import decimal import re from datetime import datetime, date import django_filters from django import forms from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField from django.core.validators import RegexValidator, ValidationError from django.db import models from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from core.models import ContentType from extras.choices import * from import CHOICE_SETS from netbox.models import ChangeLoggedModel from netbox.models.features import CloningMixin, ExportTemplatesMixin from import FieldTypes from utilities import filters from utilities.forms.fields import ( CSVChoiceField, CSVModelChoiceField, CSVModelMultipleChoiceField, CSVMultipleChoiceField, DynamicChoiceField, DynamicModelChoiceField, DynamicModelMultipleChoiceField, DynamicMultipleChoiceField, JSONField, LaxURLField, ) from utilities.forms.utils import add_blank_choice from utilities.forms.widgets import APISelect, APISelectMultiple, DatePicker, DateTimePicker from utilities.querysets import RestrictedQuerySet from utilities.templatetags.builtins.filters import render_markdown from utilities.validators import validate_regex __all__ = ( 'CustomField', 'CustomFieldChoiceSet', 'CustomFieldManager', ) SEARCH_TYPES = { CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_TEXT: FieldTypes.STRING, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_LONGTEXT: FieldTypes.STRING, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_INTEGER: FieldTypes.INTEGER, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DECIMAL: FieldTypes.FLOAT, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DATE: FieldTypes.STRING, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_URL: FieldTypes.STRING, } class CustomFieldManager(models.Manager.from_queryset(RestrictedQuerySet)): use_in_migrations = True def get_for_model(self, model): """ Return all CustomFields assigned to the given model. """ content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model._meta.concrete_model) return self.get_queryset().filter(content_types=content_type) class CustomField(CloningMixin, ExportTemplatesMixin, ChangeLoggedModel): content_types = models.ManyToManyField( to='contenttypes.ContentType', related_name='custom_fields', help_text=_('The object(s) to which this field applies.') ) type = models.CharField( verbose_name=_('type'), max_length=50, choices=CustomFieldTypeChoices, default=CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_TEXT, help_text=_('The type of data this custom field holds') ) object_type = models.ForeignKey( to='contenttypes.ContentType', on_delete=models.PROTECT, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('The type of NetBox object this field maps to (for object fields)') ) name = models.CharField( verbose_name=_('name'), max_length=50, unique=True, help_text=_('Internal field name'), validators=( RegexValidator( regex=r'^[a-z0-9_]+$', message=_("Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are allowed."), flags=re.IGNORECASE ), RegexValidator( regex=r'__', message=_("Double underscores are not permitted in custom field names."), flags=re.IGNORECASE, inverse_match=True ), ) ) label = models.CharField( verbose_name=_('label'), max_length=50, blank=True, help_text=_( "Name of the field as displayed to users (if not provided, 'the field's name will be used)" ) ) group_name = models.CharField( verbose_name=_('group name'), max_length=50, blank=True, help_text=_("Custom fields within the same group will be displayed together") ) description = models.CharField( verbose_name=_('description'), max_length=200, blank=True ) required = models.BooleanField( verbose_name=_('required'), default=False, help_text=_("If true, this field is required when creating new objects or editing an existing object.") ) search_weight = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( verbose_name=_('search weight'), default=1000, help_text=_( "Weighting for search. Lower values are considered more important. Fields with a search weight of zero " "will be ignored." ) ) filter_logic = models.CharField( verbose_name=_('filter logic'), max_length=50, choices=CustomFieldFilterLogicChoices, default=CustomFieldFilterLogicChoices.FILTER_LOOSE, help_text=_("Loose matches any instance of a given string; exact matches the entire field.") ) default = models.JSONField( verbose_name=_('default'), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_( 'Default value for the field (must be a JSON value). Encapsulate strings with double quotes (e.g. "Foo").' ) ) weight = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( default=100, verbose_name=_('display weight'), help_text=_('Fields with higher weights appear lower in a form.') ) validation_minimum = models.IntegerField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('minimum value'), help_text=_('Minimum allowed value (for numeric fields)') ) validation_maximum = models.IntegerField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('maximum value'), help_text=_('Maximum allowed value (for numeric fields)') ) validation_regex = models.CharField( blank=True, validators=[validate_regex], max_length=500, verbose_name=_('validation regex'), help_text=_( 'Regular expression to enforce on text field values. Use ^ and $ to force matching of entire string. For ' 'example, ^[A-Z]{3}$ will limit values to exactly three uppercase letters.' ) ) choice_set = models.ForeignKey( to='CustomFieldChoiceSet', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='choices_for', verbose_name=_('choice set'), blank=True, null=True ) ui_visible = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=CustomFieldUIVisibleChoices, default=CustomFieldUIVisibleChoices.ALWAYS, verbose_name=_('UI visible'), help_text=_('Specifies whether the custom field is displayed in the UI') ) ui_editable = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=CustomFieldUIEditableChoices, default=CustomFieldUIEditableChoices.YES, verbose_name=_('UI editable'), help_text=_('Specifies whether the custom field value can be edited in the UI') ) is_cloneable = models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name=_('is cloneable'), help_text=_('Replicate this value when cloning objects') ) objects = CustomFieldManager() clone_fields = ( 'content_types', 'type', 'object_type', 'group_name', 'description', 'required', 'search_weight', 'filter_logic', 'default', 'weight', 'validation_minimum', 'validation_maximum', 'validation_regex', 'choice_set', 'ui_visible', 'ui_editable', 'is_cloneable', ) class Meta: ordering = ['group_name', 'weight', 'name'] verbose_name = _('custom field') verbose_name_plural = _('custom fields') def __str__(self): return self.label or'_', ' ').capitalize() def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('extras:customfield', args=[]) @property def docs_url(self): return f'{settings.STATIC_URL}docs/models/extras/customfield/' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Cache instance's original name so we can check later whether it has changed self._name = self.__dict__.get('name') @property def search_type(self): return SEARCH_TYPES.get(self.type) @property def choices(self): if self.choice_set: return self.choice_set.choices return [] def get_ui_visible_color(self): return CustomFieldUIVisibleChoices.colors.get(self.ui_visible) def get_ui_editable_color(self): return CustomFieldUIEditableChoices.colors.get(self.ui_editable) def get_choice_label(self, value): if not hasattr(self, '_choice_map'): self._choice_map = dict(self.choices) return self._choice_map.get(value, value) def populate_initial_data(self, content_types): """ Populate initial custom field data upon either a) the creation of a new CustomField, or b) the assignment of an existing CustomField to new object types. """ for ct in content_types: model = ct.model_class() instances = model.objects.exclude(**{f'custom_field_data__contains':}) for instance in instances: instance.custom_field_data[] = self.default model.objects.bulk_update(instances, ['custom_field_data'], batch_size=100) def remove_stale_data(self, content_types): """ Delete custom field data which is no longer relevant (either because the CustomField is no longer assigned to a model, or because it has been deleted). """ for ct in content_types: model = ct.model_class() instances = model.objects.filter( for instance in instances: del instance.custom_field_data[] model.objects.bulk_update(instances, ['custom_field_data'], batch_size=100) def rename_object_data(self, old_name, new_name): """ Called when a CustomField has been renamed. Updates all assigned object data. """ for ct in self.content_types.all(): model = ct.model_class() params = {f'custom_field_data__{old_name}__isnull': False} instances = model.objects.filter(**params) for instance in instances: instance.custom_field_data[new_name] = instance.custom_field_data.pop(old_name) model.objects.bulk_update(instances, ['custom_field_data'], batch_size=100) def clean(self): super().clean() # Validate the field's default value (if any) if self.default is not None: try: if self.type in (CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_TEXT, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_LONGTEXT): default_value = str(self.default) else: default_value = self.default self.validate(default_value) except ValidationError as err: raise ValidationError({ 'default': _( 'Invalid default value "{value}": {error}' ).format(value=self.default, error=err.message) }) # Minimum/maximum values can be set only for numeric fields if self.type not in (CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_INTEGER, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DECIMAL): if self.validation_minimum: raise ValidationError({'validation_minimum': _("A minimum value may be set only for numeric