from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.db.models import Q from django.db.models.expressions import RawSQL from utilities.querysets import RestrictedQuerySet class PrefixQuerySet(RestrictedQuerySet): def annotate_hierarchy(self): """ Annotate the depth and number of child prefixes for each Prefix. Cast null VRF values to zero for comparison. (NULL != NULL). """ return self.annotate( hierarchy_depth=RawSQL( 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT U0."prefix") AS "c" ' 'FROM "ipam_prefix" U0 ' 'WHERE (U0."prefix" >> "ipam_prefix"."prefix" ' 'AND COALESCE(U0."vrf_id", 0) = COALESCE("ipam_prefix"."vrf_id", 0))', () ), hierarchy_children=RawSQL( 'SELECT COUNT(U1."prefix") AS "c" ' 'FROM "ipam_prefix" U1 ' 'WHERE (U1."prefix" << "ipam_prefix"."prefix" ' 'AND COALESCE(U1."vrf_id", 0) = COALESCE("ipam_prefix"."vrf_id", 0))', () ) ) class VLANQuerySet(RestrictedQuerySet): def get_for_device(self, device): """ Return all VLANs available to the specified Device. """ from .models import VLANGroup # Find all relevant VLANGroups q = Q() if q |= Q( scope_type=ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key('dcim', 'region'), ) if q |= Q( scope_type=ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key('dcim', 'sitegroup'), ) q |= Q( scope_type=ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key('dcim', 'site'), scope_id=device.site_id ) if device.location: q |= Q( scope_type=ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key('dcim', 'location'), scope_id__in=device.location.get_ancestors(include_self=True) ) if device.rack: q |= Q( scope_type=ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key('dcim', 'rack'), scope_id=device.rack_id ) # Return all applicable VLANs return self.filter( Q(group__in=VLANGroup.objects.filter(q)) | Q( | Q(group__scope_id__isnull=True, site__isnull=True) | # Global group VLANs Q(group__isnull=True, site__isnull=True) # Global VLANs ) def get_for_virtualmachine(self, vm): """ Return all VLANs available to the specified VirtualMachine. """ from .models import VLANGroup # Find all relevant VLANGroups q = Q() site = or if vm.cluster: # Add VLANGroups scoped to the assigned cluster (or its group) q |= Q( scope_type=ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key('virtualization', 'cluster'), scope_id=vm.cluster_id ) if q |= Q( scope_type=ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key('virtualization', 'clustergroup'), scope_id=vm.cluster.group_id ) if site: # Add VLANGroups scoped to the assigned site (or its group or region) q |= Q( scope_type=ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key('dcim', 'site'), ) if site.region: q |= Q( scope_type=ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key('dcim', 'region'), scope_id__in=site.region.get_ancestors(include_self=True) ) if q |= Q( scope_type=ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key('dcim', 'sitegroup'), ) vlan_groups = VLANGroup.objects.filter(q) # Return all applicable VLANs q = ( Q(group__in=vlan_groups) | Q(group__scope_id__isnull=True, site__isnull=True) | # Global group VLANs Q(group__isnull=True, site__isnull=True) # Global VLANs ) if site: q |= Q(site=site) return self.filter(q)