Utilization |
{% if object.mark_utilized %}
{% utilization_graph 100 warning_threshold=0 danger_threshold=0 %}
(Marked fully utilized)
{% else %}
{% utilization_graph object.get_utilization %}
{% endif %}
{% with child_ip_count=object.get_child_ips.count %}
Child IPs |
{{ child_ip_count }}
{% endwith %}
{% with available_count=object.get_available_ips.size %}
Available IPs |
{# Use human-friendly words for counts greater than one million #}
{% if available_count > 1000000 %}
{{ available_count|intword }}
{% else %}
{{ available_count|intcomma }}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
First available IP |
{% with first_available_ip=object.get_first_available_ip %}
{% if first_available_ip %}
{% if perms.ipam.add_ipaddress %}
{{ first_available_ip }}
{% else %}
{{ first_available_ip }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ ''|placeholder }}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
{% if object.prefix.version == 4 %}
{% endif %}