# Webhooks A webhook is a mechanism for conveying to some external system a change that took place in NetBox. For example, you may want to notify a monitoring system whenever the status of a device is updated in NetBox. This can be done by creating a webhook for the device model in NetBox and identifying the webhook receiver. When NetBox detects a change to a device, an HTTP request containing the details of the change and who made it be sent to the specified receiver. See the [webhooks documentation](../../integrations/webhooks.md) for more information. ## Fields ### Name A unique human-friendly name. ### Content Types The type(s) of object in NetBox that will trigger the webhook. ### Enabled If not selected, the webhook will be inactive. ### Events The events which will trigger the webhook. At least one event type must be selected. | Name | Description | |------------|--------------------------------------| | Creations | A new object has been created | | Updates | An existing object has been modified | | Deletions | An object has been deleted | | Job starts | A job for an object starts | | Job ends | A job for an object terminates | ### URL The URL to which the webhook HTTP request will be made. ### HTTP Method The type of HTTP request to send. Options are: * `GET` * `POST` * `PUT` * `PATCH` * `DELETE` ### HTTP Content Type The content type to indicate in the outgoing HTTP request header. See [this list](https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml) of known types for reference. ### Additional Headers Any additional header to include with the outgoing HTTP request. These should be defined in the format `Name: Value`, with each header on a separate line. Jinja2 templating is supported for this field. ### Body Template Jinja2 template for a custom request body, if desired. If not defined, NetBox will populate the request body with a raw dump of the webhook context. ### Secret A secret string used to prove authenticity of the request (optional). This will append a `X-Hook-Signature` header to the request, consisting of a HMAC (SHA-512) hex digest of the request body using the secret as the key. ### Conditions A set of [prescribed conditions](../../reference/conditions.md) against which the triggering object will be evaluated. If the conditions are defined but not met by the object, the webhook will not be sent. A webhook that does not define any conditions will _always_ trigger. ### SSL Verification Controls whether validation of the receiver's SSL certificate is enforced when HTTPS is used. !!! warning Disabling this can expose your webhooks to man-in-the-middle attacks. ### CA File Path The file path to a particular certificate authority (CA) file to use when validating the receiver's SSL certificate (if not using the system defaults). ## Context Data The following context variables are available in to the text and link templates. | Variable | Description | |--------------|----------------------------------------------------| | `event` | The event type (`create`, `update`, or `delete`) | | `timestamp` | The time at which the event occured | | `model` | The type of object impacted | | `username` | The name of the user associated with the change | | `request_id` | The unique request ID | | `data` | A complete serialized representation of the object | | `snapshots` | Pre- and post-change snapshots of the object |