from django import forms from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from dcim.forms.common import InterfaceCommonForm from dcim.forms.models import INTERFACE_MODE_HELP_TEXT from dcim.models import Device, DeviceRole, Platform, Rack, Region, Site, SiteGroup from extras.models import Tag from ipam.models import IPAddress, VLAN, VLANGroup, VRF from netbox.forms import NetBoxModelForm from tenancy.forms import TenancyForm from utilities.forms import ( BootstrapMixin, CommentField, ConfirmationForm, DynamicModelChoiceField, DynamicModelMultipleChoiceField, JSONField, SlugField, StaticSelect, ) from virtualization.models import * __all__ = ( 'ClusterAddDevicesForm', 'ClusterForm', 'ClusterGroupForm', 'ClusterRemoveDevicesForm', 'ClusterTypeForm', 'VirtualMachineForm', 'VMInterfaceForm', ) class ClusterTypeForm(NetBoxModelForm): slug = SlugField() class Meta: model = ClusterType fields = ( 'name', 'slug', 'description', 'tags', ) class ClusterGroupForm(NetBoxModelForm): slug = SlugField() class Meta: model = ClusterGroup fields = ( 'name', 'slug', 'description', 'tags', ) class ClusterForm(TenancyForm, NetBoxModelForm): type = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=ClusterType.objects.all() ) group = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=ClusterGroup.objects.all(), required=False ) region = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Region.objects.all(), required=False, initial_params={ 'sites': '$site' } ) site_group = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=SiteGroup.objects.all(), required=False, initial_params={ 'sites': '$site' } ) site = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Site.objects.all(), required=False, query_params={ 'region_id': '$region', 'group_id': '$site_group', } ) comments = CommentField() fieldsets = ( ('Cluster', ('name', 'type', 'group', 'region', 'site_group', 'site', 'tags')), ('Tenancy', ('tenant_group', 'tenant')), ) class Meta: model = Cluster fields = ( 'name', 'type', 'group', 'tenant', 'region', 'site_group', 'site', 'comments', 'tags', ) class ClusterAddDevicesForm(BootstrapMixin, forms.Form): region = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Region.objects.all(), required=False, null_option='None' ) site_group = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=SiteGroup.objects.all(), required=False, null_option='None' ) site = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Site.objects.all(), required=False, query_params={ 'region_id': '$region', 'group_id': '$site_group', } ) rack = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Rack.objects.all(), required=False, null_option='None', query_params={ 'site_id': '$site' } ) devices = DynamicModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=Device.objects.all(), query_params={ 'site_id': '$site', 'rack_id': '$rack', 'cluster_id': 'null', } ) class Meta: fields = [ 'region', 'site', 'rack', 'devices', ] def __init__(self, cluster, *args, **kwargs): self.cluster = cluster super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['devices'].choices = [] def clean(self): super().clean() # If the Cluster is assigned to a Site, all Devices must be assigned to that Site. if is not None: for device in self.cleaned_data.get('devices', []): if != raise ValidationError({ 'devices': "{} belongs to a different site ({}) than the cluster ({})".format( device,, ) }) class ClusterRemoveDevicesForm(ConfirmationForm): pk = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=Device.objects.all(), widget=forms.MultipleHiddenInput() ) class VirtualMachineForm(TenancyForm, NetBoxModelForm): cluster_group = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=ClusterGroup.objects.all(), required=False, null_option='None', initial_params={ 'clusters': '$cluster' } ) cluster = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Cluster.objects.all(), query_params={ 'group_id': '$cluster_group' } ) role = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=DeviceRole.objects.all(), required=False, query_params={ "vm_role": "True" } ) platform = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=Platform.objects.all(), required=False ) local_context_data = JSONField( required=False, label='' ) fieldsets = ( ('Virtual Machine', ('name', 'role', 'status', 'tags')), ('Cluster', ('cluster_group', 'cluster')), ('Tenancy', ('tenant_group', 'tenant')), ('Management', ('platform', 'primary_ip4', 'primary_ip6')), ('Resources', ('vcpus', 'memory', 'disk')), ('Config Context', ('local_context_data',)), ) class Meta: model = VirtualMachine fields = [ 'name', 'status', 'cluster_group', 'cluster', 'role', 'tenant_group', 'tenant', 'platform', 'primary_ip4', 'primary_ip6', 'vcpus', 'memory', 'disk', 'comments', 'tags', 'local_context_data', ] help_texts = { 'local_context_data': "Local config context data overwrites all sources contexts in the final rendered " "config context", } widgets = { "status": StaticSelect(), 'primary_ip4': StaticSelect(), 'primary_ip6': StaticSelect(), } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if # Compile list of choices for primary IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for family in [4, 6]: ip_choices = [(None, '---------')] # Gather PKs of all interfaces belonging to this VM interface_ids = self.instance.interfaces.values_list('pk', flat=True) # Collect interface IPs interface_ips = IPAddress.objects.filter( address__family=family, assigned_object_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(VMInterface), assigned_object_id__in=interface_ids ) if interface_ips: ip_list = [(, f'{ip.address} ({ip.assigned_object})') for ip in interface_ips] ip_choices.append(('Interface IPs', ip_list)) # Collect NAT IPs nat_ips = IPAddress.objects.prefetch_related('nat_inside').filter( address__family=family, nat_inside__assigned_object_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(VMInterface), nat_inside__assigned_object_id__in=interface_ids ) if nat_ips: ip_list = [(, f'{ip.address} (NAT)') for ip in nat_ips] ip_choices.append(('NAT IPs', ip_list)) self.fields['primary_ip{}'.format(family)].choices = ip_choices else: # An object that doesn't exist yet can't have any IPs assigned to it self.fields['primary_ip4'].choices = [] self.fields['primary_ip4'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True self.fields['primary_ip6'].choices = [] self.fields['primary_ip6'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True class VMInterfaceForm(InterfaceCommonForm, NetBoxModelForm): parent = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=VMInterface.objects.all(), required=False, label='Parent interface', query_params={ 'virtual_machine_id': '$virtual_machine', } ) bridge = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=VMInterface.objects.all(), required=False, label='Bridged interface', query_params={ 'virtual_machine_id': '$virtual_machine', } ) vlan_group = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=VLANGroup.objects.all(), required=False, label='VLAN group' ) untagged_vlan = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=VLAN.objects.all(), required=False, label='Untagged VLAN', query_params={ 'group_id': '$vlan_group', 'available_on_virtualmachine': '$virtual_machine', } ) tagged_vlans = DynamicModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=VLAN.objects.all(), required=False, label='Tagged VLANs', query_params={ 'group_id': '$vlan_group', 'available_on_virtualmachine': '$virtual_machine', } ) vrf = DynamicModelChoiceField( queryset=VRF.objects.all(), required=False, label='VRF' ) class Meta: model = VMInterface fields = [ 'virtual_machine', 'name', 'parent', 'bridge', 'enabled', 'mac_address', 'mtu', 'description', 'mode', 'vlan_group', 'untagged_vlan', 'tagged_vlans', 'vrf', 'tags', ] widgets = { 'virtual_machine': forms.HiddenInput(), 'mode': StaticSelect() } labels = { 'mode': '802.1Q Mode', } help_texts = { 'mode': INTERFACE_MODE_HELP_TEXT, }