fields")}) if self.validation_maximum: raise ValidationError({'validation_maximum': _("A maximum value may be set only for numeric fields")}) # Regex validation can be set only for text fields regex_types = ( CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_TEXT, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_LONGTEXT, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_URL, ) if self.validation_regex and self.type not in regex_types: raise ValidationError({ 'validation_regex': _("Regular expression validation is supported only for text and URL fields") }) # Choice set must be set on selection fields, and *only* on selection fields if self.type in ( CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_SELECT, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_MULTISELECT ): if not self.choice_set: raise ValidationError({ 'choice_set': _("Selection fields must specify a set of choices.") }) elif self.choice_set: raise ValidationError({ 'choice_set': _("Choices may be set only on selection fields.") }) # Object fields must define an object_type; other fields must not if self.type in (CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_OBJECT, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_MULTIOBJECT): if not self.object_type: raise ValidationError({ 'object_type': _("Object fields must define an object type.") }) elif self.object_type: raise ValidationError({ 'object_type': _( "{type} fields may not define an object type.") .format(type=self.get_type_display()) }) def serialize(self, value): """ Prepare a value for storage as JSON data. """ if value is None: return value if self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DATE and type(value) is date: return value.isoformat() if self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DATETIME and type(value) is datetime: return value.isoformat() if self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_OBJECT: return if self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_MULTIOBJECT: return [ for obj in value] or None return value def deserialize(self, value): """ Convert JSON data to a Python object suitable for the field type. """ if value is None: return value if self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DATE: try: return date.fromisoformat(value) except ValueError: return value if self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DATETIME: try: return datetime.fromisoformat(value) except ValueError: return value if self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_OBJECT: model = self.object_type.model_class() return model.objects.filter(pk=value).first() if self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_MULTIOBJECT: model = self.object_type.model_class() return model.objects.filter(pk__in=value) return value def to_form_field(self, set_initial=True, enforce_required=True, enforce_visibility=True, for_csv_import=False): """ Return a form field suitable for setting a CustomField's value for an object. set_initial: Set initial data for the field. This should be False when generating a field for bulk editing. enforce_required: Honor the value of CustomField.required. Set to False for filtering/bulk editing. enforce_visibility: Honor the value of CustomField.ui_visible. Set to False for filtering. for_csv_import: Return a form field suitable for bulk import of objects in CSV format. """ initial = self.default if set_initial else None required = self.required if enforce_required else False # Integer if self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_INTEGER: field = forms.IntegerField( required=required, initial=initial, min_value=self.validation_minimum, max_value=self.validation_maximum ) # Decimal elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DECIMAL: field = forms.DecimalField( required=required, initial=initial, max_digits=12, decimal_places=4, min_value=self.validation_minimum, max_value=self.validation_maximum ) # Boolean elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_BOOLEAN: choices = ( (None, '---------'), (True, _('True')), (False, _('False')), ) field = forms.NullBooleanField( required=required, initial=initial, widget=forms.Select(choices=choices) ) # Date elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DATE: field = forms.DateField(required=required, initial=initial, widget=DatePicker()) # Date & time elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DATETIME: field = forms.DateTimeField(required=required, initial=initial, widget=DateTimePicker()) # Select elif self.type in (CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_SELECT, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_MULTISELECT): choices = self.choice_set.choices default_choice = self.default if self.default in self.choices else None if not required or default_choice is None: choices = add_blank_choice(choices) # Set the initial value to the