{% if perms.dcim.napalm_read %}
{% if device.status != 1 %}
{% include 'dcim/inc/device_napalm_tabs.html' with disabled_message='Device must be in active status' %}
{% elif not device.platform %}
{% include 'dcim/inc/device_napalm_tabs.html' with disabled_message='No platform assigned to this device' %}
{% elif not device.platform.napalm_driver %}
{% include 'dcim/inc/device_napalm_tabs.html' with disabled_message='No NAPALM driver assigned for this platform' %}
{% elif not device.primary_ip %}
{% include 'dcim/inc/device_napalm_tabs.html' with disabled_message='No primary IP address assigned to this device' %}
{% else %}
{% include 'dcim/inc/device_napalm_tabs.html' %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}