# Install the Latest Code As with the initial installation, you can upgrade NetBox by either downloading the latest release package or by cloning the `master` branch of the git repository. ## Option A: Download a Release Download the [latest stable release](https://github.com/digitalocean/netbox/releases) from GitHub as a tarball or ZIP archive. Extract it to your desired path. In this example, we'll use `/opt/netbox`. Download and extract the latest version: ``` # wget https://github.com/digitalocean/netbox/archive/vX.Y.Z.tar.gz # tar -xzf vX.Y.Z.tar.gz -C /opt # cd /opt/ # ln -sf netbox-X.Y.Z/ netbox ``` Copy the 'configuration.py' you created when first installing to the new version: ``` # cp /opt/netbox-X.Y.Z/netbox/netbox/configuration.py /opt/netbox/netbox/netbox/configuration.py ``` If you followed the original installation guide to set up gunicorn, be sure to copy its configuration as well: ``` # cp /opt/netbox-X.Y.Z/gunicorn_config.py /opt/netbox/gunicorn_config.py ``` ## Option B: Clone the Git Repository (latest master release) This guide assumes that NetBox is installed at `/opt/netbox`. Pull down the most recent iteration of the master branch: ``` # cd /opt/netbox # git checkout master # git pull origin master # git status ``` # Run the Upgrade Script Once the new code is in place, run the upgrade script (which may need to be run as root depending on how your environment is configured). ``` # ./upgrade.sh ``` This script: * Installs or upgrades any new required Python packages * Applies any database migrations that were included in the release * Collects all static files to be served by the HTTP service # Restart the WSGI Service Finally, restart the WSGI service to run the new code. If you followed this guide for the initial installation, this is done using `supervisorctl`: ``` # sudo supervisorctl restart netbox ```