first available choice (if any) if set_initial and default_choice: initial = default_choice if for_csv_import: if self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_SELECT: field_class = CSVChoiceField else: field_class = CSVMultipleChoiceField field = field_class(choices=choices, required=required, initial=initial) else: if self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_SELECT: field_class = DynamicChoiceField widget_class = APISelect else: field_class = DynamicMultipleChoiceField widget_class = APISelectMultiple field = field_class( choices=choices, required=required, initial=initial, widget=widget_class(api_url=f'/api/extras/custom-field-choice-sets/{}/choices/') ) # URL elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_URL: field = LaxURLField(required=required, initial=initial) # JSON elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_JSON: field = JSONField(required=required, initial=initial) # Object elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_OBJECT: model = self.object_type.model_class() field_class = CSVModelChoiceField if for_csv_import else DynamicModelChoiceField field = field_class( queryset=model.objects.all(), required=required, initial=initial ) # Multiple objects elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_MULTIOBJECT: model = self.object_type.model_class() field_class = CSVModelMultipleChoiceField if for_csv_import else DynamicModelMultipleChoiceField field = field_class( queryset=model.objects.all(), required=required, initial=initial, ) # Text else: widget = forms.Textarea if self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_LONGTEXT else None field = forms.CharField(required=required, initial=initial, widget=widget) if self.validation_regex: field.validators = [ RegexValidator( regex=self.validation_regex, message=mark_safe(_("Values must match this regex: {regex}").format( regex=self.validation_regex )) ) ] field.model = self field.label = str(self) if self.description: field.help_text = render_markdown(self.description) # Annotate read-only fields if enforce_visibility and self.ui_editable != CustomFieldUIEditableChoices.YES: field.disabled = True prepend = '
' if field.help_text else '' field.help_text += f'{prepend} ' + _('Field is not editable.') return field def to_filter(self, lookup_expr=None): """ Return a django_filters Filter instance suitable for this field type. :param lookup_expr: Custom lookup expression (optional) """ kwargs = { 'field_name': f'custom_field_data__{}' } if lookup_expr is not None: kwargs['lookup_expr'] = lookup_expr # Text/URL if self.type in ( CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_TEXT, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_LONGTEXT, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_URL, ): filter_class = filters.MultiValueCharFilter if self.filter_logic == CustomFieldFilterLogicChoices.FILTER_LOOSE: kwargs['lookup_expr'] = 'icontains' # Integer elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_INTEGER: filter_class = filters.MultiValueNumberFilter # Decimal elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DECIMAL: filter_class = filters.MultiValueDecimalFilter # Boolean elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_BOOLEAN: filter_class = django_filters.BooleanFilter # Date elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DATE: filter_class = filters.MultiValueDateFilter # Date & time elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DATETIME: filter_class = filters.MultiValueDateTimeFilter # Select elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_SELECT: filter_class = filters.MultiValueCharFilter # Multiselect elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_MULTISELECT: filter_class = filters.MultiValueCharFilter kwargs['lookup_expr'] = 'has_key' # Object elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_OBJECT: filter_class = filters.MultiValueNumberFilter # Multi-object elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_MULTIOBJECT: filter_class = filters.MultiValueNumberFilter kwargs['lookup_expr'] = 'contains' # Unsupported custom field type else: return None filter_instance = filter_class(**kwargs) filter_instance.custom_field = self return filter_instance def validate(self, value): """ Validate a value according to the field's type validation rules. """ if value not in [None, '']: # Validate text field if self.type in (CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_TEXT, CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_LONGTEXT): if type(value) is not str: raise ValidationError(_("Value must be a string.")) if self.validation_regex and not re.match(self.validation_regex, value): raise ValidationError(_("Value must match regex '{regex}'").format(regex=self.validation_regex)) # Validate integer elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_INTEGER: if type(value) is