{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load helpers %} {% block header %}

{% block title %}Cable Trace for {{ obj }}{% endblock %}

{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Near End

{% if total_length %}
Total length: {{ total_length|floatformat:"-2" }} Meters
{% endif %}

Far End

{% for near_end, cable, far_end in trace %}

{{ forloop.counter }}

{% include 'dcim/inc/cable_trace_end.html' with end=near_end %}
{% if cable %}

{% if cable.label %}{{ cable.label }}{% else %}Cable #{{ cable.pk }}{% endif %}

{{ cable.get_status_display }}

{{ cable.get_type_display|default:"" }}

{% if cable.length %}{{ cable.length }} {{ cable.get_length_unit_display }}{% endif %} {% if cable.color %}   {% endif %} {% else %}

No Cable

{% endif %}
{% if far_end %} {% include 'dcim/inc/cable_trace_end.html' with end=far_end %} {% endif %}

{% endfor %}
{% if split_ends %}
Trace Split
There are multiple possible paths from this point. Select a port to continue.
{% for termination in split_ends %} {% endfor %}
Port Connected Type Description
{{ termination }} {% if termination.cable %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ termination.get_type_display }} {{ termination.description|placeholder }}
{% elif position_stack %}

{% with last_position=position_stack|last %} Trace completed, but there is no Front Port corresponding to {{ last_position.device }} {{ last_position }}.
Therefore no end-to-end connection can be established. {% endwith %}

{% else %}

Trace completed!

{% endif %}
{% endblock %}