaned_data['url_params']: try: urlencode(data) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise forms.ValidationError("Invalid format. URL parameters must be passed as a dictionary.") return data def render(self, request): app_label, model_name = self.config['model'].split('.') model = ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key(app_label, model_name).model_class() viewname = get_viewname(model, action='list') # Evaluate user's permission. Note that this controls only whether the HTMX element is # embedded on the page: The view itself will also evaluate permissions separately. permission = get_permission_for_model(model, 'view') has_permission = request.user.has_perm(permission) try: htmx_url = reverse(viewname) except NoReverseMatch: htmx_url = None parameters = self.config.get('url_params') or {} if page_size := self.config.get('page_size'): parameters['per_page'] = page_size if parameters: try: htmx_url = f'{htmx_url}?{urlencode(parameters, doseq=True)}' except ValueError: pass return render_to_string(self.template_name, { 'viewname': viewname, 'has_permission': has_permission, 'htmx_url': htmx_url, }) @register_widget class RSSFeedWidget(DashboardWidget): default_title = _('RSS Feed') default_config = { 'max_entries': 10, 'cache_timeout': 3600, # seconds } description = _('Embed an RSS feed from an external website.') template_name = 'extras/dashboard/widgets/rssfeed.html' width = 6 height = 4 class ConfigForm(WidgetConfigForm): feed_url = forms.URLField( label=_('Feed URL') ) max_entries = forms.IntegerField( min_value=1, max_value=1000, help_text=_('The maximum number of objects to display') ) cache_timeout = forms.IntegerField( min_value=600, # 10 minutes max_value=86400, # 24 hours help_text=_('How long to stored the cached content (in seconds)') ) def render(self, request): return render_to_string(self.template_name, { 'url': self.config['feed_url'], **self.get_feed() }) @cached_property def cache_key(self): url = self.config['feed_url'] url_checksum = sha256(url.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() return f'dashboard_rss_{url_checksum}' def get_feed(self): # Fetch RSS content from cache if available if feed_content := cache.get(self.cache_key): return { 'feed': feedparser.FeedParserDict(feed_content), } # Fetch feed content from remote server try: response = requests.get( url=self.config['feed_url'], headers={'User-Agent': f'NetBox/{settings.VERSION}'}, proxies=settings.HTTP_PROXIES, timeout=3 ) response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: return { 'error': e, } # Parse feed content feed = feedparser.parse(response.content) if not feed.bozo: # Cap number of entries max_entries = self.config.get('max_entries') feed['entries'] = feed['entries'][:max_entries] # Cache the feed content cache.set(self.cache_key, dict(feed), self.config.get('cache_timeout')) return { 'feed': feed, } @register_widget class BookmarksWidget(DashboardWidget): default_title = _('Bookmarks') default_config = { 'order_by': BookmarkOrderingChoices.ORDERING_NEWEST, } description = _('Show your personal bookmarks') template_name = 'extras/dashboard/widgets/bookmarks.html' class ConfigForm(WidgetConfigForm): object_types = forms.MultipleChoiceField( # TODO: Restrict the choices by FeatureQuery('bookmarks') choices=get_content_type_labels, required=False ) order_by = forms.ChoiceField( choices=BookmarkOrderingChoices ) max_items = forms.IntegerField( min_value=1, required=False ) def render(self, request): from extras.models import Bookmark if request.user.is_anonymous: bookmarks = list() else: bookmarks = Bookmark.objects.filter(user=request.user).order_by(self.config['order_by']) if object_types := self.config.get('object_types'): models = get_models_from_content_types(object_types) conent_types = ContentType.objects.get_for_models(*models).values() bookmarks = bookmarks.filter(object_type__in=conent_types) if max_items := self.config.get('max_items'): bookmarks = bookmarks[:max_items] return render_to_string(self.template_name, { 'bookmarks': bookmarks, })