not int: raise ValidationError(_("Value must be an integer.")) if self.validation_minimum is not None and value < self.validation_minimum: raise ValidationError( _("Value must be at least {minimum}").format(minimum=self.validation_maximum) ) if self.validation_maximum is not None and value > self.validation_maximum: raise ValidationError( _("Value must not exceed {maximum}").format(maximum=self.validation_maximum) ) # Validate decimal elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DECIMAL: try: decimal.Decimal(value) except decimal.InvalidOperation: raise ValidationError(_("Value must be a decimal.")) if self.validation_minimum is not None and value < self.validation_minimum: raise ValidationError( _("Value must be at least {minimum}").format(minimum=self.validation_minimum) ) if self.validation_maximum is not None and value > self.validation_maximum: raise ValidationError( _("Value must not exceed {maximum}").format(maximum=self.validation_maximum) ) # Validate boolean elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_BOOLEAN and value not in [True, False, 1, 0]: raise ValidationError(_("Value must be true or false.")) # Validate date elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DATE: if type(value) is not date: try: date.fromisoformat(value) except ValueError: raise ValidationError(_("Date values must be in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).")) # Validate date & time elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_DATETIME: if type(value) is not datetime: try: datetime.fromisoformat(value) except ValueError: raise ValidationError( _("Date and time values must be in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).") ) # Validate selected choice elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_SELECT: if value not in self.choice_set.values: raise ValidationError( _("Invalid choice ({value}) for choice set {choiceset}.").format( value=value, choiceset=self.choice_set ) ) # Validate all selected choices elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_MULTISELECT: if not set(value).issubset(self.choice_set.values): raise ValidationError( _("Invalid choice(s) ({value}) for choice set {choiceset}.").format( value=value, choiceset=self.choice_set ) ) # Validate selected object elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_OBJECT: if type(value) is not int: raise ValidationError(_("Value must be an object ID, not {type}").format(type=type(value).__name__)) # Validate selected objects elif self.type == CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_MULTIOBJECT: if type(value) is not list: raise ValidationError( _("Value must be a list of object IDs, not {type}").format(type=type(value).__name__) ) for id in value: if type(id) is not int: raise ValidationError(_("Found invalid object ID: {id}").format(id=id)) elif self.required: raise ValidationError(_("Required field cannot be empty.")) class CustomFieldChoiceSet(CloningMixin, ExportTemplatesMixin, ChangeLoggedModel): """ Represents a set of choices available for choice and multi-choice custom fields. """ name = models.CharField( max_length=100, unique=True ) description = models.CharField( max_length=200, blank=True ) base_choices = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=CustomFieldChoiceSetBaseChoices, blank=True, help_text=_('Base set of predefined choices (optional)') ) extra_choices = ArrayField( ArrayField( base_field=models.CharField(max_length=100), size=2 ), blank=True, null=True ) order_alphabetically = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text=_('Choices are automatically ordered alphabetically') ) clone_fields = ('extra_choices', 'order_alphabetically') class Meta: ordering = ('name',) verbose_name = _('custom field choice set') verbose_name_plural = _('custom field choice sets') def __str__(self): return def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('extras:customfieldchoiceset', args=[]) @property def choices(self): """ Returns a concatenation of the base and extra choices. """ if not hasattr(self, '_choices'): self._choices = [] if self.base_choices: self._choices.extend(CHOICE_SETS.get(self.base_choices)) if self.extra_choices: self._choices.extend(self.extra_choices) if self.order_alphabetically: self._choices = sorted(self._choices, key=lambda x: x[0]) return self._choices @property def choices_count(self): return len(self.choices) @property def values(self): """ Returns an iterator of the valid choice values. """ return (x[0] for x in self.choices) def clean(self): if not self.base_choices and not self.extra_choices: raise ValidationError(_("Must define base or extra choices.")) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # Sort choices if alphabetical ordering is enforced if self.order_alphabetically: self.extra_choices = sorted(self.extra_choices, key=lambda x: x[0]) return super().save(*args, **kwargs)